APP - Donald Trump vindicated

Allow us to follow the logic of a single piece of media commentary. This report just came in, Anne and Authur Smith were taken up in a spaceship but returned to their automobile. Both husband and wife confirm abduction. Bigfoot was spotted on Highway One by John Anders, John forgot his camera and his picture from his cell phone came too late. Flying saucers were reported in the Arizona desert today, citizens there report seeing them often and some report seeing aliens shopping in local Walmart. When asked why they thought they were aliens many noted they were dressed neatly and walked straight up. Bob Berber of Montana was interviewed today by Brightbart media, Bob claims to have seen the Lock Ness monster in Fort Peck lake. More to follow. The interested reader can check the 'National Enquirer' for more breaking news - if they say it it must be true.
So Breitbart publishes a 15 year old allegation that a TV Journalist "may" have seen 8 unidentified persons cheering on a rooftop and somehow Donald Trumps comment is vindicated? Right!!
The fact that we are trying to "vindicate" this absurdity is telling proof of the sad electoral state of the modern GOP party. If this silliness continues into March, they will be crushed in 2016 by a fairly bad candidate. But they will certainly maintain the governorships of Oklahoma and Mississippi.......
The fact that we are trying to "vindicate" this absurdity is telling proof of the sad electoral state of the modern GOP party. If this silliness continues into March, they will be crushed in 2016 by a fairly bad candidate. But they will certainly maintain the governorships of Oklahoma and Mississippi.......

"What difference does it make ?"
There is no shortage of bad candidates.
The fact that we are trying to "vindicate" this absurdity is telling proof of the sad electoral state of the modern GOP party. If this silliness continues into March, they will be crushed in 2016 by a fairly bad candidate. But they will certainly maintain the governorships of Oklahoma and Mississippi.......

"What difference does it make ?"
There is no shortage of bad candidates.
The fact that we are trying to "vindicate" this absurdity is telling proof of the sad electoral state of the modern GOP party. If this silliness continues into March, they will be crushed in 2016 by a fairly bad candidate. But they will certainly maintain the governorships of Oklahoma and Mississippi.......
I actually think that's a bit unfair as the rest of the GOP field has denounced Trump for his bigoted comments.
I actually think that's a bit unfair as the rest of the GOP field has denounced Trump for his bigoted comments.

Except for Ted Cruz, perhaps, but your point is taken.

The problem with the GOP is not so much the slate of candidates, but rather the "base" and the machinery of the party. Stuck in a bit of an electoral tailspin (at least on the Presidential side), the path to nomination in most places can only occur by appealing to an increasingly shrinking base of the white populist right; under-educated, under-earning, and diminishing in importance and number but growing in anger. Since 2008, this group has shown it cannot carry a Presidential election.

I do believe that as a whole, America is a slightly center-right country politically. Which is what makes this so astounding - in recent times, such rhetoric would have been limited to fringe candidates in the impoverished south. Today, it is not only discussed loudly within the GOP base, but endorsed by a seeming plurality of registered Republicans. What a sad fall from Mitt Romney (which is a sad statement in its own right).

Much as Obama could not have existed without W. Bush, Trump could not have existed without Obama. Unlike Obama, he will certainly not be President and has no "purple" element to him, but with leave a crap-stain on the GOP not easily washed off. By the mid-2020s, the changing demographics of America will make all of this a very moot point (when Texas goes Blue, the party is over), but the GOP can either painfully swim against the currents of demographics or get washed into the sewer by that same river.
Except for Ted Cruz, perhaps, but your point is taken.

The problem with the GOP is not so much the slate of candidates, but rather the "base" and the machinery of the party. Stuck in a bit of an electoral tailspin (at least on the Presidential side), the path to nomination in most places can only occur by appealing to an increasingly shrinking base of the white populist right; under-educated, under-earning, and diminishing in importance and number but growing in anger. Since 2008, this group has shown it cannot carry a Presidential election.

I do believe that as a whole, America is a slightly center-right country politically. Which is what makes this so astounding - in recent times, such rhetoric would have been limited to fringe candidates in the impoverished south. Today, it is not only discussed loudly within the GOP base, but endorsed by a seeming plurality of registered Republicans. What a sad fall from Mitt Romney (which is a sad statement in its own right).

Much as Obama could not have existed without W. Bush, Trump could not have existed without Obama. Unlike Obama, he will certainly not be President and has no "purple" element to him, but with leave a crap-stain on the GOP not easily washed off. By the mid-2020s, the changing demographics of America will make all of this a very moot point (when Texas goes Blue, the party is over), but the GOP can either painfully swim against the currents of demographics or get washed into the sewer by that same river.

It blows my mind. I was a young Republican in college back in the early 80's and if I made the statement back then that "I believe in egalitarianism and that we are all Keynesians." I would have been applauded and patted on the back. Today it makes me a bleeding heart, red-shirted, commie, pinko, liberal. Hell a few weeks ago I saw several conservative friends post a meme on Facebook quoting Putin on how Russia treats minorities and how Obama should be more like Putin in that respect.

To say that I read that in stunned disbelief is putting it mildly. Did these folks have any clue what they were saying or having any idea of it's significance?
Here it is. Anyone who sincerely believes in what Putin is saying here does not understand American values or history.

The fact that we are trying to "vindicate" this absurdity is telling proof of the sad electoral state of the modern GOP party. If this silliness continues into March, they will be crushed in 2016 by a fairly bad candidate. But they will certainly maintain the governorships of Oklahoma and Mississippi.......
The polling data I've seen, if taken State by State, shows that if the election is between Hilliary and Trump that Hilliary would win 330 EV's to 211 EV's for Trump.
The polling data I've seen, if taken State by State, shows that if the election is between Hilliary and Trump that Hilliary would win 330 EV's to 211 EV's for Trump.

He takes the Deep South and the Plains states in these polls, I presume..........

If you ask me, Trump will probably lose Louisiana and Georgia, almost certainly North Carolina, and perhaps Missouri. It would be a cathartic GOP bloodletting of 1964 vintage. Roughly 380 to 160 by my accounting. I'd bet a bit of cash on it.
Given the GOP primary schedule I'd say the odds look good for Trump. The first 14 primaries are about 50:50 in Trumps favor and the usual winnowing of the pack will occur and Trump should do well....but the 15th Primary is Texas and Trump could lock up the nomination, for all intents and purposes with Texas and he is currently polling real well in Texas. 8 of the first 14 primaries are in the deep South where Trump, again, polls real well. If I was a beating man I'd bet against the conventional wisdom based on the State by State polling numbers and a GOP primary that's front loaded with States from the deep south. I think Trump has an excellent shot at winning the GOP nomination.

Of course that would be catastrophic for the GOP in the long term as it would mark the GOP as the "angry white redneck" party. Which it pretty much is.
Mass media today which includes the internet, 24 hour cable talk, along with the right wing take over of radio has made stupidity a virtue. How did that happen. Say something completely wrong or totally off the wall and instead of being ridiculed you are just another point of view. Why Fox will even take you serious. This book, 'Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free' by Charles P. Pierce, covers it well. But why?

"The coverage of our elections, too, is no help. It has a fairy tale feel to it. Our national press pretends that they are dealing with men and women of principle, offering carefully thought-out solutions to our nation’s problems, rather than groveling servants of billionaires who finance their campaigns; and that the voters these candidates try to persuade in the primaries are well-informed and well-meaning Americans and not people who by and large get their information from Fox TV and hate radio. “Lobotomized by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage” is how a friend describes a neighbor of his. In other words, someone unreachable by anyone who doesn’t believe that Obama is a Muslim or a Communist, that Planned Parenthood dismembers living children and sells their body parts for cash, and that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden had a pet dinosaur.

"Every country in the world has dimwits and crooks in politics, but no country treats them with greater respect than we do—or with such gutlessness. Some con man who claims on a Sunday morning talk show that global warming is a hoax and every scientist who claims otherwise is faking it, or argues that if the rich in this country paid no taxes, their wealth would trickle down to the rest of us, is treated with respect and mildly queried, without being reminded that what he is proposing has not only been discredited repeatedly, but known back in the old days as the horse-and-sparrow theory of economics: If you feed the horse enough oats, some of them will pass through for the sparrows." Charles Simic
The polling data I've seen, if taken State by State, shows that if the election is between Hilliary and Trump that Hilliary would win 330 EV's to 211 EV's for Trump.

The election is a long time out, but this data does help me sleep at night.
He takes the Deep South and the Plains states in these polls, I presume..........

If you ask me, Trump will probably lose Louisiana and Georgia, almost certainly North Carolina, and perhaps Missouri. It would be a cathartic GOP bloodletting of 1964 vintage. Roughly 380 to 160 by my accounting. I'd bet a bit of cash on it.

Ultimately it might be good for the Republican party. Burn it down and rebuild it without the bigots and religious nuts.
Ultimately it might be good for the Republican party. Burn it down and rebuild it without the bigots and religious nuts.

Where do the "bigots and religious nuts" go? I think you underestimate how entrenched lower-educated White trash is in local GOP machinery; for all their faults, the Democrats are at least organized and have more "smart people" sweeping the loonies under the rug come election time. In the GOP, they are front and center.

Honestly, if not for a few weirdo economic redistribution and climate change fantasy types, Wall Street and corporate America would be totally in the Democratic camp. When that happens, you are left with Rednecks who make less than $60k a year and people who own Ace Hardware franchises as your "power base". You need more than a irrational fear of brown people to win a national election.....