APP - Donald Trump vindicated

Where do the "bigots and religious nuts" go? I think you underestimate how entrenched lower-educated White trash is in local GOP machinery; for all their faults, the Democrats are at least organized and have more "smart people" sweeping the loonies under the rug come election time. In the GOP, they are front and center.

Honestly, if not for a few weirdo economic redistribution and climate change fantasy types, Wall Street and corporate America would be totally in the Democratic camp. When that happens, you are left with Rednecks who make less than $60k a year and people who own Ace Hardware franchises as your "power base". You need more than a irrational fear of brown people to win a national election.....

If Trump is out, I would hope the Bigots would disperse among other candidates and thus bigotry would not be the defining factor of the Republican nominee.

I wish the Republicans would force the bigots out, let them drift in the wilderness, but they get a strong voice because without them the GOP would have a much harder time winning.
Ultimately it might be good for the Republican party. Burn it down and rebuild it without the bigots and religious nuts.

It is not the "bigots and religious nuts" who want to deport the mass of illegal aliens, close the border, stop the anchor baby nonsense, etc.; the people who want to do so cut right across party and liberal-conservative lines.

If Trump does not win, and the new president does not take major steps to stop the mass inflow of illegals, and begin a serious, real campaign to deport those here (not like the bogus deportation of 300 people obama is tossing out now), I believe a civil uprising might be in the cards.

If regular people like me have gotten so fed up with the current system, where I am subsidizing corporate america and huge numbers of illegals - just for a slightly cheaper food prices - and stop paying my taxes for 1-2 quarters, you will literally have anarchy. If a guy like me has reached this level of frustration, I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of anger the 90 million unemployed and lesser employed americans must feel, and they will drive whatever current regime in power out if they decide to.

Second, RE: the OP I do not know either way if NJ muslims were celebrating the 9/11 attacks, but I DO KNOW FOR A FACT that muslims worldwide were celebrating it, and were highly supportive of the attacks, even in alleged allies like Egypt.
If Trump is out, I would hope the Bigots would disperse among other candidates and thus bigotry would not be the defining factor of the Republican nominee.

I wish the Republicans would force the bigots out, let them drift in the wilderness, but they get a strong voice because without them the GOP would have a much harder time winning.

I see the liberals accuse Trump, Republicans, other candidates, etc of being "bigots," "racist", etc., but when confronted with the question "what exactly is bigoted about protecting this country's borders, deporting those illegally here, maintaining our current cultural/demographic makeup, etc like EVERY other country does - the liberals vanish like cockroaches under a flashlight.

EVERY other country, particularly in central and south america - the very places ludicrously attacking the US for expelling their people - are highly selective of who they grant permanent visas to. But I guess that makes sense when half of your economy comes in the form of remittances from the populace you send abroad to illegally invade the US.

According to the liberal mindset - when one looks at other countries protecting their citizens and economies by preventing mass inflows of illegals, they call it "smart" policy, but when the US does it, who ALREADY takes in half the world's immigrants - it is "racist."

When labels are used in place of rational debate, the argument is pretty much over.
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Times change and so do political parties.

The national democratic party in the late 50s and early 60s became the party of the large government handout program, whether it be for public employee union workers, immigrants, illegals, etc., buying votes with handouts paid for by other americans. When is it going to become a party that actually looks to protect the interests of american citizens again?