Donald Trump's War on the Pedophile Elites


Sex Trafficking has been taking a beatdown ever since Trump took office. Arrests are skyrocketing, sites are getting shut down, and the America is becoming a better place. Watch this video to see how the Trump Administration has fought sex trafficking and pedophilia in his first term in office.

If you liked this video, I encourage you to look up a youtube series entitled Systemic Pedophilia by Dauntless Dialogue. The list of cases in this video came from an article entitled Master List by Dauntless Dialogue. All praise should be directed at them. I just condensed the information and shared it on Youtube.

Facts are irrelevant to Trump supporters.

They support him because he annoys people who they know are simply better than they are.

Trump supporters are mostly inbred, uneducated losers who've barely ever been out of their hicksville home towns.
They don't read books. They don't have passports. They can't construct a grammatically correct sentence.
They throw away what money that they have on more guns that they don't need or into the donation baskets at their redneck churches.

They're not too dumb to know that they're dumber than shit, however, so they hate "elites" who can read and write,
and they vote for the orange pigfucker because they see that as a way of getting even for being looked down upon.

Well, since Trump "won" in 2016, we look down at them with more mocking contempt than ever.
Exactly no one has ever accused Dems of being able to focus on more than one thing.

That's beside the point. We're saying that Trumpcucks don't really believe Trump is going after elitist pedos. This is just a distraction from Trump's dumpster fire presidency.
That's beside the point. We're saying that Trumpcucks don't really believe Trump is going after elitist pedos. This is just a distraction from Trump's dumpster fire presidency.

It is also can be added to Trump's list of accomplishments unless you like pedophiles. In that case, I can see why it would be no big deal.