DONE DEAL: Trump already has won reelection

@bat shit Guno: I don't know what you said, since you are on my ignore list, but you guys claimed that Trump would never be President. You said that the bitch would win in a landslide. lol. Keep dreaming. There's a new sheriff in town and he's draining the swamp. Get used to it.
Demographics aren't your friend if you are white and christian

Millennials and people of color, the voters of the future, are finding the GOP radioactively unsupportable. If you back the president and think the foregoing point is just sour grapes from a Never Trumper, you should stop reading now. There’s survey evidence corroborating Republicans’ long-term peril.

Online pollster SurveyMonkey asked more than 600,000 Americans last year their view of Trump. The results, in line with other polls, showed more people disapproving of the president’s job than approving. But it was the breakdown of who precisely approves and disapproves that’s revealing.

SurveyMonkey found that, among most white Millennials, disapproval of Trump runs a staggering 62 to 76 percent. Among white male Millennials without college, part of his base, Trump’s approval-disapproval rates were an underwhelming 49-49 tie.

Overwhelming majorities of African-Americans disapprove of Trump’s performance. Among Hispanics, his highest approvals come from men over 50; among Hispanic women of all age groups, he’s toxic.

In short, Trump hasn’t solved the demographic dilemma that troubled Republican pollster Whit Ayres even before the billionaire declared his candidacy: “Groups that form the core of GOP support — older whites, blue-collar whites, married people and rural residents — are declining as a proportion of the electorate. Groups that lean Democratic — minorities, young people and single women — are growing.”

For now, many white voters fear the inevitable browning of America. That fact, plus Hillary Clinton’s shortcomings and the idiosyncrasy of the Electoral College, handed Trump victory. But SurveyMonkey found that his antics last year cost him support among two groups that were critical to his 2016 coalition.

That year, 66 percent of whites without college degrees voted for him, but his first year in office shaved 10 points off that support. Meanwhile, white voters with four years of college gave the Donald 48 percent of their votes two years ago. Now, just 40 percent approve of him.
This Dem slogan about demographics was copyrighted in about 2000, and has been renewed every two years since. Let's see how it plays out for 2018 and 2020.
Demographics aren't your friend if you are white and christian

Millennials and people of color, the voters of the future, are finding the GOP radioactively unsupportable. There’s survey evidence corroborating Republicans’ long-term peril.

Online pollster SurveyMonkey asked more than 600,000 Americans last year their view of Trump. The results, in line with other polls, showed more people disapproving of the president’s job than approving. But it was the breakdown of who precisely approves and disapproves that’s revealing.

The poll only deals with disapproval of Trump, not the long-term support for Republicans. LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Bush all had very low approval ratings at one time but that did not predict the long-term prospects for their party. Young people were more likely to vote Democratic until the 1980s when younger voters supported Reagan at a higher rate than older voters. Changing issues and demographics makes it impossible to predict long-term party trends based on past history.

Democratic posters seem more obsessed about how well they are going to do in the future rather than current politics.
I love this quote:

If a Democratic “blue wave” is coming, it must have already broken on far-off “reality reef!”

Some people just have way with words. I've come up with a few good ones, but some people can just pull them out of their a$$ whenever they need one. Needless to say, I'm jealous.
Manafort just got charged for witness tampering. that is a big time mafia class crime. There is a lot of crap going to blow up before midterms.
Manafort just got charged for witness tampering. that is a big time mafia class crime. There is a lot of crap going to blow up before midterms.

You think that has something to do with Trump?

Manafort's work in Ukraine was done on behalf of a company belonging to Hillary's campaign manager and his brother.