Don't Be A Chump. Vote For TRUMP!

There are many things wrong with our politicians. One of the biggest things is that they are so easily bought and paid for. But Trump is already a multi billioniare. Which would make it harder to bribe him. On that standpoint alone, you should vote for Trump. Also, many republicans are apparently against him. That PROVES he must be doing something right. Another thing is that though Trump may not be perfect, he is a hell of a lot better choice than globalization Hillary.

Oh, he is probably going to have to raise money if he hopes to win and is already finding it difficult.

As he becomes desperate who knows to whom and what he will sale.
He already had a closed-door meeting with big money lobbyists at Trump Tower. I hear it didn't go well. They don't trust his promises.
He already had a closed-door meeting with big money lobbyists at Trump Tower. I hear it didn't go well. They don't trust his promises.

Trump has a short fuse, is use to getting his way and is known for taking his ball and going home, in the business world, what makes anyone think he will be different in his Presidential dealings, maybe these lobbyist know him or know of him and understand that he can not be trusted.
Trump has a short fuse, is use to getting his way and is known for taking his ball and going home, in the business world, what makes anyone think he will be different in his Presidential dealings, maybe these lobbyist know him or know of him and understand that he can not be trusted.

I heard he was willing to sell the Oval Office to the lobbyists lock, stock, and barrel, but because of his track record of lying and failing to hold up his end of a deal they wouldn't buy.

Now he has to beg the Chinese and Russians to bail him out.
Putting aside your flawed point that Trump would do any if those things, consider this. Trimp would be elected president. Not dictator. He would have congress to deal with. Also, ever watch the documentary, "The Corporation?" Corporations are psychopathic and sociopathic entities. (Along with other highly unplesant things) All the lobyists and all the politicians who do their bidding need to be taken out and shot! Even if Trump was every bad thing you said he was, he would be miles above where things stand now.

1. He recently revoked the press credentials that allow Washington Post reporters access to his campaign rallies. They join Politico, BuzzFeed, the Des Moines Register and the Huffington Post. In recent months, his staff has roughed up a reporter and threw another one out of a press event, insulted journalists, and blasted unfavorable news coverage.
2. He claimed Mexico was sending rapists and drug dealers here, along with a few that he supposes are ok. He thinks a judge who was born here of two American citizens is biased against him because of his Mexican heritage. He wants to ban all Muslims (that would have included Muhammad Ali) from even returning to the US from abroad. ??? What the fuck? Your religion determines your civil rights?
3. He lobbied long and hard in Scotland to ban that wind farm. He failed.
4. He has saber-rattled nuclear weapons his entire presidential run. The specifics defy a short list.

Your answer to these truths is that Trump wouldn't do what he boldly claims he would do? Then why elect him? Could Congress keep his short little tiny fingers off the nuclear button? Then why elect him? If we need to depend on the safeguards of Congress and the Supreme Court to keep him at bay, again... why elect him? The Trump Organization is the very worst of corporatism. From Trump steaks (horrible) to Trump U (total money-grabbing scheme), the man is a draft-dodging, tax-evading, weasel that uses undocumented workers while claiming to build an unfeasible wall to keep them out. Trump is every bad thing that I say he is, so by your own words... I wait with bated breath until you take him out and shoot him.
Trump has a short fuse, is use to getting his way and is known for taking his ball and going home, in the business world, what makes anyone think he will be different in his Presidential dealings, maybe these lobbyist know him or know of him and understand that he can not be trusted.

If Trump wasn't a multi billioniare and needed their money real bad, I bet the lobyists would be much more trusting of him.
1. He recently revoked the press credentials that allow Washington Post reporters access to his campaign rallies. They join Politico, BuzzFeed, the Des Moines Register and the Huffington Post. In recent months, his staff has roughed up a reporter and threw another one out of a press event, insulted journalists, and blasted unfavorable news coverage.
2. He claimed Mexico was sending rapists and drug dealers here, along with a few that he supposes are ok. He thinks a judge who was born here of two American citizens is biased against him because of his Mexican heritage. He wants to ban all Muslims (that would have included Muhammad Ali) from even returning to the US from abroad. ??? What the fuck? Your religion determines your civil rights?
3. He lobbied long and hard in Scotland to ban that wind farm. He failed.
4. He has saber-rattled nuclear weapons his entire presidential run. The specifics defy a short list.

Your answer to these truths is that Trump wouldn't do what he boldly claims he would do? Then why elect him? Could Congress keep his short little tiny fingers off the nuclear button? Then why elect him? If we need to depend on the safeguards of Congress and the Supreme Court to keep him at bay, again... why elect him? The Trump Organization is the very worst of corporatism. From Trump steaks (horrible) to Trump U (total money-grabbing scheme), the man is a draft-dodging, tax-evading, weasel that uses undocumented workers while claiming to build an unfeasible wall to keep them out. Trump is every bad thing that I say he is, so by your own words... I wait with bated breath until you take him out and shoot him.

1. Like most people, even reporters have a political agenda. Maybe the reason Trump threw them out was because they were asking questions that favored the reporters political beliefs. Who knows. But I remember Reagan trying to make things difficult for the poor declaring bankruptsy or making things difficult for whistleblowers. Those things are FAR worse.
2. Where are those rapists and drug dealers coming from. Pakistan? It would be pretty stupid for him to blame Pakistan for the illegal mexicans who come here. Next, blood is thicker than borders. If you take a stand against mexico, the opinion of any mexican here, legal or not, is likely to be biased. Next, mohammed ali should have been lynched. The mislim religion is a religion of war and intollerance. Hell, mohammed himself is said to heve personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife.
3. As to the wind farm thing, I never said that Trump was perfect. He just happens to be way way way way way better than Bill Clintons piece of ass.
4. I have heard Trump saying that he would carpet bomb the muslim enemies. But I never heard any talk of nukes. Also, I think Trump would be smart to back Assad in Syria instead of the various groups of mislim extremist-radical rebels.

I will comment on some of the rest of your inane rant. As far as I know, Trump isn't responsible for blasting off the tops of mountains to get at coal instead of hiring miners. Neither do I think he is involved in fracking or causing earthquakes by pumping toxic water underground. Also, there is no doubt that Hillary wouldn't hesitate to kiss any corporate ass she could.
You, my friend (not), are a full-fledged racist. I do NOT ever want to read another post by you, you lynching, white supremacist, asshat. And by asshat, I mean that in the most vile way that is possible. You would have lynched Mohammed Ali? Take your swastika tattoos and shove them so far up your ass that you meet your maker, who will undoubtedly shove them even further up your cunt.

You don't even know the difference between your pimples and your principles. Ali did.
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Tell me how to post a full image, please. I want to show the horror of lynching. But all I get from uploading an image is a thumbnail. How do I post a real image? Please, I beg. Is it a php code? An html code? What the fuck will allow me to post a reasonably sized image?
Tell me how to post a full image, please. I want to show the horror of lynching. But all I get from uploading an image is a thumbnail. How do I post a real image? Please, I beg. Is it a php code? An html code? What the fuck will allow me to post a reasonably sized image?

Tell me how to post a full image, please. I want to show the horror of lynching. But all I get from uploading an image is a thumbnail. How do I post a real image? Please, I beg. Is it a php code? An html code? What the fuck will allow me to post a reasonably sized image?

In your last post you said that you didn't want to read anything else I wrote. So what in the hell are you doing sending me another post. As for pictures of lynched negroes, I wish I had my wall covered with them. I will send you some pictures of a few of the tens of thousands of White children brutally murdered by negroes in various ways here in the U.S. If you are White, you are indirectly respnsible for their murders. How does THAT make you feel. If they come out too large, just temporarily decrease your page size to 80% or whatever to see the whole picture.


  • Murdered By negroes 1.jpg
    Murdered By negroes 1.jpg
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I will include a couple more photos of White people murdered by negroes in South Africa. No doubt the photos of White people, including White children, here in the U.S. are every bit as gruesome. Most if not all of them would make a picture of a lynched negro look pretty by comparison.


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For more reasons why negroes got lynched, maybe these statistics can shed some light on it.


  • 2007 Murders by race - age.jpg
    2007 Murders by race - age.jpg
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