Don't blame the oil 'speculators'

967. Question about gas attack of 965 (6/26/2017)

Are you suggesting that your wife is in on a government plot to poison you?

If any of what you said were true, hundreds of people around would be getting sick as well. You cannot target a single individual with an airborne gas without affecting other people in the area.

Chill out and take some pepto.

Yes, I think so. One tactic the Feds uses is to provoke married couple(or other family members) so they can benefit from the family conflict. Though my wife doesn't necessarily involve in direct poison, she may passively join in. e.g. in this gas poison attempt, she left the door opened in the name of "to fresh the air inside the house". I think that's the order from her handler. My wife maybe even not know what is it for.

1. Drone now is a popular flying tool. There should be no problem for them to spread liquid precisely in victim's yard. Those drones Amazon even used to deliver small packages.

2. VX is very slow to evaporate and is therefore usually found as a viscous liquid, similar in texture to motor oil or honey. It's not a material easy to be diffused.

3. The Feds (FBI and DEA) have moved residents in my area away already. What left in my neighborhood are agents and informants. They should have been noticed to leave if there is a danger.

*Neighboring People I knew were dead or moved.
#10. The death of old people

My daughter had three playmates at that time. They knew each other in the park next to us. They lived in same street. After the drug case, (about in 1992)the girls' parents moved away with them, Leaving three old people in their houses. The three old people are: grandma Lin, grandma Huang and grandpa Huang. It's unusual because in Asian' tradition, working parents used to let grandparents foster children. The girls age were 3-5 years old then.

Then on March 1999, I left for South-east Asia because I could not bear the torture of EM wave. (Although I don't know exactly what kind of wave they are using, electric-magnet wave is the best word for it. Microwave is one kind of it.) Within months after my leaving, all three old people died. It seems that they will eliminate those who know my story. I worry about those young people's lives if their death could not been explained as old. I'm afraid law enforcement agent will frame them in some case,(drug case is the easiest one) and then kill them in custody by the hands of gang members in jail.

*community several blocks away from my house are emptied already.
#733. Swimming pool speaks (8/20/2012)

In 1990s, when I abandoned driving, I used to walk to the super markets. I was impressed by the large noise of cheering children in a swimming pool along Amberwood Ln which is cross High Way 680 from my house. The pool belongs to a Condo community. Probably started from 2000, the children disappeared. I was too, impressed by the dead silence when I passed that swimming pool. The Feds must have moved all families away. (at least the families with children) I realized how large scale the case was that the Feds applied on me.

This year, I learned the skill to post the picture to the internet. On August 5, Sunday, between 4 pm to 5:30 pm, I took pictures of the two swimming pools near my residence. Summer will end. New school year will soon start. The swimming pool is as dead as it was in recent decade.


8/5/2012 Sunday 4pm Amberwood Ln.

8/5/2012 5:30pm Sunday Alves Circle, Croply Rd.
1,2. Swimming pool
3. Public park
4. Small World Pre-school

968. The Feds behaves like Mafia (7/2/2017)

There was a news on 2/22/2017. I think it is a poison threat from the Feds after their 2/19 case failed to go through. The case was signaled by Trump's fake "terrorist attack on Sweden" and "Oroville dam crisis". (See #947, 948. Frame a case on 2/19 (2/18/2017), 949,950.)

Texas to feral pigs: It's time for the 'hog apocalypse' to begin

Maria Gallucci Mashable•Feb 22, 2017,

Sid Miller, the state's agriculture commissioner, just approved a pesticide — called "Kaput Feral Hog Lure" — for statewide use.

"This solution is long overdue," he added. "Wild hogs have caused extensive damage to Texas lands and loss of income for many, many years."

Texas's agriculture commission estimates that feral hogs cause $52 million in damage each year to agricultural businesses by tearing up crops and pastures, knocking down fences and ruining equipment.

The so-called hog lure is derived from warfarin, a blood-thinning agent that's also used to kill rats and mice in homes and buildings. Animals don't die immediately from eating the odorless, tasteless chemical. That would be too kind. Instead, they keep eating it until the anti-clotting properties cause them to bleed to death internally.

This week, Miller approved a rule change in the Texas Administrative Code that allows landowners and agricultural producers to use Kaput — essentially warfarin-laced pellets — to keep feral hogs off their property."feral-hog.html

It's the word "That would be too kind." reminds me this is not an ordinary news but a torture death threat. The Feds used to symbolize me with pig. See (#967. Chinese traditionally symbolize year with twelve animals. I was born in the year of pig.)

The gas poison (VX?) I talked about in #965 is a torture poison. The pain lasted nearly about an hour and so painful that caused sweating.
969. Poison information for sharing (7/9/2017)

The poison derived from warfaring talked in last message is not long overdue. They had used it on me long time ago. What they approved should be that gas poison - VX. it's new and hard to be discovered - To kill in the form of gas or rain. But they can't say it's a chemical gas, so use "derived from warfaring" instead.

Sometime ago, I frequently felt a bloody smell from stomach after eating something. I abandoned the food and think that probably was a kind of poison eroded the membrane of stomach that caused bleeding. Now this news said it is a blood thinning agent.

One kind of poison is a popularly used by Chinese secret police. The symptom is there is itching in joint after eating the food. I allege it would end with thyroid cancer. I used to find it in Chinese candy and biscuit, Especially in date (fruit) and chestnut. They used to be given us as gift from people who came back from a China tour.

Another poison causes dim vision. I think it is derived from a mouse poison. In a box of "Rat killing bait" I saw the instruction said the bait killing mice by blinding their eyes. The symptom is it came with a lot of tears after eating the food. It used to be mixed in Chocolate as candy. It also can be found in vegetables. I also find it frequently in muffin and cake of a large food wholesale club. Last year my wife had a European tour. She brought back many chocolate, cookie gift box. I found they were all contaminated with that vision poison. I asked why she bought so many she said the "tax free store" was just on sale when she went there. That's the way how the Feds deliver the poison food to their target.

970. Trump is the representative of the Feds (7/15/2017)

The first three framed cases since Trump was elected US president.

(1)I revealed, 933. Big drug case in China, Philippines and USA (11/12/2016)
My wife is arranged a trip to China and Philippines from 11/13 to 11/21.

Trump confirmed the secret deal
In phone call, China's Xi tells Trump cooperation is only choice

Reuters 11/14/2016

China's most-wanted corruption suspect surrenders after 13 years abroad

Reuters November 16, 2016

Yang was ranked number one on the list and is the 37th fugitive to return so far, the commission said.

(2) I revealed, 948. Frame a case on 2/19 (2/18/2017)

Trump confirmed the secret deal.
Trump commits to 'One China' policy in phone call with Xi
CNN February 10, 2017

China says gets another graft suspect back from U.S.

| Reuters Feb 10, 2017

She was the 38th person on the list China had managed to get back, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said in a brief statement on its website.

(3) I revealed, 951. New plot on 3/15? (3/10/2017)

One of China's 'Most-Wanted' Fugitives Returns From US to Surrender
March 09, 2017

Wang is the 39th fugitive on the list to return, the graft body said, without giving details, such as whether U.S. law enforcement provided assistance.

You can see to repatriate Chinese fugitives became part of secret deal between the Feds(FBI and DEA) and Chinese secret police. Since then, China abandoned to number their fugitives because it's too evident to reveal their secret deal.

Be noticed that in November 2016, the US president was still Obama. But it was Trump called China two days before US deported the Chinese most wanted fugitive because he represented the Feds.
971. Secret deal behind Russian's email hacking (7/22/2017)

Trump called Russians to hack Clinton's emails. He says now he didn't know Russians hacking deal. What was his base to call Russian to hack Clinton's email? Idea dropped from the sky?

'Treason'? Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments

Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was "tantamount to treason."

Of course, Russian wouldn't give a free service. Six months later, Aleppo fell. A first payment to Russia after Trump won the president campaign. Rebel retreated in order. That was an arranged deal.

Aleppo: Evacuations resume after buses set ablaze

CNN December 18, 20

As many as 9,000 people had been evacuated from eastern Aleppo in nine convoys on Thursday and Friday

The full deal is done one year later. Tillerson's words means "Now we fulfill the deal. Syria is yours".

US Secretary of State says 'Syria's fate is in Russian hands now'
The Independent• July 3, 2017

The US Secretary of State has reportedly told the United Nations Secretary General that he thinks the fate of Syria and its leader is now up to Russia.

Rex Tillerson held a private meeting with Antonio Guterres at the State Department when he said the US was limiting its mission to defeating terror group Isis, according to Foreign Policy.

Trump and Putin's Syria Ceasefire Effectively Lets Assad Off the Hook
Time July 10, 2017

Observers and former U.S. officials say the ceasefire deal effectively guarantees Assad’s regime remains in place, in spite of Trump administration rhetoric to the contrary.

Meanwhile, US had a missile attack on Syria in the name that Syria had a chemical weapon violation, that was a cover up operation of the secret deal.

972. Facebook does police job (7/28/2017)

I have been blocked to post in face book since 7/21. When I try to enter the face book site, The page show a request

Upload A Photo Of Yourself
Please upload a photo of yourself that clearly shows your face. We'll check it and then permanently delete it from our servers.
Choose File

It seems Facebook is collecting information of members' face. I don't want to give my photo to Facebook, then it gave another choice: to identify two photos which it said were my friends. I don't know these people. It gave me only two choices:

Choose a Security Check
How do you want to confirm your identity?
Identify photos of friends
Upload a photo ID

It's like a police check on criminals. I don't know if others have same problem. Or is it a special work just on me by the surveillance team? To ban me post in Facebook.

There will be a new plot in August. The Home owners Association has a meeting two days ago. The Feds used to use it as a tool to inspect residents' home.
973. August plot (8/2/2017)

In the end of July, China got two of their most wanted fugitives.

One of China's 'most-wanted' fugitives returns after 19 years in U.S.
Reuters 7/31/2017

One of China's "most-wanted" overseas fugitives turned herself in on Monday after spending 19 years in the United States, the anti-corruption agency said.

Huang is the 43rd on the list to have returned to China since the operation was launched, the commission said in a statement on its website.

China says one of its 'most wanted' fugitives now in custody
Reuters•July 29, 2017

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Ren Biao, one of China's most wanted fugitives accused of forgery and fraudulently obtaining loans, has returned to the country and handed himself over to the police, the graft watchdog said on Saturday.

Ren's name was on a 2015 list of China's 100 most wanted corruption suspects living abroad and targeted with an Interpol red notice. He is the 42nd of the 100 to be returned to China, the CCDI notice said.

Since each time the Feds planned a framed case, they used to collude with Chinese secret police. As a routine, China used to get a small confirmation payment from the U.S.. This time they got two. It's unusual. It may mean they made it a big one. I have been blocked to post in Facebook since last week. It must be part of that plot.

Christopher Wray is confirmed as new FBI director 8/1. It is not a coincidence. I think he is chosen for my case. To frame me and people know my story in a case, they need some one to perform planting and unreasonable search and arrest. Wray will take the responsibility.

974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house. I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at. He left hurriedly after I asking him why there was no notice in advance. I called p.G.& E that night. The operator confirmed there was a meter change that day but she didn't know why. Billing is normal. I allege that was an operation of the Feds. They could have installed some device in that new meter which may cause leaking to their control. Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologise for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking.

Re: 958. Create a gas explosion (4/28/2017)

Started from April 20, for nearly a week, PG&E had a commercial broadcast in TV channel KTSF26. In the commercial, PG&E apologized for the gas explosion in San Bruno six years ago. What made PG&E to remind public of a tragedy six years ago? Since the Feds have a tradition to intimidate people openly in media and the strong vibration of the ground I have felt nearly a month until now, I think the Feds may have plotted a gas leaking explosion by acoustic weapon. Four weeks ago, I wrote "954. Damage water pipe? (4/1/2017)", thought the use of acoustic weapon was to damage the water pipe, the PG&E's commercial proves they have other purpose.

Beware of a gas explosion in North San Jose near Milpitas.

About San Bruno gas explosion. I talked about it four years ago:

770. Drill in “Boston bombing?and “Texas explosion?(5/7/2013)


There is a Pacific Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I am impressed by the huge pipes on the ground which is several blocks away from the library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. It reminds me of the massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I think The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.

As for TV commercial intimidation, see "815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)"
975. How to justify a gas leaking plot (8/15/2017)

On 8/3, P.G.& E. changed gas meter without any reason. I allege it was an operation of the Feds for a "gas leaking plot". (see #974)

On 8/6, In TV news, I learned a news:

Mother, Child Injured After Tree Branch Falls on Picnic
A mother and her 2-year-old child were injured when a tree branch fell onto a company picnic held at Menlo College.

Aug. 7, 2017

I noticed this news because I have alleged the Feds had created such incident by acoustic weapon(resonance). see "922. Cover up operation for Acoustic weapon (9/8/2016)"

Next afternoon (8/7), my neighbor drove in lane. Came with him there were several children. They were toddlers, similar to child of that news. I was then aware of that news was made for me. As I have said that the Feds moved residents away from community. What left are agents and informants. I have never seen these toddlers before. It's a tool of their operation.

The news and the scene next day meant "your neighbor have children, move your tree for their safety". I have tree in front yard. It's private land however.

Then another news in TV revealed their true purpose.


In honor of National Safe Digging Day on Friday, August 11, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is asking all Californians to help prevent damage to gas pipelines and other underground utilities. With a free call to 811 or submission on at least two working days ahead of any digging projects, homeowners, renters and contractors can ensure their outdoor project is safe to start.

The tree is near that gas meter. If I move the tree and dig the ground, it will give the Feds an excuse that the work caused the damage of underground gas pipeline. That's how the Feds to justify a gas leaking plot.

976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

In 2005, my rolling up garage door was broken up by the car my daughter drove. The Homeowners Association warned to fix it right away. I noticed the Feds drove the contractors from the market so their men could take over the work for an unreasonable search and arrest. 12 years ago, I wrote,

300. Garage door (3/27/05)

On 3/18, Mercury News reported: "Unlicensed contractors get stung". 59 unlicensed builders were nabbed in an undercover sting operation. Those nabbed by the ruse were given criminal citations that could land them in jail for a maximum of six months, or they could be ordered to pay a $1,000 fine."

That's amazing similar to the event taken place in July 2003. When Feds tried to force me to have a roof contract with them, they created a roofing worker's death to intimidate other uninsured roofers out of the market. So the undercover contractor could get the deal. (see "145. SARS, a big issue(7/20/03)"

To avoid an unreasonable search, I repaired the garage door. It's more then ten years now, the repaired garage door had worn out and had to be replaced. In late May, the Homeowner Association mailed me a notice that there would be a meeting. I knew that was to justify an inspection. The target was the garage door.

In mid June, my wife gave me a weekly magazine - "USCITYPOST"(June 17, 2017) In its "Business Classified", I found four advertisement of "Garage door" contractors. In newspaper commercial, "Garage door" is a rare. That four ads obviously were prepared for me. To avoid being framed by the Feds, I had to do it by myself. I thought of the original one piece garage door which I hadn't abandoned.

The Homeowners Association's meeting date was set on 7/26. I had to replace the garage door at that time. In mid July, I dug out the old one piece door. What surprised me was next day President Trump told media he was going to fire Sessions.

Can Trump fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Yes, but it would be unprecedented
Maureen Groppe and Jessica Estepa, USA TODAY July 20, 2017

In an interview with the New York Times, the president on Wednesday slammed Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, believing that this action led to the appointment of a special counsel.

Trump is unqualified to be president. His victory was out of the support of the Feds.(FBI) Now I believe his main task is to eliminate me - Kat Sung. When they thought it was a certain, they didn't expect I dug out an old door. So Trump was so angry. They quickly plan new plots in rogue's way.

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission.
977. The end of August plot (8/27/2017)

On 8/22, PG&E man came again and replaced the gas meter of my neighborhood. I think it was a cover up job to my allegation in #974 "I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at." Apparently they tried to make the replacement of my gas meter on Aug.3 not so prominent. That later work on my neighbor still doesn't explain why I was the only one had my gas meter replaced on Aug. 3 and other activities done by PG&E in August. (see #975)

On 8/26, the August plot ended. (because new plot developed?)

In framed case, the Feds used to prepare big events to distract public's attention. The distraction for August plot were:

1. Hurricane Harvey.
The storm made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on Friday. By Aug. 26, it had weakened to a Category 1 storm.

2. Racial riot from Charlottesville.
"Berkeley’s far-right rally ‘called off,’ but residents still plan counter-actions
By Natalie Orenstein Aug. 26, 2017,"

"Leader of Right-Wing Group Cancels Planned San Francisco Rally
by PHIL HELSEL AUG 25 2017,"

If the Feds carry out the framed case, I think big riots would have happened all over the country. Charlottesville event and Hurricane Harvey were propagandized so much by media but now suddenly fade away.

978. The September plot (8/27/2017)

The Feds end the August plot, to continue it with September plot. My wife is arranged a trip to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9.

A week ago, my wife said she wanted to find a suit case in garage for trip. My wife rarely go to garage. She always buys a new case and left the used one in garage. It's unusual that she wants old one. I helped her. When we reached the bottom and she still couldn't find the case she wanted, I realize it was something didn't exist. She was doing a search job for the Feds - that's why the Feds tried to damage the garage door for an unreasonable search. I left her alone.

Next day, I saw her taking a case away. I thought it was to the Feds for examination. I think something will take place in early September. It's easy to plant when someone is in trip or to create an accident when victim is in travel.

A framed case will happen on September 2.

979. September 2nd is action date (8/31/2017)

Why the Feds abandoned the planed "Hurricane Harvey" and "Charlottesville racial riot"? Because they focus on murdering Kat Sung. 9/2 plan is a one they think can certaily killing me.

In murder case, They used to perform action on Friday. Jail won't release detainer on bail in week- ends. So the Feds have two days(Saturday and Sunday) to do the killing. I have no income, I have no available working phone. If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death.

What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is war in Korea Peninsula.

US bans travel to North Korea beginning September 1, says Americans should leave
Thomson Reuters
YEGANEH TORBATI Aug 3rd 2017 6:01AM

Same day on Aug.3rd, there was a "Fed Ex" cart roaring into my lane, then came a PG&E pick up to replace the gas meter of my house. That assures me the Feds decide to carry out unreasonable search and arrest by damaging my garage door or perform a "gas leaking" trick. See "974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)" From the timing, the anouncement of Korea travel ban(Aug. 3rd) was accordance to harassing show off in my lane. Also be noticed that the N.Korea travel ban(9/1) is a day before my wife's Canada travel(9/2).

Since 8/28, several times I was awakened by strong ground vibration around 3 4 a.m. It's accoustic weapon. The Feds seems try to damage the under ground gas pipe with resonance wave.

See the tactic the Feds to murder in prison:

815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)


Watch how did they torture that fish to produce this commercial.

900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."

I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.
977. The end of August plot (8/27/2017)

On 8/22, PG&E man came again and replaced the gas meter of my neighborhood. I think it was a cover up job to my allegation in #974 "I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at." Apparently they tried to make the replacement of my gas meter on Aug.3 not so prominent. That later work on my neighbor still doesn't explain why I was the only one had my gas meter replaced on Aug. 3 and other activities done by PG&E in August. (see #975)

On 8/26, the August plot ended. (because new plot developed?)

In framed case, the Feds used to prepare big events to distract public's attention. The distraction for August plot were:

1. Hurricane Harvey.
The storm made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on Friday. By Aug. 26, it had weakened to a Category 1 storm.

2. Racial riot from Charlottesville.
"Berkeley’s far-right rally ‘called off,’ but residents still plan counter-actions
By Natalie Orenstein Aug. 26, 2017,"

"Leader of Right-Wing Group Cancels Planned San Francisco Rally
by PHIL HELSEL AUG 25 2017,"

If the Feds carry out the framed case, I think big riots would have happened all over the country. Charlottesville event and Hurricane Harvey were propagandized so much by media but now suddenly fade away.

978. The September plot (8/27/2017)

The Feds end the August plot, to continue it with September plot. My wife is arranged a trip to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9.

A week ago, my wife said she wanted to find a suit case in garage for trip. My wife rarely go to garage. She always buys a new case and left the used one in garage. It's unusual that she wants old one. I helped her. When we reached the bottom and she still couldn't find the case she wanted, I realize it was something didn't exist. She was doing a search job for the Feds - that's why the Feds tried to damage the garage door for an unreasonable search. I left her alone.

Next day, I saw her taking a case away. I thought it was to the Feds for examination. I think something will take place in early September. It's easy to plant when someone is in trip or to create an accident when victim is in travel.

A framed case will happen on September 2.

979. September 2nd is action date (8/31/2017)

Why the Feds abandoned the planed "Hurricane Harvey" and "Charlottesville racial riot"? Because they focus on murdering Kat Sung. 9/2 plan is a one they think can certaily killing me.

In murder case, They used to perform action on Friday. Jail won't release detainer on bail in week- ends. So the Feds have two days(Saturday and Sunday) to do the killing. I have no income, I have no available working phone. If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death.

What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is war in Korea Peninsula.

US bans travel to North Korea beginning September 1, says Americans should leave
Thomson Reuters
YEGANEH TORBATI Aug 3rd 2017 6:01AM

Same day on Aug.3rd, there was a "Fed Ex" cart roaring into my lane, then came a PG&E pick up to replace the gas meter of my house. That assures me the Feds decide to carry out unreasonable search and arrest by damaging my garage door or perform a "gas leaking" trick. See "974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)" From the timing, the anouncement of Korea travel ban(Aug. 3rd) was accordance to harassing show off in my lane. Also be noticed that the N.Korea travel ban(9/1) is a day before my wife's Canada travel(9/2).

Since 8/28, several times I was awakened by strong ground vibration around 3 4 a.m. It's accoustic weapon. The Feds seems try to damage the under ground gas pipe with resonance wave.

See the tactic the Feds to murder in prison:

815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)


Watch how did they torture that fish to produce this commercial.

900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."

I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.
980. Korea war crisis used as distract (9/6/2017)

On 8/1, Christopher Wray was confirmed as new FBI director. They had to fill that post because in September plot, they had a secret deal with N. Korea. Someone has to take the responsibility.

On 8/3, a PG&E man came to replace gas metor of my house. A "Fed Ex" cart roared into my lane to show off Feds' new plot - create a gas leaking case or damage the garage door.

On 8/3, US announced to ban citizen to travel to North Korea beginning September 1,
Thomson Reuters Aug 3rd 2017

These two events were part of the September plot that the Feds was going to create "Korea war crisis" to distract a framed case on Kat Sung.

8/12 My wife said she was going to travel Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. I thought the Feds had set up a framed case at that travel time to carry out a search and arrest.

8/27, N.Korea fired missiles over Japan. It reminded me of Sept. 1st travel ban. I made a search, found it was announced on Aug.3. The day the Feds showing off with attempt of gas attack and garage door damaging tactic. I thus realize the Korea war has been created to cover up the murder case on me.

8/31, I warned 9/2 could be action date and would be follow by Korea war to distract. (see #979)

9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea.

9/2, my wife left for Canada. I warned 9/2 might be action day and followed with war on Korea.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive.

If Trump reacted with "fire and fury" as he had promised, then my predict would become true.

9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?

9/9, the day my wife returns from Canada. A framed case could happen. The Feds still have an option to distract - bombing N. Korea. Korea war crisis is their core to cover up a domestic framed case.

There is other big event to distract: hurricane Irma.

981. Attempt to murder my wife (9/12/2017)

I have warned Korea war crisis would be created to cover up the framed case of 9/2. N.Korea did detonate a nuke bomb on 9/3. If US reacted with "fire and fury" Trump had promised, my predict would have become true. The procedure was so closely carried out. Only the Feds failed to frame me in any framed case. Then the Feds immediately designed another murder case - to kill my wife.

The Feds used to influence public opinion by TV commercial. on 9/6 and 9/7, an organization had an ad on KTSF26(Chinese) to remind people of "Lupus erythematosus". It was so shortlived(2 days) that I never saw it after 9/7. What I remember of that ad was some people having a parade with banners written "Lupus ..."I even couldn't finish reading the whole banner because the banner was upright, the English was so rare seen. I was confused the first letter was "I" or "L". I knew it was "lupus erythematosus" only by audio Chinese aside.

Decades ago when I was a in HongKong, I knew an acquaintance of my parents - Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang was a rich widow. She lived with a close friend - Ms. C. Mrs. Wang had a quick death - died of Lupus erythematosus. Although people knew she had such a disease, nobody expected she'd have a sudden death. The gossip in their social circle was: how much did Ms. C got from Wang's wealth.

In US, when I knew G-man and realized he is a double agent, I also knew Ms.C is G-man's sister. I also found the Feds are money looters. That made Mrs. Wang's death a throughly different story to me. Lupus erythemotosus could be a killing tool of the intelligence.

I don't think the short lived commercial of Lupus Erythematosus is a coincidence. The disease is incurable and victims mostly are women. In #979. I wrote," If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death." The words might touch off the killing motive. If my wife doesn't exist, that's more convenient for them to do a murder case.
982. Revive the original tactic (9/18/2017)

My wife traveled to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. I thought it was a time range designed for a framed case. During that period, the Feds manipulated weather to create many big events.
9/2 to 9/4, Unprecedented heat sizzling San Jose area.
9/8, an 8.1 earthquake shook Mexico.
9/9, Hurricane Irma landed Florida, followed by hurricane Jose.
All these disasters could have developed more severe if the framed case going through.

Then two events indicate they revived the old tactic:

1. On 9/14,
Five quakes shake San Jose, epicenters near Alum Rock park
Mark Gomez September 14, 2017

I think the Feds are going to create a gas leaking case justified by earthquake.

2. On 9/15, a man came to pick up the minivan my wife donated. The minivan parked at the front of garage for nearly seven months after my wife having a new car. When they planed to damage the garage door, a parked car would cause trouble for action car.

Quote from #976: "I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission."

Now there's open space for the car to impact the garage door.

983.Earthquake, hurricane and defense budget (9/25/2017)

The Feds (D.O.D. and D.O.J.) activate their high tech. weather alt. machine (HAARP?)for this September plot. We saw so many unprecedented hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, Maria appeared in a month. Also we saw so many big earthquakes in Mexico in September.

The hurricanes were used to distract the September plot. The earthquakes are used to justify a planed gas leaking plot.

2017-09-23 Oaxaca 6.1 Mw VII 5 7
2017-09-19 Mexico City, Morelos, Puebla 7.1 Mw VIII 310 4,683
2017-09-07 Chiapas, Oaxaca 8.1 Mw

2017-09-14 five small earthquakes in San Jose.

I think the 9/19 Mexico City quake was a swift response to my allegation of #982. To cover up the artificial quake as a natural one.

It would take a lot of money to carry on such a big operation.Then I noticed the new Pentagon budget.

"Senate approves $700 billion defense policy bill
Associated Press September 18, 2017"

They give more than requested. It's for that special September operation? or for a coming Korea war? or for both? Watch the publish time of these two news.

Overview of the FY 2018 Defense Budget Request
August 3, 2017 | Katherine Blakeley

The Trump administration’s first President’s Budget (PB) requests a total of $667.6 billion in discretionary national defense funding for FY 2018, including $639.1 billion for the Department of Defense (DoD). The administration requested $603 billion in base discretionary funding for national defense, an additional $64.6 billion for overseas contingency operations, and $9.7 billion in mandatory spending for a total of $677.1 billion in funding for national defense, known as budget function 050.

The approved budget is more than Trump administration requested in August.

The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time. It costs billions of dollars.
984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims (9/30/2017)

In #979, I predicted 9/2 would be action day of the framed case (my wife started her Canada travel) and thereafter there would be a Korea war crisis to distract. Kim Jong-un did detonate a hydrogen bomb to the order, but there was no action on me. What happened?

I think the Feds planed to arrest me on 9/2. The excuse of arrest was "found drug trace on my body".

How could they do that? I found in this way.

8/12, my wife said she would have a tour to Canada. Next day was Sunday, someone dropped a San Jose Mercury News (local newspaper) at my door. Then for consecutive four weeks I received five Mercury News Sunday edition. That was from 8/13 to 9/10. My wife's travel period was from 9/2 to 9/9.

I was a subscriber of San Jose Mercury News. I cancelled the subscription decades ago due to financial reason. I did pick up the first free Sunday paper to read. Then I thought of the harsh situation I am in. I didn't touch the free paper thereafter.

Then there came an unusual heat wave. Here is quote from #980:

"9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?"

I think the purpose was to push me taking bath so they could collect drug trace from the sewage water they collected. The drug trace might be from polluted news paper or some other sources they deliberately planted.

I hadn't taken bath in these sweating days.

Now they hurriedly organized another long trip for my wife, 10/2 to 10/18, 16 days. What will take place? If the Feds can arrest people in this way, it's too easy to plant and frame innocent people.

Pictures of free Sunday papers at the door.

985. Las Vegas shooting is a false flag (10/8/2017)

Las Vegas mass slaughtering was a distraction case done by the Feds(FBI and DEA).

I am the murder target of the Feds(FBI and DEA). Since I stay at home to avoid being set up, They used to organize tours for my relatives to justify a search and arrest. To cover up the framed case from the sight of public, they used to activate big events to distract. My wife were arranged two tours recently. All follow this style.

1. 9/2 to 9/8, my wife had a tour to Canada.
On 8/31, I wrote in #979
What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is war in Korea Peninsula.
9/3,(next day to 9/2), N. Korea exploded a nuclear bomb. If Trump kept his promise of "Fire and fury", there would have been a Korea war.

2. 10/2 to 10/18, my wife had a tour to Europe.
On 9/25, in #983, I said,
"The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time."
10/1, LasVegas mass slaughter took place. (My wife left home at 10/1 evening, around 17pm. she said the plane would leave at 12:55. I think she meant 0:55 of Oct.2)

3. News said Stephen Paddock might also planned other shooting case in August. It coincides with the murder plot of August. Paddock booked two bedrooms from 8/1 to 8/6 in Blackstone hotel in Chicago which overviews the park where the Lollapalooza music festival took place.(8/2 to 8/5)

That was the time when I alleged the Feds would create a gas explosion murder on me. (Aug. 3)

974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house. I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at. He left hurriedly after I asking him why there was no notice in advance. I called p.G.& E that night. The operator confirmed there was a meter change that day but she didn't know why. Billing is normal. I allege that was an operation of the Feds. They could have installed some device in that new meter which may cause leaking to their control. Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologize for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking.

Re: 958. Create a gas explosion (4/28/2017)
986. My analysis on Stephen Paddock (10/14/2017)

The gunman of Las Vegas shooting case is described as a gray-man:
No criminal record.
No political ties.
No religious affiliation.
No history of mental illness.
No history of violence
That also fits for a figure works for intelligence unit such like FBI.

Paddock worked for the federal government from about 1975 to 1985. He was a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service from 1976 to 1978. After that, he worked for six years as an Internal Revenue Service agent, until 1984. Then, he was a federal auditor for one year, in 1985, focusing on defense contractors. Towards the end of the 1980s, Paddock worked for three years as an internal auditor for a company that later merged to form Lockheed Martin.[15] His work career after this period is not entirely clear. He is known to have run a real-estate business with his brother Eric.[16]

It's not so easy to find a job in those offices yet he jumped among them. That means he had a special background. Then he went into real estate business.

FBI and DEA have no fat budget. Most operation fund comes from victim's. (see #8)

8. FBI's profit

Everything shows that law enforcement agent use isotope money tracing if you have cash savings at home. But how could they steal from innocent people?

Later I learned from 'National Geography' (1961, June) In article " FBI: public friend number one ". ' Mr. Hoover prides upon the "profit" it shows annually. During fiscal 1960 the FBI received $113,600,000 in operating funds. Fines, savings, and recoveries of stolen property and contraband in cases investigated by the FBI amounted to $142,822,244, or $1.25 returned for every dollar invested by the taxpayer.' It's that 'profit' chase makes FBI a looter. It's that black box practise makes FBI closed and untouchable and new high tech weapons killing without trace makes them ruthless. How do you expect them be in justice while their purpose is pursuing 'profit'?

And I found the Feds made a large profit from real estates business.

430. Monopoly the house in north San Jose (8/25/2006)


3. The most important thing is that housing market becomes the best way for Feds to make a profit. They take it as a business. e.g. In my community, a 4 bedroom single family house in 1991 was about 200k. (When Feds started to buy in. The first stage) In 1997, the price went up to high 200k. (when Feds started to buy in house in large scale, the second stage) Now the price is about 600k. If they bought a house in 1991 with 20k down payment, the profit is 400k. (Or 100k after deduct 15 years housing cost if the house haven't been rent off.)

Stephen Paddock might then worked for the Feds as its housing business team member. News said he gambles big in casino. Because the money came too easy and it's not his? He probably lost his life as a scapegoat for this reason.

987.Steal the power of warrantless search (10/20/2017)

Media Silent As Gov’t Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches

The media blackout is blatantly evident as the government prepares to pass another All-American titled bill that strips away liberty with no accountability.

By Rachel Blevins - October 16, 2017

As the mainstream media provides relentless coverage of the Harvey Weinstein Hollywood sex scandal, there is one major piece of legislation it is ignoring, and if passed, it will have massive repercussions for all Americans.

More than 40 organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Freedom of the Press Foundation, have joined together to condemn the USA Liberty Act, a trendy name for a dangerous bill that reauthorizes and creates additional loopholes for Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

The new bill will open the path to let the Feds(FBI and DEA) to frame people by set up and plant.

1) US citizens are protected by the Constitution. If government wants to put you under surveillance, they must apply for a warrant from the court with evidence.

2) FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is in low standard. Government can apply a warrant based on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to prevent it to be used in domestic criminal case. Because there is big difference between suspicion and evidence. And we have seen how D.O.J. hates this wall and activated waves of attack on it. ....

The purpose of 4th Amendment is to protect people from evil activities (set up, plant) of corrupt law enforcement agent.

If corrupt official plant fake evidence at your home. (gun, drugs)(or criminal communication in internet) And asked for a search warrant. Judge would asked him for evidence. The corrupt official couldn't say:" Because I suspect it." That's how domestic criminal law requires. It depends on Evidence not suspicion.
The official also couldn't say, "I knew it because I had a search already." That's unreasonable search. (warrantless search) It's illegal.

FISA standard is low. Law enforcement official can request a warrant on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to forbid it be used in domestic criminal law. Otherwise 4th amendment will mean nothing.

Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home.(or in internet assuming victim's name) Then apply a warrant from FISA. Say they suspect you are a terrorist. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug)(criminal communication in internet) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed. A foreign intelligence method is used in domestic criminal law.
988. Internet plant (10/26/2017)

I think the US Liberty Act is set up against me. An attempt by the Feds (FBI and DEA) to frame a case in internet on me by FISA warrantless search and arrest.

1. In April 2017, I found someone assuming my name to post in a web forum, I wrote a thread to reveal it.

Someone assumed my name to post
by Sung (Login katsung47)

My name - Sung, was assumed by someone to post messages on April 6 and April 5. There were three of them. See three billow, from
"RON PAUL: CHEMICAL ATTACK IN SYRIA MAY HAVE BEEN FALSE FLAG BY DEEP STATE. Sung on Apr 6," to "The Moon is a Reptilian/ET command centre - former US Navy intelligence insider. Sung on Apr 5, 2017, 11:13 PM"

Posted on Apr 7, 2017, 7:48 PM

2. In this month, a team of surveillance shill posted reply to my thread:

[–]Becoming_God_Sized 5 points 5 days ago
Again I'll ask are you or are you not the REAL Katsung47?

[–]Becoming_God_Sized 4 points 5 days ago
The REAL Katsung47 predicted Sandy Hook exactly 2 years almost to the date BEFORE it happened. He also predicted other events accurately too if I remember correctly.
You can see their arrogance trying to force me to recognize my user's name. I think the Feds have posted some illegal message somewhere in internet with my internet I.D. That's a plant. They need a new law to bypass the 4th amendment so they can carry on a warrantless search and arrest through the hand of FISA court.

989. O.J. almost became a collateral victim (11/2/2017)

O.J. simpson was a target of Las Vegas shooting, I allege.

O.J. was released at 0:08 a.m. 10/1. That night at 10:05 p.m. the Las Vegas massacre took place. The jail he left is near Reno, Nevada, about 450 miles from Las Vegas - where O.J. was going to live. They gave him plenty of time for the journey. The Feds arranged everything - from timing to location. Be noticed that Friday was only two days to the shooting date Sunday.

Simpson has four adult children, two of whom live in Florida, and LaVergne told the Associated Press that “there’s no doubt he’s going to Florida.” Tom Scotto, a friend and golfing buddy, has offered his home in Naples to Simpson.

However, that state’s attorney general informed the Florida Department of Corrections on Friday that he is not welcome there.

The original release time was Monday (10/2), but the shooting which had to accord with the Concert of 10/1 night. So they gave an excuse of "to ensure public safety" to make it on 10/1.

Keast said the overnight release from the prison about 90 miles east of Reno, Nevada, was conducted to avoid media attention. No media were near the front gate at the time when Simpson's car left the prison by a back road and entered nearby Interstate 80, she said.

"We needed to do this to ensure public safety and to avoid any possible incident," Keast said.

She acknowledged Nevada prison officials misled the media with word about the timing and location of Simpson's release. They had advised it would be no earlier than Monday and possibly in Las Vegas.

I have noticed that the jail system won't do parole job in week-ends. I've talked about that if the Feds want to kill a victim in jail, they used to arrange the arrest on Friday because following would be week-ends. Parole job is on vacation. Of course, for "public safety", there was exception.

O.J.Simpson is a celebrity, his death would increase the influence of a massacre shooting. That's what a distraction needs. O.J. almost became a collateral victim.
990.To frame a drug case on 11/4 (11/8/2017)

On 10/27, Friday night,about 9 p.m. somebody knocked at door. My wife answered it. She later said someone found the wrong door.
One week later, 11/3, about 9 p.m. Friday night too. My wife's phone rang. She took a paper bag with candy, went out for a few minutes. I wonder if it was a friend came to pick up the gift, why she didn't come in?

The night visit was rare. The continuous two alarmed me. The Feds used to arrange victims to meet at night so they could take photo of "deal in darkness" as evidence. I had experience.

49. Frame attempt

On March 18(2000), I was in Canchanenbury, visiting Bridge of River Kwai. ..... That night about 3 am.I was awoke by a large noise. Some one talking loudly, walking back and forth at my door. The room I stayed was a bungalow above River Kwai connecting with others by wooden boardwalk. The walking steps made a large noise in midnight. It was obviously an attempt to lure me out. Fearing there might be a violence, I stayed inside. Next day, I complained to manager of guesthouse. She introduced me to Papa. Papa was a western about in his fifties. He said,"You should go out, tell them stop talking." I suddenly was aware that what they needed was that I being outside at midnight talking with someone placed there so they could take a picture. I moved to another guesthouse that day.

54. Trap

On April 13, 2000, I took a bus from Vientian to Parkse in Laos. The bus should have arrived in Parkse at 8 pm. An accident made it there at 2 am. In bus terminal, the driver of little transferring vehicle turned his face away from me, carried the other passengers away. I was left alone in bus terminal at midnight. It was dark wild field outside the terminal. While I was helpless, a man appeared. He said he was a businessman from China and knew where hotel was. When I was rejoiced for the help, he said he had other two friends and they had no I.D. He hinted to use mine to cover them. I recognized it was another trap and left him immediately. The man, realized his failure, like his sudden appearance, faded away in darkness. About half hour later, the little transferring vehicle came again. This time, the driver didn't refuse me. He took me to the hotel in town. But if they wanted a photo that I was talking to someone, alone and at midnight, they succeeded.

Next day was Saturday, 11/4.

Antifa is planning the largest ever riots seen in America as part of a plot to incite a “civil war” that will bring down the U.S. government.

On November 4, the domestic terrorist group plan to “gather in the streets and public squares of cities and towns across this country” in the hope of inciting riots that will lead to Trump exiting the White House.

If the Feds successful to frame a drug case on me, a violence would have broken out on 11/4 and to distract the framed case, it could develop to a civil war. The Feds determine to make it a long one.

The left-wing "Refuse Fascism" group is using Nov. 4 as its kickoff for demonstrations in nearly two dozen U.S. cities, protests it says will continue "day after day and night after night - not stopping - until our DEMAND is met.

991. The Feds frame the case day after day and night after night (11/15/2017)

In mid July 2017, when I felt the Feds planed to have a search and arrest in the name of "repair the garage door", I dug out the old garage door and replaced the worn out door with that old one. Next day, news said Trump was angry at Jeff Sessions and threatened to fire him. The threat works. The Feds carry out a series operations since. (see: "976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)")

On 8/1, Christoph Ray was confirmed as Chief of FBI.

1. On 8/3, P.G.& E. replaced the gas meter of my house. I allege that's a preparation for a gas explosion. Same day a "Fed express" cart roaring into my lane with high speed, I think it meant they would go on with "repair the garage door" trick by damaging the door with high speeding cart.

Later, I found the Feds also prepared a distraction - A massive shooting deaths event. Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock had booked hotel room (8/2 - 8/5) in Chicago which overviewd the Lollapalooza music festival. (see #985)

2. 9/2 to 9/9, my wife was arranged a Canada tour. I predicted Korea war could be used as a distraction. On 9/3, Kim Jong Un did detonated a hydrogen bomb. (see #979) That proved it was just a puppet show.Not only my prediction has become true. But also there was a quick payment to N. Korea right after the nuke test.

South Korea approves $8 million aid to North Korea, timing to be decided later
Christine Kim SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

I think there was other secret deal between N.Korea and US.

3. 10/2 to 10/18, my wife was arranged another trip to Europe. The distracting event was the Las Vegas shooting. (shooting happened on 10:08 p.m., 10/1. Three hours before my wife's leaving time 0:55 a.m. 10/2)

Since there are unanswered questions in this shooting case, I think the Feds may develop it further to some big case in future.

4. 10/27 and 11/3, twice people were arranged to meet my wife at my door at night, I allege it was attempt to frame a drug case on me.
11/4 was a big protest day called for by Antifa. It was used as a distraction event.

"the left" says they will continue "day after day and night after night - not stopping - until their DEMAND is met.
Or rather it's the Feds' will to get me. On 11/7 and 11/12, two people visited my wife at night and talking with her at the door. All in Feds' framing style. (see #990)
Do blame the oil speculators. Even the gasoline CEOs estimated they added 50 cents to the price per gallon of gas as parasites.
992. How to pass "Tax Reform" bill? (11/22/2017)

18 months ago, in #902, I wrote, "Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story." From August till now, the Feds work day and night to frame a case on me. Of course, there is another mission for them, to help the ruling class to escape from the coming economic crisis. For this, Trump pushes out a "Tax Reform".

GOP Tax Bill Mostly Benefits The Wealthy, Tax Policy Center Finds

Arthur Delaney,HuffPost• November 6, 2017

WASHINGTON ? The richest 1 percent of Americans would reap 48 percent of the benefits of Republican tax reform legislation, according to a new analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

US already has a huge debt, that Tax Reform will add more on it. Before the debt mountain collapsing, they try to loot more for themselves in last minute. To get the Bill passing through, we saw Flake and Corker dropped out of the Senate race, then Roy Moore is revealed sex scandal, then Rand Paul was assaulted at Kentucky home by "acquaintance". All these are intimidations to GOP Senate, follow Donald Trump. Vote his way or otherwise, be Corker and Flake, or Rand paul, Roy Moore alike.

GOP Senators Believe Roy Moore's Accusers But Not Donald Trump's

Jennifer Bendery,HuffPost• November 14, 2017

Moore’s scandal has put his party in an incredibly uncomfortable predicament: the more Republicans say the allegations by five women against Moore are proof that he doesn’t belong in the Senate, the more hypocritical they look for ignoring the 16 women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and helping him become president.

So why do Republicans believe Moore’s accusers but not Trump’s? HuffPost spent Tuesday asking GOP senators why the situations are different. Few could offer a convincing argument, instead opting to shrug their shoulders, pivot or abruptly walk away.

That's the way how US government works.
Politicians are whipped to one direction by the Feds.

993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)

Again, the drug case is framed by the Feds(FBI and DEA) and Chinese secret police.

11/7, China got a payment:

Chinese 'most-wanted' fugitive returns seven years after fleeing to Canada
Reuters Reuters•November 7, 2017

He Jian, a manager in the northern province of Hebei who had fled in September 2010, becomes the 49th on a list of 100 most-wanted individuals to return,

11/8, Donald Trump arrived in China. A secret deal might have been made then.

11/23 was Thanks Giving holiday. My family members used to gather together having a dinner party with friends. About 15 years ago, when I had experienced a murder attempt case, (see #65) I learned the Feds planed to arrest all my acquaintances in holiday meeting, I never attend such party since. So was this Thanks Giving holiday.

While I was alone after supper, I went to computer. The window faces the entrance of the lane. Sitting before the computer, I was alarmed by sharp light from window. It was from a car parking at lane, The lane was narrow. Rarely people would park their car on passage, let alone to ejecting light on other's window. Obviously it was an intimidation. "We are watching you." or "We come to arrest you". It was a provocation. I left it alone. I believe the Feds got an "arrest warrant" on my relatives dinner party. The purpose was nobody would be free so they could perform a "suicide" on target in jail.

Later I learned there was a crash in Chinese stock market that day.

China to trigger WORLD FINANCIAL MELTDOWN: Shanghai stocks tumble to worst low in 18months

By DAVID DAWKINS Thu, Nov 23, 2017

The nation’s top 'blue chip' index stocks suffered their worst fall in 18 months in a collapse which will spark fresh fears of another global financial crisis.

The broader Shanghai Composite Index lost 2.26 percent to 3352.99 points, its worst day since December.

That was a short, mysterious crash and hadn't influenced world stock market later. I think the Feds had prepared a world financial meltdown to distract the attention on that "drug case arrest and death". Their complicit knew this and took advantage for this inside information. However, the main plot went soured. So it becomes an unique event.

The stock market is a cash box for the intelligence. We knew it from the story of American air line stock in 911 event.

65. Birthday Party on May 3 (5/10/2002)

After the house in San Francisco was burned down, my parents moved to Shanghai, China, live with my uncle. Two months ago(Mar. 2002), the house in Shanghai was said in a development plan and would be dismantled. It motivated my sister to buy a house for them to live. Last month (April), my youngest sister (B's wife) bought a house in Shanghai, within two weeks, another sister bought one, too. I think the deal cost my sisters a lot of money.

On April 28, I learned B would have a big birthday party on May 3. It's Friday. It was unusual. My family union are used to be on Saturdays and Sundays. People won't have to be in a hurry in holiday. Friday is a day fit for plot in jail. Jail won't do any bail work on week ends. So there are two extra days for agents to do 'suicide' job there. I recalled the house deal two weeks ago. Was that a pre-set to transfer victim's would be bail money? ( I am sensitive on this because I had experience, I'll tell the story later) I called B, telling him about my worry. He said he didn't do anything illegal so what I said was impossible, he won't change his decision. He talked a lot of how grateful he was to US because his success in business. My feeling is that he didn't talk to me, he talked to agent who monitored the phone call. We are first generation immigrant. We always use our native language when we talk. This time he spoke in English. I could feel he was in panic. He thinks he is innocent, he may obey everything agent tell him to do. Yet I know a lot of people like him have been killed. What I could do was to post my worry in my thread "64. My brother in law was targeted" (first posted on April 30)

I learned the plot was postponed on May 3, the day of the party held. There was a letter from credit card company that day with a renewal card inside. My wife's Visa card expired on 04/02. So a Renewal card should have been arrived in March. But they held the card until May 3rd when they knew the plan soured.
Next day was week end, my wife would shopping with it, they couldn't hold it anymore. (See my experience of credit card at "34. The lost credit card")
994. "Supersonic weapon" (12/6/2017)

One week ago, I wrote #993, allege the Feds(FBI and DEA) colluding with Chinese secret police, planed a framed drug case on my relatives on Thanks Giving Day. Then I had diarrhea. At first I thought it might be caused by poisoned food. I reduced the variety of dishes to exclude suspicious poisoned food. Two days later, when I noticed the excrement were all in liquid style, I thought of "Super sonic weapon".

About two decades ago, the Feds applied EM wave weapons heavily on me, one was that "supersonic weapon". In a news paper article that introduced "Pentagon high technique weapon", it said the supersonic wave could break up the excrement in human's intestine into liquid. Intestine can't hold the water so people have to release it immediately. "Imagine in battlefield, when commander gives order to charge, the soldiers all have a loose stool and can't stand up."

The story faded away with time. Mainly it's hard to feel the existence of such a weapon. There is no other symptoms that can prove it. I think it is one kind of acoustic weapon. The principle is to use resonance frequency to break the excrement into liquid. People can not tell it from a natural bowel movement if the Feds not overly apply it on victims.

I view it as a punishment of revenge. That's common in Fed's practice. It proves my allegation - the Feds colluded with Chinese secret police are planing a framed drug case on my relatives.

995. Mayor's death (12/12/2017)

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee died suddenly today.

S.F. Mayor Ed Lee’s family history includes heart attack

By TRACY SEIPEL Bay Area News Group PUBLISHED: December 12, 2017 at 9:55 am

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee’s death early Tuesday morning after suffering an apparent heart attack echoes a family history of heart disease.
Coronary heart disease accounts for 1 in 7 deaths in America, killing more than 360,000 people a year.

The average age at the first heart attack is 65.3 years for males and 71.8 years for females.

Lee, who suffered a heart attack while shopping for groceries Monday night, was 65.

That news is more of a defense paper to justify Ed Lee's death is a natural decease. I allege it was a murder done by the Feds.(FBI and DEA)

Recently the Feds intensify their framed case on my family members and me. I think they planed an arrest on Thanks Giving Day family party. see "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" The party place is my sister's house in San Francisco. My relatives used to meet there on holidays. To perform a big arrest, s.F.P.D. would involved. Since it's a framed case, and a big one, they just eliminate every element of obstruction. Ed Lee obviously does not belong to that criminal group.

This is holiday season: Christmas Day, New Year's day are coming. So the Feds are working relentlessly for it.

The heart attack is a skilled murder weapon for the Feds.

802. Heart attack and E.M. wave (12/2/2013)

Twenty years ago, I suffered microwave attack. The Feds installed the killing machine in the car. After two hours radiation of low dose microwave, the blood cell died and solidify into blood clots. (see #5. Microwave killing) When the clot moves to the heart, there is a heart attack; when it moves to the lung, the lung collapsed; when it moves to the brain, there will be a stroke. The process from radiation to heart attack takes about three hours.

After twenty years development, the Feds have improved their killing technique. It took two hours radiation to kill two decades ago. Now it takes only a few seconds.

About two months ago, I went to Save Mart to shopping food by bicycle. In entrance way to Parking lot, there parked a strange vehicle. At first glance, I thought it was a fire tracker because it was in red color. But it was in a strange shape with some silver pipes to make it more like an antique car. What caught my notice was that part of parking lot which was nearby that red strange trucker was circled by stripe. It looked like they had just painted the white parking line on the ground. About three hours later, I felt a breast pain which I experienced twenty years ago. I immediately thought of that strange car and emptied nearby parking lot. I allege the strange car generates killing E.M. wave. Since the Feds bought nearly all houses in the area, the customers used to be scarce. Mostly they are informants. Still they divided a safety area. Of course, there was no people at the scene.

What alarmed me was the killing application lasted only a few seconds. I passed by that strange vehicle by riding a bicycle. They must have found the most lethal frequency of E.M. wave. I had no particular feeling when I passed that killing field. Just one thing remains the same ?it takes about three hours for blood cell to solidify to clot after the radiation.

The new experience convinced me two murder attempts.

1. Former President of China - Jiang Zemin was almost died of a heart attack.

.Jiang Zemin death rumours spark China web crackdown

7 July 2011

Rumours that 84-year-old Jiang Zemin was dead or dying resurfaced after he failed to appear at a key Communist Party event on Friday.

2. Former President of North Korea, Kim Jong-il died of heart attack.
Did Kim Jong-il die in his bed rather than on his train?

Rumour surrounds the North Korean leader's death as South Korean intelligence experts question the official statement

Tania Branigan in Beijing, Wednesday 21 December 2011

I think the Feds have delivered their new killing technique to their collaborator Chinese secret police. Be noticed the time of two rumours taking place.

When they could shorten the killing to a few seconds, to make a “natural death?of a president is no longer a difficulty.
996. New plot in January 2018 (12/19/2017)

My relatives(my brother and two sisters) are arranged for a trip to South-East Asia on Jan. 2nd.. That's a continuation to that "Thanks Giving Day" arrest plot. They choose the tour in South-East Asia (Viet-nam and its neighboring countries) because it's the sphere of influence of China. It's easy for Chinese secret police to create an accident to kill the tourists or frame a drug case there. I allege the secret police of US and China have made a deal to frame a drug case in early November when Trump visited China. See "993. Thanks Giving day plot (11/29/2017)" To catch the effective time of the secret deal, the Feds planed the "tour" on Jan. 2, despite it's winter time. My relatives rare go travel in winter time.

It seems that kind of secret deal usual effective for six months. One big sample was the 911 attack in 2001.

4/1/2001, a US spy plane collided with a Chinese fighter and was forced to land on Hainan-Iland.
4/11/, China released the crew of the EP-3 spy plane.
6/11, Timothy McVeigh was executed. (later I realize it was a distraction tactic)
9/11, WTC were attacked and collapsed.
The payment to China.
7/13/2001 China awarded to host 2008 Summer Olympic Game.
9/7 China was affirmed the entry of WTO.

Then I know there was a secret deal between China and US. Spy plane collision was created to justify a payment to China. D.O.J. got a famed drug case from China.

887. Interest exchange(3/11/2015)

When I first read Skolnick’s article, two things were very evident for me.1. The prominent role of US side was D.O.J. (FBI and DEA were the signatory and guarantor of the deal) not D.O.D., although the hostage was the crew of spy plane. 2. The core thing was around a drug case - smuggling of China White to United States. Why D.O.D. made such a big sacrifice? Chinese dismantled that EP-3 spy plane to get all the secret of it. The later development proved there was an interest exchange between D.O.D. and D.O.J..

It took six months from signing the secret deal to the affirmation
of payment to China. Of course, since then they had many secret deal for new framing case.

997. plant to create a "drug producing" case (12/25/2017)

Several months ago, my wife brought home three cases of cooking material. Asking her why bought so many, she said some were for my sisters. The label on bottle said "Marinated cooking wine with salt". It was a rare used cooking material. I then recalled the "vinegar" event. 15 years ago, she bought a lot of white vinegar which rarely used in cooking. Then I learned vinegar was also a material used to produce drug. I thought it was a trick to frame me in a "drug producing" case and wrote #112. How they plant."

Now when the Feds(FBI and DEA) are eager to finish the case, they try all kinds of their tricks to frame a case, include that "drug production" method. I think that alcohol may be a material for "drug producing".

My wife put the case at the passage of the kitchen. Probably with purpose that I move the box frequently so they can use it as evidence. Not a coincidence that she also put a big bottle (gallon size) of vinegar at the side of box. See the picture.

112. How they plant (2) (2003)

About that time in 2001, a lady suddenly called my wife to shopping in super market. Among the "harvest", I found my wife bought 8 bottles of vinegar. Vinegar is a popular sauce for cooking. But what she bought was a western style we rarely used. We used to use vinegar made in China. My wife argued that because it was on sale, "buy one get one free" and because the other lady bought a lot too. So she followed her. She forgot the lesson how she was guided to cash the check. Now the same act played again. I was sensitive because I felt the pressure then they were framing case against me. I knew from paper that vinegar is a material to produce drug. And that lady had ever shopping with my wife. That was the only one as I know. Now after one year most of these vinegar are still there unused.
998. Killing tactic and murder attempt on my daughter (1/1/2018)

My daughter has a house in San Jose.(now she rents off to friends) She rents a living residence in San Francisco where she works. She rarely comes to my house since.

Recently, she came back frequently. Last Thursday night(12/28) she came to sleep over. Next day when I read the news, a picture bigger than other news caught my eye(.

Erica Garner, daughter of police chokehold victim, in coma with 'major brain damage' following heart attack
By MARK OSBORNE Dec 28, 2017,

Family members provided an update on her condition Wednesday evening after the outspoken activist against police brutality had a heart attack on Dec. 24. New York ABC station WABC confirmed Garner suffered a heart attack over the holiday weekend.


Since I am the target of the Feds and I always worry they would murder me in detain by police brutality, I thought that news was an intimidation for me. Erica Garner had heart attack on 12/24, but they gave the news four days later(12/28) when my daughter came home. I won't answer door if it's stranger. I think the Feds arranged my daughter at home to answer the door for an unreasonable arrest. 12/29 was Friday, the Feds used to perform such action on week ends.(see #993)

900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."

I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.

999.Attempt to plant "illegal" money (1/8/2018)

My sisters and my mother visited me a week ago (12/31/2017). We used to have close relationship - gathering together on each others' birthday and on holidays. Then I stopped to go San Francisco when I realized the Feds targeted my family meeting. See "993. Thanks Giving day plot". Still, my sisters and my mother came to San Jose to see me. About two years ago, they suddenly stopped visit without any reason, I think that was the result of the intimidation from the Feds. The sudden visit of last week must have been arranged by the Feds.

Next day, (1/1/2018) another sister who lives in Oakland visited me too. I haven't seen her for years. She brought me a lot of food. She gave me several hundred dollars when she left. I used to refuse hundred dollar bill in case that was a planting. Due to her solicitude and we were missing each other so long time, I accepted her gift but immediately gave it to my wife.

In two days, I met with three sisters. It's not a coincidence. I think the Feds arranged it. If I had kept that money with me, a murder case would have happened.Possibly on Friday. (see last message) Here is my article written ten years ago.

547. Plant "drug money" (5/17/08)

In 2006, my wife filed tax return with obvious error and sent it without my consent. I thought it was another Feds' plot of searching house in the name of "IRS raid". To avoid it, I had to separated my tax report from my wife. Then my wife deliberately emptied our joint bank account. When my relatives knew it, they helped me financially. Family help is Chinese tradition.

I met with my relatives this February. It was Chinese New Year. They gave me some cash. Mixed in small notes, there were some hundred dollars bill. I am sensitive at it. I have bitter experience with isotope money. I know it is used by Feds to track drug money. As a target, I also worry about to be planted with "drug money".

I still remember a news I read more than ten years ago. DEA raided a house at night. The home owner, a millionaire, thought the intruder were robbers, met them with gun. He was shot dead. The agent of DEA told judge that the reason they raided the house was because that millionaire spent a hundred note that marked in drug trade. My doubt is if there was a drug trade, why not to arrest at the scene? That whole case could be a deliberate murder with a planting of "drug money".

Several times I refused to accept hundred dollars bill. Once my mother came back from a Chinese tour, gave me three thousand dollars, said it was the gift money from my elder aunt in Shanghai. My elder aunt is a frugal woman. Three thousand US dollars was a lot of money for Chinese. It ran counter to her character and, they were all hundred dollars bill. Of course, I didn't accept it. I viewed it as attempt to plant. And this time, they mixed it with small bills. Was that a new attempt?

In late March and April, I was blocked to access internet. In April, rice price jumped double within days. News said people bought rice with tens of bags. It seems Feds tried to push me to spend these hundred dollars bill. They were so sure that I would be terminated that the judge (or prosecutor attorney) even approved internet censorship?
1,000. Impeaching Trump is an option of distraction (1/15/2018)

From 12/28 to 1/1/2018, in five days, the Feds (FBI and DEA) arranged three unusual visits.

12/28/2017 My daughter came to my house to sleep over. See #998.
12/31/2017 My mother and my sisters visited me.
1/1/2018 Another sister visited me. See #999.

I have not met most of them for more than two years. Their sudden visit must be arranged by the Feds. The purpose might be to plant something illegal so the Feds could make a raid to arrest.

Next day on January 2nd, there was a news pointed to Trump.

Bannon Calls Donald Trump Jr.'s Meeting with Russian Lawyer 'Treasonous' and 'Unpatriotic'
Yahoo View•January 2, 2018

I think it was another distraction. If I fell in their "illegal gift" trap, then there could be a movement of "impeach Donald Trump" that would have drawn the attention from the framed case. For some reason, they cancelled that movement quickly. It ended with Steve Bannon as a scapegoat.

Steve Bannon: Donald Trump Jr was not 'treasonous' – I meant Paul Manafort
Former White House strategist issues statement
Trump allies insist ‘political genius’ president is mentally fit for office 1/7/2018

Is it treasonous that Trump Jr. met with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower? I agree with Bannon "treasonous" conclusion. Hillary Clinton is a victim in e-mail hacking event. Her money (e-mail) was stolen by a thief(hackers). Trump's team tried to get the material from the thief to hurt Hillary Clinton. Seeking Russian's help to deal with American, that's treason. But Trump is the candidate of the Feds(FBI). What they want is not justice and law but a dictate power. Under their terror reign, even their extreme right ally has to bow down. Steve Bannon now should realize what kind of person is Trump that he helped to steal the president seat.

1,001. Plant "drug trace" (1/20/2018)

90 percent of U.S. bills carry traces of cocaine

100 percent of bills from a few large urban areas tested positive for cocaine

Money can be contaminated by being put in counting machines with tainted bills
August 17,

Nobody is interested in such a test but the Feds. It also means how easy it is to contaminate the objects with drugs.

My wife has been arranged a Canada tour on Sept. 2, last year. Feds used to project an action with a tour. I predicted Korea war crisis would be used as distraction. That was proved very correct. Kim Jung-un did explode a Hydregen bomb on 9/3. How would the Feds carry on an arrest? Since there was a record setting hot weather on 9/2 and 9/3, I thought the arrest excuse would be "drug trace found in sewage water". I didn't take bath in these hot days.
From August to early September, someone droped free newspaper at my door every Sunday, I thought there was drug powder inside it. It's invisible but could be tested drug positive by instrument. Since then I rarely take a bath and wash clothes.

On 12/31, my sisters came to see me with a tin of French Cookies. It's pakage is strange. Bound by cargoship stripe. I saw many food in tins, Demark cookies; candy tins; moon cakes from China, all sealed by glue tapes. No others like this. I think that could be another attempt to plant drug trace through the hand of my relatives (they were innocent though).

cookie tin

On 1/1/, another sister visited me with a lot of foods and several hundred dollars. Their sudden visits were arranged by the Feds, I think.

On 1/2, Bannon attacks Trump's son "treasonous".

On 1/5, I took a rub bath.

On 1/6, Bannon changes his tone on "treasonous".

984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims

n #979, I predicted 9/2 would be action day of the framed case (my wife started her Canada travel) and thereafter there would be a Korea war crisis to distract. Kim Jong-un did detonate a hydrogen bomb to the order, but there was no action on me. What happened?

I think the Feds planed to arrest me on 9/2. The excuse of arrest was "found drug trace on my body".

How could they do that? I found in this way.

8/12, my wife said she would have a tour to Canada. Next day was Sunday, someone dropped a San Jose Mercury News (local newspaper) at my door. Then for consecutive four weeks I received five Mercury News Sunday edition. That was from 8/13 to 9/10. My wife's travel period was from 9/2 to 9/9.

I was a subscriber of San Jose Mercury News. I cancelled the subscription decades ago due to financial reason. I did pick up the first free Sunday paper to read. Then I thought of the harsh situation I am in. I didn't touch the free paper thereafter.

Then there came an unusual heat wave. Here is quote from #980:

"9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?"

I think the purpose was to push me taking bath so they could collect drug trace from the sewage water they collected. The drug trace might be from polluted news paper or some other sources they deliberately planted.

I hadn't taken bath in these sweating days.

Now they hurriedly organized another long trip for my wife, 10/2 to 10/18, 16 days. What will take place? If the Feds can arrest people in this way, it's too easy to plant and frame innocent people.

Pictures of free Sunday papers at the door.
(1,002). Pressure on FBI and earthquake (1/27/2018)

Recently, there are some articles in internet criticize the FBI.

The Sinking of the FBI

By William F. Marshall January 24, 2018

It's increasingly clear that the FBI is taking on water at an accelerating rate as new revelations come, fast and furious, in the political scandals engulfing Washington.

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Carr: Scandal-ridden FBI must be abolished

'Secret Society' is one controversy too far to tolerate

Boston Herald, Wednesday, January 24, 2018

I think that is done by the real "secret society" of the FBI.

1. Everybody has his own politic view. So do Strzok and Page. Must they have to support Donald Trump? Did they commit any crime in that Trump Russian gate investigation team?

2. It's more like a sting project as the FBI used to do. Strzok and Page could be false flag embedded in that team to sabotage "anti-Trump" plot. They were monitored. Their email were intercepted. As I know the culture of the FBI is anti-Clinton, and Trump is their representative. see #930.

3. The articles is to cut relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump became notorious that he won the election by the help of Russians.

4. It's another style to apply pressure on the FBI to finish the Kat Sung's case.See #902.
"Now they want Donald Trump to take care of the situation of economic collapse in coming years. The main job is to cover up the murder case - to kill Kat Sung, his relatives and people who know this story. That is the core interest of the Feds for which they have paid so much to China. see new secret deal at :"899. April plot (3/29/2016)"."

I notice at same time, the media also massively report the earthquake news.

Alaska earthquake today: Tsunami heads for Alaska amid mass evacuations as rest of west coast given all clear

Harriet Agerholm,The Independent• January 23, 2018

5.8 earthquake strikes off Northern California coast. No tsunami threat

Hailey Branson-Potts By HAILEY BRANSON-POTTS JAN 25, 2018

I worry they will create a big earthquake in California and damage the house structure with acoustic weapon in the name of quake to reach the purpose of search and arrest.

(930). FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers".

BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes
Posted on November 4, 2016

Apparently, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.

1,003. Intimidation to create fake evidence (2/3/2018)

It is clear the comic drama is a continuation of the plot to elimination of Kat Sung. First Trump fired Comey, When there is no progress in the attempt murder case of Kat Sung, they force McCabe to leave.

They create a "Russia-probe memo" case to cut the relationship between Trump and the FBI when Trump's treason becomes clear. (Trump may be impeached as a distraction to that framed case) They create the crisis to apply pressure on the FBI. As a matter of fact, Trump is a candidate of the "Deep State" of the Feds to whip their terror force.

FBI deputy director leaving post ahead of planned retirement

Eric Tucker and Sadie Gurman, Associated Press• January 29

WASHINGTON (AP) -- FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a frequent target of President Donald Trump's criticism who led the bureau for months last year following the firing of James Comey, is leaving his position ahead of a previously planned retirement this spring, people familiar with the decision said Monday.

In mid-January, I encounter a message in internet.

FBI More Corrupt Than Previously Known; CSI is a LIE
January 12, 2018 By Robert Gehl

The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.

Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far, according to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project, which are assisting the government with the country’s largest post-conviction review of questioned forensic evidence.

The cases include those of 32 defendants sentenced to death. Of those, 14 have been executed or died in prison, the groups said under an agreement with the government to release results after the review of the first 200 convictions.

I think that's an intimidation from the Feds. They will create fake evidence to frame me in a criminal case.