" Dont worry Darling"


Well-known member
Every couple should watch this movie. Especially those with feminist wives....;) One of those movies with a deeper meaning IMO. It is currently on HBO/MAX

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Its actually anything BUT THAT. You just dont find out till the end. Actually its very ANTI woke.

I have my doubts that a movie that kills its Jordan Peterson inspired character in the end is Anti-WOKE, but then a lot of people die in the end dont they.... something that an Anti-Human religion driven script would do.
As it stands, Don’t Worry Darling ends prematurely, right at the height of its climax. It has the right idea, attempting to end on a note that elicits feelings of excitement, hope, maybe even dread, but fails due to its lack of closure. The sense of fulfillment the film was aiming for is instead met by confusion. The burning questions surrounding both the real world and Victory remain unanswered and lead to an empty, incomplete feeling as the credits roll. Alice may have escaped Victory, but her journey to freedom, much like the plot of the film, feels far from over.

How very WOKE...all about emotion generation.....doing a shitty job of story telling and being fine with that.
Stone being wrong is of course situation normal.

Sometimes you can act like a real idiot. The actual MORAL of the story YOU DUMB FUCK YOU is about the absolute nirvana that women had in the days when they were housewives but instead CHOSE to give up that life to join the work force and how everything turned to shit from there. I just watched the movie last night,....so DONT TELL ME what YOU DO NOT KNOW,....FUCKHEAD. TALK LESS....LISTEN MORE.
Sometimes you can act like a real idiot. The actual MORAL of the story YOU DUMB FUCK YOU is about the absolute nirvana that women had in the days when they were housewives but instead CHOSE to give up that life to join the work force and how everything turned to shit from there. I just watched the movie last night,....so DONT TELL ME what YOU DO NOT KNOW,....FUCKHEAD. TALK LESS....LISTEN MORE.

You are usually wrong and in this case you are making a claim that I have heard no one else make...which is not likely to end well for you.

You being nasty does not help matters.
You are usually wrong and in this case you are making a claim that I have heard no one else make...which is not likely to end well for you.

You being nasty does not help matters.

I told your inept ass that the movie had a deeper meaning. The women all LOVED their lives as they were depicted in the movie,....somewhere between 1957 and maybe 62 at the latest. Only when they went against the norm did everything turn to shit. Whatever,...who cares,...your either too drunk or too dense half the time for me to bother with anymore. Go talk youre nonsense elsewhere. I have no more time for the likes of you.
Because yeah, you know, Stone has Always been PRO WOKE as all his posting history surely suggests,.. you fucking imbecile . :rolleyes:
I told your inept ass that the movie had a deeper meaning. The women all LOVED their lives as they were depicted in the movie,....somewhere between 1957 and maybe 62 at the latest. Only when they went against the norm did everything turn to shit. Whatever,...who cares,...your either too drunk or too dense half the time for me to bother with anymore. Go talk youre nonsense elsewhere. I have no more time for the likes of you.

Olivia Wilde is a well know extreme WOKE activist....that she made an Anti-Woke movie is something for which there is almost no chance. Your emotion indicates to me that someplace in that scrambled brain of yours you know this.
Watch the movie dumb fuck,......then you will actually know what you are talking about.
Everybody eventually reaches their limit of dealing with certain posters and their nonstop unrelenting nonsense. Ive reached mine with you know who. Fuckum..... :)
I watched the movie on Netflix about 6 months ago.

If you saw the original Stepford Wives, you've basically already seen this movie.

At first you see a submissive and docile wife who seems to conform blindly to the stereotype of an old-fashioned subservient role in relationship to her husband. Then, the truth is slowly, and I might add- TOO SLOWLY revealed- That's not what is really going on at all. Something very sinister and evil is really going on!

The movie is not about women's liberation at all. It's about Male Dominance and Man's psychological and even physical control over women.

Males really get hooked into the movie fast with the gorgeous ARM CANDY wives, the wives insatiable sex appetites, the 50's classic cars, and the Palm Springs Desert suburban model home setting and utopian lifestyle of the rich and famous- circa 1957. I think the women viewers must already know something's up here- right from the get go!

I couldn't believe what I was watching, as more secrets were revealed, and finally realized what a Dark movie I was actually suckered into watching.

I wanted my 2 hours back after watching it, and had to go google some reviews with spoilers to attempt to understand what I just watched.
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Sometimes you can act like a real idiot. The actual MORAL of the story YOU DUMB FUCK YOU is about the absolute nirvana that women had in the days when they were housewives but instead CHOSE to give up that life to join the work force and how everything turned to shit from there. I just watched the movie last night,....so DONT TELL ME what YOU DO NOT KNOW,....FUCKHEAD. TALK LESS....LISTEN MORE.

A good example of one asshole ridiculing another. Neither knows what the fuck they are talking about.