Double Bad News for Liberals: Americans Happy but less so in Liberal areas!


"A surprising 94 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives - although far fewer in New York and other Eastern states think they're better off than they were five years ago, according to a new survey. "

Liberal Democrats who thrive off strife and bad news are bound to be dismayed by this, plus it must suck for them that areas that have adopted the Liberal lifestyle of high regulation, taxes and government dependence like New York and Eastern states are the least happy with the life they've created.
I suppose when it comes down to it, not even Liberals like Liberalism! After all while capitalism may be the unequal sharing of blessings, Liberalism really only is the equal sharing of misery...
First of all Dano, the word "happy" is not even used in this poll, but rather "satisfied". And it breaks down further with:

56% saying they are very satisfied with the life they lead and 38 percent somewhat satisfied.

Wow, somewhat satisified! I can only dream of such a feeling of happiness!

Secondly, your stupid implication that anyone being happy (though again, this poll in no way measures feelings of happiness, it is not even mentioned), would upset "liberals" is really dumb even for you, why don't you get a life?

And finally Damo, you left something out here. These are personal feelings of satisfaction, and personal optimism about doing better. This is how they feel about Bush country:

When asked about the country, people do not feel things in the United States are going well as just 19 percent say things in the country are moving in the right direction. But, when asked about their personal lives, not only are they satisfied, they’ve become more so in the past five years and expect to be things to be even better five years from now. People not only can, but are separating out the negativity they feel in the country as a whole, and are still content with where they personally are with their lives.
First of all Dano, the word "happy" is not even used in this poll, but rather "satisfied". And it breaks down further with:

56% saying they are very satisfied with the life they lead and 38 percent somewhat satisfied.

Wow, somewhat satisified! I can only dream of such a feeling of happiness!

Secondly, your stupid implication that anyone being happy (though again, this poll in no way measures feelings of happiness, it is not even mentioned), would upset "liberals" is really dumb even for you, why don't you get a life?

And finally Damo, you left something out here. These are personal feelings of satisfaction, and personal optimism about doing better. This is how they feel about Bush country:

When asked about the country, people do not feel things in the United States are going well as just 19 percent say things in the country are moving in the right direction. But, when asked about their personal lives, not only are they satisfied, they’ve become more so in the past five years and expect to be things to be even better five years from now. People not only can, but are separating out the negativity they feel in the country as a whole, and are still content with where they personally are with their lives.
Good point Darla, as Bush and Demopublicans grew government with the Pill Bill, huge education spending increase and Sarbanes-Oxley, people are unhappy with government growth but happy with their lives in private.

Still it should be noted that more Liberal areas have lower amounts of happy, sorry "satisfied" (because we all know there's such a big difference between those words :rolleyes: ) people, then we can deduce that the differences in their environment (ie: higher taxes, regulation and spending) are certainly a factor in their not being satisfied.
I suppose in your case you may not be satisfied in New York because Liberal men can't perform very well, but you should have known they are only good
actors in debates...
I never run across too many depressed people, who just can't get out of their funk because of "Sarbanes Oxley."

Can you hear yourself?

I'm happy, and I like it when others are happy. I have lived in the city & in the country, and I'm happier in the country. Not because of liberalism, but because I like space.

Nice lack of causation...again....
Good point Darla, as Bush and Demopublicans grew government with the Pill Bill, huge education spending increase and Sarbanes-Oxley, people are unhappy with government growth but happy with their lives in private. Evidence? None. All this is is your feelings about our government, they in no way reflect how the majority feels, and you seem to live in a dreamworld where the Iraqi war, which most Americans are upset with, does not exist? How lucky for you that you are in the position to do so.

Still it should be noted that more Liberal areas have lower amounts of happy, sorry "satisfied" (because we all know there's such a big difference between those words :rolleyes: ) people, then we can deduce that the differences in their environment (ie: higher taxes, regulation and spending) are certainly a factor in their not being satisfied. Nobody gives a rat's ass about regulation, that I know Dano, but congestion, long commutes, traffic, the pressure to keep up in very high income areas of the United states, do take a toll, yes.

I suppose in your case you may not be satisfied in New York because Liberal men can't perform very well, but you should have known they are only good
actors in debates... And of course, the righty male, always needs to bring their visions of what another's sex life is like, into it. Since you are so interested, I have no complaints.

in bold
I never run across too many depressed people, who just can't get out of their funk because of "Sarbanes Oxley."

Can you hear yourself?

I'm happy, and I like it when others are happy. I have lived in the city & in the country, and I'm happier in the country. Not because of liberalism, but because I like space.

Nice lack of causation...again....

LOL. Yeah, and so many of us on the coasts are up all night, tossing and turning because of "regulation".
Who is sarbanes Oxley ?
I am pretty content with my life but not at all satisfied with where my country is heading.
But a lot of that is the direct result of Liberalism. Trying to push public transit which people don't want to take and would rather drive, rather than expand roads.

People sure do complain about cost of living which includes taxation (which is visible) and regulation (which implictly causes higher prices but far less noticeably). Overall life sucks in more Liberal areas and people leave them, that is factually proven:

For all Liberal Democrats talk of the high-tax, high-government life that they think Americans seem to want, they actually don't.
See Table 3:

The big Liberal Democrat geographical strongholds of the Northeast are rapidly and consistently losing people. I'm sure some are looking for warmer retirement, but that doesn't explain why so many more now are leaving warmer California. They are sick of big government which has restricted house building and caused supply to seize up more which jacks up the price a lot.

This has been going on for awhile, just in case someone says this is an anomaly:
Page 7 you can see that the 10 fastest growing states are mostly more Conservative ones with only New Mexico, Oregon and Washington being Dem and even then these were close states and very centric.

If you take a more precise and recent look state by state, you can see that on the whole more people are leaving Liberal states and more going to Conservative/Libertarian ones:

Hillary's New York is bleeding a loss of people, while more Conservative Arizona and Nevada are getting stronger. The South is doing much better and the bigger Northeast states like Jersey and Mass are seeing people go seeya to high taxes and high prices that go with them.
Great news politically, with more population shifting, it means less Liberal Democrat reps in the house for their states and more Conservative (Libertarian oppurtunities) in those states.

People go where the jobs are and in general the jobs go where the companies who create those jobs will not be punished as much by regulation and taxes. Americans do not need to defeat Liberalism, just to shed it, as a host sheds it's parasites.
But Kerry, you just keep telling yourself you don't need the south and making fun of Southerners.

I encourage any Conservatives/Libertarians reading this to move to swing or Conservative states and abandon the Liberal run ones to their envy and despair. Join the great free escape from Liberalism.
TheDanold is right again, and you can see how it is getting to the board liberati, with the lefty firecracker at the forefront? It is true that liberals can never be happy, I should know, I have dated some of them, in weaker moments? I remember one of my lefty chics who talked me out of using my aerosole deoderant, "for the enviroment" and I went along, butt, only because I wanted to get laid? And what do you think happened, butt, I found her hiding in one of my closets one morning spraying her hair with aerosole hairspray, and when I confronted her about it, she said it was Ok, because she had gotten be to stop using aerosole deodarnat, and so it was "a wash"? That is when I realized she was using me as her own personal carbon offset?

You might think this has nothing to do with this very clever thread, butt, well, I am not sure what the thread is about, and this story about this liberal chic just came to mind when I saw the lefty firecracker on this thread, it seems like somethign she would pull? How am I doing, right again?
But a lot of that is the direct result of Liberalism. Trying to push public transit which people don't want to take and would rather drive, rather than expand roads

WTF are you talkign about, I was talking about driving, that's why the "traffic" get it Dano?
I don't know when in school I was taught the difference between correlation and causation, but I'm sure as shit that Dano skipped that lesson. Hence, Danologic and Attack of the Lizardbrain.
The big Liberal Democrat geographical strongholds of the Northeast are rapidly and consistently losing people. I'm sure some are looking for warmer retirement, but that doesn't explain why so many more now are leaving warmer California. They are sick of big government which has restricted house building and caused supply to seize up more which jacks up the price a lot.

Have you looked at house prices, and rental rates in NY and California dear? Few can afford them, because the ones who can afford them, move here, it's the cream of the crop, sorry.
TheDanold is right again, and you can see how it is getting to the board liberati, with the lefty firecracker at the forefront? It is true that liberals can never be happy, I should know, I have dated some of them, in weaker moments? I remember one of my lefty chics who talked me out of using my aerosole deoderant, "for the enviroment" and I went along, butt, only because I wanted to get laid? And what do you think happened, butt, I found her hiding in one of my closets one morning spraying her hair with aerosole hairspray, and when I confronted her about it, she said it was Ok, because she had gotten be to stop using aerosole deodarnat, and so it was "a wash"? That is when I realized she was using me as her own personal carbon offset?

You might think this has nothing to do with this very clever thread, butt, well, I am not sure what the thread is about, and this story about this liberal chic just came to mind when I saw the lefty firecracker on this thread, it seems like somethign she would pull? How am I doing, right again?

Not really, no, I've never used a man as my personal carbon offset, but I have to say...what a fabulous idea. Kudos to your liberal ex.
The big Liberal Democrat geographical strongholds of the Northeast are rapidly and consistently losing people. I'm sure some are looking for warmer retirement, but that doesn't explain why so many more now are leaving warmer California. They are sick of big government which has restricted house building and caused supply to seize up more which jacks up the price a lot.

Have you looked at house prices, and rental rates in NY and California dear? Few can afford them, because the ones who can afford them, move here, it's the cream of the crop, sorry.

These threads are just bad deja vu. He's already been embarassed about his suggestion that "liberal policies" alone account for the insane housing markets in the Northeast & places like San Francisco.

It's like I said on the other thread; it doesn't matter how badly he's been disproven, his "facts" just become a part of his repetoire and keep getting repeated & debunked in a sort of endless, surreal cycle, just like we'll be seeing in a few weeks that global warming is great for whales & polar bears.

Like DH said, causation has always been Dano's achilles heel. I really don't think he understands the concept...
These threads are just bad deja vu. He's already been embarassed about his suggestion that "liberal policies" alone account for the insane housing markets in the Northeast & places like San Francisco.

It's like I said on the other thread; it doesn't matter how badly he's been disproven, his "facts" just become a part of his repetoire and keep getting repeated & debunked in a sort of endless, surreal cycle, just like we'll be seeing in a few weeks that global warming is great for whales & polar bears.

Causation has always been Dano's achilles heel. I really don't think he understands the concept...

I get it, it's just that this one was really crazy. I know a lot of stressed people, and none of them have ever mentioned regulation or Sarbanes Oxley I can tell you that. Where does someone come up with stuff like this? It's amazing.
The big Liberal Democrat geographical strongholds of the Northeast are rapidly and consistently losing people. I'm sure some are looking for warmer retirement, but that doesn't explain why so many more now are leaving warmer California. They are sick of big government which has restricted house building and caused supply to seize up more which jacks up the price a lot.

Have you looked at house prices, and rental rates in NY and California dear? Few can afford them, because the ones who can afford them, move here, it's the cream of the crop, sorry.

Yes and did you read my WHOLE argument? Let's try again Senorita Slowita

"The big Liberal Democrat geographical strongholds of the Northeast are rapidly and consistently losing people. I'm sure some are looking for warmer retirement, but that doesn't explain why so many more now are leaving warmer California. They are sick of big government which has restricted house building and caused supply to seize up more which jacks up the price a lot."

All those urban sprawl and enviro regulations come back to bite you because when you restrict the supply of housing (or any good in demand) prices will rise accordingly, that's not to mention all the taxes and regulation that raise prices in general.
I'm sure you will like a good libtarb, just blame profit like always, but there are less restrictions on housing profit in more Conservative areas and housing is cheaper.
Yes population density plays a part but that is out of your control, but the above does too and that is controlled by government policy.
Yes and did you read my WHOLE argument? Let's try again Senorita Slowita

"The big Liberal Democrat geographical strongholds of the Northeast are rapidly and consistently losing people. I'm sure some are looking for warmer retirement, but that doesn't explain why so many more now are leaving warmer California. They are sick of big government which has restricted house building and caused supply to seize up more which jacks up the price a lot."

All those urban sprawl and enviro regulations come back to bite you because when you restrict the supply of housing (or any good in demand) prices will rise accordingly, that's not to mention all the taxes and regulation that raise prices in general.
I'm sure you will like a good libtarb, just blame profit like always, but there are less restrictions on housing profit in more Conservative areas and housing is cheaper.
Yes population density plays a part but that is out of your control, but the above does too and that is controlled by government policy.

Wow you really know nothing about NY. This is ignorant of you Dano.
There are never facts with Dano - just knee-jerk theories based on his ideology.

Take San Francisco, where the real estate market is notoriously high. That's largely because it has one of the highest costs of living in the country, due to its enormous business & economic success. It has a highly educated workforce, and residents there have the 3rd highest discretionary income in the U.S. As a result, its housing market has experienced appreciation at rates that have out-paced most of the rest of the nation.

Naturally, one of the downsides of such success is that it leaves people at the lower levels of income somewhat out in the cold, and those who don't make enough have a hard time making ends meet there...
There are never facts with Dano - just knee-jerk theories based on his ideology.

Take San Francisco, where the real estate market is notoriously high. That's largely because it has one of the highest costs of living in the country, due to its enormous business & economic success. It has a highly educated workforce, and residents there have the 3rd highest discretionary income in the U.S. As a result, its housing market has experienced appreciation at rates that have out-paced most of the rest of the nation.
Housing gains have way outpaced income chief. In fact most of San Frans gains in income came in the dot com boom of the late 90's, housing price increases have been constant because the whole enviro-lefty area has more restrictions on building.

Naturally, one of the downsides of such success is that it leaves people at the lower levels of income somewhat out in the cold, and those who don't make enough have a hard time making ends meet there...
Good point poor people do worse in Liberal areas. They also do so because unemployment is higher in Liberal areas because again of higher taxes, soft on crime and high regulation discouraging job-creating businesses from staying/moving there.