Double Bad News for Liberals: Americans Happy but less so in Liberal areas!


It's bad news for liberals when people in major cities feel like they're no better off after six years under the Bush administration and Republican congressional leadership? This seems like great news to me.
There are never facts with Dano - just knee-jerk theories based on his ideology.

Take San Francisco, where the real estate market is notoriously high. That's largely because it has one of the highest costs of living in the country, due to its enormous business & economic success. It has a highly educated workforce, and residents there have the 3rd highest discretionary income in the U.S. As a result, its housing market has experienced appreciation at rates that have out-paced most of the rest of the nation.

Naturally, one of the downsides of such success is that it leaves people at the lower levels of income somewhat out in the cold, and those who don't make enough have a hard time making ends meet there...

Oh and I've posted nothing but facts, while you do your usual blustering and circle jerk leading of the sheep pack: Duhla, bscitizen, cypriss, Dungheap, etc...

It's bad news for liberals when people in major cities feel like they're no better off after six years under the Bush administration and Republican congressional leadership? This seems like great news to me.

They were asked about direction now in summer 2007, seems we have gone on a different direction of more Liberalism since the parties changed power last year dolt.
Oh and I've posted nothing but facts, while you do your usual blustering and circle jerk leading of the sheep pack: Duhla, bscitizen, cypriss, Dungheap, etc...

No - you've post nothing but conclusions YOU have drawn about the reasons for the results of the study, without either the study claiming that or ANY causation shown whatsoever.

As has been mentioned, I think the "causation" part of your brain is just missing...
They were asked about direction now in summer 2007, seems we have gone on a different direction of more Liberalism since the parties changed power last year dolt.


Dano, you may very well be the only man in America with a surprised look on his face come Nov 08.
Dano - Listing facts does not mean the conclusion you reach based upon those facts is correct.

For example:

Fact - Dano is a person.

Fact - Dano is an idiot.

Conclusion - All persons are idiots.

I don't know when in school I was taught the difference between correlation and causation, but I'm sure as shit that Dano skipped that lesson. Hence, Danologic and Attack of the Lizardbrain.

The remaining bushies have a common set of mental defects.
No - you've post nothing but conclusions YOU have drawn about the reasons for the results of the study, without either the study claiming that or ANY causation shown whatsoever.

As has been mentioned, I think the "causation" part of your brain is just missing...

True or false.
If you restrict the development of the supply of a good in demand, other things being equal, price will accordingly rise?

I don't need a study to prove a VERY basic economic theory.
If you restrict the development of housing, with demand constant, then the price of housing will rise.

Moreover people who normally could afford to buy houses are stuck in apartments, which thus has a ripple effect of making apartment prices higher and then people who normally could afford an apartment on their own need to get roommates, move or in a lot of cases end up on the street.
And voila, is there really any surprise San Fran has the worst homeless problem in America with the most over enviro regulations?

You know what Lorax, you just keep deluding yourself while other states keep gaining more good Conservative people looking to lead a life with less government and less cost and that works fine for me. Obviously doesn't bode well for your future with having less doers and more takers but everyone gets the government they deserve.
I gots news for you, Dano; I'm contemplating a move to AZ, because I went there & absolutely loved the area & weather (compared to the snowy, seasonal northeast).

When I move there, I won't all of a sudden become a Bush supporter or political conservative, unless there is something in the water there which deludes my brain.

I doubt that makes me unique amongst people who re-locate.
"A surprising 94 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives - although far fewer in New York and other Eastern states think they're better off than they were five years ago, according to a new survey. "

Liberal Democrats who thrive off strife and bad news are bound to be dismayed by this, plus it must suck for them that areas that have adopted the Liberal lifestyle of high regulation, taxes and government dependence like New York and Eastern states are the least happy with the life they've created.
I suppose when it comes down to it, not even Liberals like Liberalism! After all while capitalism may be the unequal sharing of blessings, Liberalism really only is the equal sharing of misery...
What a dumb post and thread. Dano, even YOU should be better than this.
They were asked about direction now in summer 2007, seems we have gone on a different direction of more Liberalism since the parties changed power last year dolt.

You said they didn't feel better off than five years ago, dolt. Who was in power 90 percent of that time?