Douche Off

If you had said something like "if smart was a fart, you'd explode" then it might make some sense.

Yeah Tom, and if your lips weren't firmly stuck to either yours, my, Free's, Ice's, or Tutu's ass, you'd probably make more sense too. Never mind your breath would be more pleasant.

Put please do carry on! Seeing you twist is worth at least 5 minutes of chuckles!
Yeah Tom, and if your lips weren't firmly stuck to either yours, my, Free's, Ice's, or Tutu's ass, you'd probably make more sense too. Never mind your breath would be more pleasant.

Put please do carry on! Seeing you twist is worth at least 5 minutes of chuckles!

Just trying to help you in your comedic endeavours, I ought to charge for my advice.
It's a full time job cleaning up after your stupid, but Tom knows he finally "looks good" next to you.
And anyone looks good next to you, including Tutu! I believe it is why you all hang together!

Come over and I will teach you to do a keg stand and hit the bong, it could do wonders for your personality! You might even have one by the time I an finished with ya!
And anyone looks good next to you, including Tutu! I believe it is why you all hang together!

Come over and I will teach you to do a keg stand and hit the bong, it could do wonders for your personality! You might even have one by the time I an finished with ya!

Good luck with that, I suspect that would be a long project. By the way, what is a keg stand?
Yeah Tom, and if your lips weren't firmly stuck to either yours, my, Free's, Ice's, or Tutu's ass, you'd probably make more sense too. Never mind your breath would be more pleasant.

Put please do carry on! Seeing you twist is worth at least 5 minutes of chuckles!

Emulating the comedic style of Dumbo, are you saying that your arse stinks?
Good luck with that, I suspect that would be a long project. By the way, what is a keg stand?