Dow Futures up AGAIN!

Certainly more responsibility, but unless their daddy loaned them $2M, most people are broke through most of their teens and 20s - single or married. Having kids is much more expensive.

With Automation and Artificial Intelligence, I see it getting worse.
Specifically for the 'Average Joe' that has a HS Diploma and nothing else.
His Father was able to walk down the street a generation ago and get a Job at the Local Factory, now that Factory is located in China.
What's 'Average Joe' do now?
With Automation and Artificial Intelligence, I see it getting worse.
Specifically for the 'Average Joe' that has a HS Diploma and nothing else.
His Father was able to walk down the street a generation ago and get a Job at the Local Factory, now that Factory is located in China.
What's 'Average Joe' do now?

I've seen a similar argument before: "If all jobs are automated, what will most Americans do for money?" IMO, that won't happen. If a company makes widgets, and no American can buy those widgets then the company will go out of business.

More importantly, and most enlightening, were the ideas expressed by Naval Ravikant on the Joe Rogan Experience. Ravikant points out that automation allows humans to do jobs machines can't: create. He said we are a very long way from the sentient machines of science fiction. Machines are great for many tasks but they can't create, only humans can do that. It was one of the best two hours I've listened to on a podcast. Part of the solution is to spend more money training/retraining Americans into career fields not covered by automation. What we shouldn't wish for is a return of "old tech" job like textiles, human assembly line worker, etc. Let the Third World Shitholes have those.

It's on youtube, Apple and any podcast that carries Rogan's show.

I love your optimism.

I've seen a similar argument before: "If all jobs are automated, what will most Americans do for money?" IMO, that won't happen. If a company makes widgets, and no American can buy those widgets then the company will go out of business.

More importantly, and most enlightening, were the ideas expressed by Naval Ravikant on the Joe Rogan Experience. Ravikant points out that automation allows humans to do jobs machines can't: create. He said we are a very long way from the sentient machines of science fiction. Machines are great for many tasks but they can't create, only humans can do that. It was one of the best two hours I've listened to on a podcast. Part of the solution is to spend more money training/retraining Americans into career fields not covered by automation. What we shouldn't wish for is a return of "old tech" job like textiles, human assembly line worker, etc. Let the Third World Shitholes have those.

It's on youtube, Apple and any podcast that carries Rogan's show.

I love your optimism.

Thanks. History teaches where we came from and gives great indicators on where we are going. Although it looks like a giant goat-rope being in the middle of it, over time, the progression is very real. Things are getting better. Peace is overtaking the planet as well as prosperity. Glitches like minor wars, conflicts in developing nations and the occasional pandemic won't change the major direction the human race is moving.

Not in my lifetime but, at this rate, it seems the US is headed for a "Democratic Utopia":


You were supposed to know this a couple of decades ago when the Left took over the Universities and set out on the project of building a better human, starting with indoctrination of the young as close to birth as possible, which was only going to be possible if the family was depowered and devalued.
You were supposed to know this a couple of decades ago when the Left took over the Universities and set out on the project of building a better human, starting with indoctrination of the young as close to birth as possible, which was only going to be possible if the family was depowered and devalued.

ROFL. Sorry, I'll need to smoke a lot of pot to get that high. :D
I was a member of the radical left at Michigan State University fall 84 to spring 86....I knew the plan then .......what I never imagined was that it would be so successful.

LOL. Perhaps you should have done less acid and coke. :)
Yeah, Democrats can sure provide us with a high degree of safety.

They convince us to trade our freedoms for promises of safety....they do not actually deliver safety....because for the Elite it is all about power not us.....and they dont give a fuck about stuff like keeping their word or telling the truth or playing fair or any decency at all really...