DOW head and shoulders... Question...

You are as bad a market predictor as anyone who ever posted here.

Tell ya what. Tell me where I went wrong this year? Let's review

FACT - I went into cash when S&P hit 1850 which was its top

FACT - S&P started trending down from 1850 and then hit huge speed bump in January

FACT - I took a short position when it closed below 1800 which was my initial support level. I rode it down and said it would need to have two consecutive closes below 1775 (it didn't).

FACT - I had a stop loss at 1800 to protect my investment. I got stopped out at 1800.

FACT - I have been saying all along, I need to see the S&P break above 1850 before I decide to go long again. If you have been watching the S&P 500 it has not been able to get above 1850.

FACT - I went long GDX to take advantage of gold run up because technical analysis told me it was oversold, up 14% so far and that isn't

FACT - I went long SIL for the same reasons as GDX, up 10% so far

FACT - I bought FXI Puts. Was up almost 54% but now breaking even

FACT - I bought FXC and have been just about even

So let's review 2014 YTD. I didn't ride any of the 1850 to 1800 downside so I protected my capital. The short position got stopped out, but so what? It was a low risk/high reward trade. The only thing I lost was my commissions. The market still hasn't gotten above 1850 where I went to cash and my other investments are positive.

So where exactly has my technical analysis gone wrong? While you said you were down $60,000, I have been up. Yet, somehow you think you are doing better. Like I said, this isn't a competition. You for some reason think it is. I thought we were past all of the petty bullshit and were maybe going to learn from each other, but you apparently want to keep up your street cred with the other lefties. So be it.

I guess I will keep pointing out your thousands of dollars losses in Apple because you wouldn't read a chart and bought it at the top and are now praying for it to go back up. Yeah, you are spot on. Talk about guessing.
You are as bad a market predictor as anyone who ever posted here.

OK I will update you because unlike you, I am honest and have nothing to hide

As of right this second

FXC down 0.13%
FXI puts up 23%
GDX up 14.29%
SIL up 9.6%
SH short stopped out down 0.5%

For the first two months of the year, I will take that performance every day and twice on Sunday.
You are the worst investing poster ever here

Says the guy who bought Apple at $700


Like I said, I don't see this as a competition.

But, since you are so great. Educate us all. When you buy and sell like you claim you do, how do you decide when to buy and how do you decide when to sell? Do you just guess?
You are the worst investing poster ever here

BTW, am I right about 1850 being major resistance for the S&P or not? I am dead on balls right about it and it eats your ass. Now, I am not saying it won't break through 1850. I am not saying that it will go down from here. I am saying that until it breaks through 1850 I am holding off getting back in. I am losing nothing by sitting on the sidelines waiting right now. And if I miss out on a few point rise, so what? I am protecting capital which you apparently don't care about by your lack of use of stop losses.

You are extremely cavalier about losing $60,000 and being down 25% on AAPL. Maybe you are projecting your own piss poor performance and are just jealous?
Don't look at what I do.
Look at what the ten richest billionaires do.
I'm tired of teaching you gambler

Yeah, so how do the 10 richest billionaires decide when to buy and sell? Tell us. Don't chicken out. Here is your chance to prove how great you are. Or maybe you are afraid of being exposed?

Tell me, do the richest billionaires allow themselves to lose 25% on their investments? I bet they don't
Pretty hilarious that the S&P is holding to technical analysis. I said 1850 is major resistance and I have been proven correct. It wasn't a guess. It was solid analysis.

Now let's be clear. I am not saying the S&P will go down from here. I am not saying it will go up from here. What I am saying is that I am not putting money at risk until it gives better direction and breaking through 1850 is the key number.

Of note is that for two straight days it has flirted above 1850 but just can't hold.

Good luck to all. Protect your capital
Pretty hilarious that the S&P is holding to technical analysis. I said 1850 is major resistance and I have been proven correct. It wasn't a guess. It was solid analysis.

Now let's be clear. I am not saying the S&P will go down from here. I am not saying it will go up from here. What I am saying is that I am not putting money at risk until it gives better direction and breaking through 1850 is the key number.

Of note is that for two straight days it has flirted above 1850 but just can't hold.

Good luck to all. Protect your capital

Wow, that sounds almost lucid.
Wow, that sounds almost lucid.

It is sheet brilliance and dead on balls accurate. Toppy is just jealous because it is over his head and he is losing his ass buying Apple at $700.

He is probably still holding Yahoo shares he bought at $300 waiting for it to pop
It is sheet brilliance and dead on balls accurate. Toppy is just jealous because it is over his head and he is losing his ass buying Apple at $700.

He is probably still holding Yahoo shares he bought at $300 waiting for it to pop

I'll bet you didn't have investment income of 300,000 in the last two years as you kept missing shorts.
I'll bet you didn't have investment income of 300,000 in the last two years as you kept missing shorts.

Unless you give specifics on how you enter and exit the trades you claim to make, you have ZERO credibility.

I have been dead on balls accurate about the market this year. You keep buying Apple at $200. That buy high sell low policy of yours is getting you far
Unless you give specifics on how you enter and exit the trades you claim to make, you have ZERO credibility.

I have been dead on balls accurate about the market this year. You keep buying Apple at $200. That buy high sell low policy of yours is getting you far
I have never sold apple for a lost
Have sold it many times for thousands.
Your a gambler
I'm a long term investor