Draft the war hawks.


Trent Lott, along with other leading Republicans, say Bush has until the fall, and if there is no marked improvement in Iraq, they want to see a "Plan B".

Well, there is no Plan B. But I have one. Comes September, we draft the war hawks and bring our troops home.

WASHINGTON — The second-ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Trent Lott, said Monday that President George W. Bush's new strategy in Iraq has only a few months before his fellow Republicans will need to see results.

Lott's comment put a fine point on what Senate Republican stalwarts have been discussing quietly for weeks. It also echoed remarks made during the weekend by House of Representatives Minority Leader John Boehner.

"I do think this fall we have to see some significant changes on the ground, in Baghdad and other surrounding areas," Lott told reporters. Fall, or autumn, is roughly the last three months of the year.

Lott would not say what he thinks should happen if Congress does not see improvement in the security situation by then. But he said lawmakers have time before they must decide.

Bush announced in January that he planned to send to Iraq 21,500 more combat troops, plus several thousand more support troops, in an attempt to tamp down violence in Baghdad and the western Anbar province. Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. commander in Iraq, said he could give a better assessment in September of whether the strategy is working.

Republicans have agreed to uphold Bush's veto of $124.2 billion (euro91.2 billion) legislation that would have funded the war but called for troops to start coming home late in the year. Without the two-thirds majority support needed to override Bush's veto, Democrats this week were redrafting the bill.

White House officials have sought to play down the expectations of the September review as merely a progress report, but many Republicans have latched onto the date as a critical juncture. War funding for this fiscal year, while still under negotiation, is expected to run out Sept. 30.

"Obviously, his (Petraeus') response or developments will make a difference in the next fiscal year," said Lott.

Lott said he generally agreed with Boehner, who told "Fox News Sunday" that, "By the time we get to September or October, members are going to want to know how well this is working, and if it isn't, what's Plan B."

I still say a war tax is the quickest way to end the war.
That could backfire, had they been doing it from the beginning. It would make people feel as if they too were "sacrificing" for the war, and it may get people to hang onto it longer. I don't know about one passed so late, but war taxes do not necessarily end wars.
If you tack the war tax on gasoline, which the war is primarially for and an appropriate place to put it...I guarantee the cry for the war to end will be prompt and furious.
If you tack the war tax on gasoline, which the war is primarially for and an appropriate place to put it...I guarantee the cry for the war to end will be prompt and furious.
I disagree, for the reasons previously assigned.
That could backfire, had they been doing it from the beginning. It would make people feel as if they too were "sacrificing" for the war, and it may get people to hang onto it longer. I don't know about one passed so late, but war taxes do not necessarily end wars.

Nah. Because when the war stopped, so would the "sacrifice". You have a situation where 99 percent of the country is sacrificing absolutely nothing, and we see where that has gotten us. What do you think would happen if there were a draft for this war Damo? Do you think that the middle class might finally shut off American Idol and "24" and get off their asses and do something? Because I do.
Darla it has to be hard on Damo to see his party in ruins....
Actually he handles it pretty well.

I don't even know why he's a Republican. He doesn't have a mean streak and he's not racist, doesn't seem to have been for the Iraqi war, how much is he going to fit in anyway?
I don't even know why he's a Republican. He doesn't have a mean streak and he's not racist, doesn't seem to have been for the Iraqi war, how much is he going to fit in anyway?

Damo is one reason I hold out some hope for the next rise of the republican party. Reforming itself in a more reasonable form of course.
We do need balance after all.
Nah. Because when the war stopped, so would the "sacrifice". You have a situation where 99 percent of the country is sacrificing absolutely nothing, and we see where that has gotten us. What do you think would happen if there were a draft for this war Damo? Do you think that the middle class might finally shut off American Idol and "24" and get off their asses and do something? Because I do.
I think that if Joe American was asked to sacrifice from the beginning the war would be more popular. People would feel more personal ownership. I think it is a mistake to attempt to run a war where you tell the people at home to just go on with life as usual.
I think that if Joe American was asked to sacrifice from the beginning the war would be more popular.

There's some precident for that. I think that every war time President other than Bush, did ask for real sacrifice in the form of higher taxes and/or cuts in favored social programs. LBJ started out trying to have "guns and butter" but did later have to make cuts and raise taxes. Roosevelt of course, raised taxes and cut New Deal programs.

However, this is a different time. We're a different people. We were dazzled by the "scud studs" and all of that BS during the Gulf War, and the Sequel; Shock and Awe" promised to be one hell of a television show. But the show came with no admission fee for most of us. I think you're wrong about this, but now we will never know. The fact remains, someone is going to have to pay for this, someday. You can't possibly not understand those of us who were fiercly against this from the get-go, wishing we could send the bill to the supporters of it. And as I have said, we have a no return policy here. Too bad if you "changed your mind" two years in. You bought it, you pay for it.
Darla it has to be hard on Damo to see his party in ruins....
Actually he handles it pretty well.
I've been holding out hope that the libertarian leaners will gain ascendancy again.

I wouldn't be a D because they have a fundamental difference that is very difficult to overcome.

Generically it can be basically expressed this way:

The Democratic Party too often looks to government to solve issues before they search for a different solution. When I see how poorly run government programs can be, I fear such solutions. Too often, instead of seeking a personal responsibility, they are willing to give more to the government to solve...

The Greens are too one-viewed. The Libertarians too disconnected from current reality, relating as "extreme" and therefore constantly on the sidelines.
There's some precident for that. I think that every war time President other than Bush, did ask for real sacrifice in the form of higher taxes and/or cuts in favored social programs. LBJ started out trying to have "guns and butter" but did later have to make cuts and raise taxes. Roosevelt of course, raised taxes and cut New Deal programs.

However, this is a different time. We're a different people. We were dazzled by the "scud studs" and all of that BS during the Gulf War, and the Sequel; Shock and Awe" promised to be one hell of a television show. But the show came with no admission fee for most of us. I think you're wrong about this, but now we will never know. The fact remains, someone is going to have to pay for this, someday. You can't possibly not understand those of us who were fiercly against this from the get-go, wishing we could send the bill to the supporters of it. And as I have said, we have a no return policy here. Too bad if you "changed your mind" two years in. You bought it, you pay for it.
I didn't "change my mind" I am always against undeclared war. I think the War Powers Act is just a run-around of a constitutional check and balance that makes War far more difficult to just jump into.
I didn't "change my mind" I am always against undeclared war. I think the War Powers Act is just a run-around of a constitutional check and balance that makes War far more difficult to just jump into.

I know, but a lot of people have changed their minds.
Well, there is no Plan B. But I have one. Comes September, we draft the war hawks and bring our troops home.


"Operation: Yellow Elephant" has been way ahead of you on this, for years:

Operation Yellow Elephant

It's their war. Why aren't they fighting it?



The objective of OPERATION YELLOW ELEPHANT is to recruit College Republicans and Young Republicans to serve as infantry. They demanded this war and now viciously support it. It's only right that they also experience it.

- Operation Yellow Elephant 101

Thanks once again to "The General" for dreaming up Operation Yellow Elephant. When I decided in May 2005 to donate a booth at the Young Republicans National Convention to all military recruiters in order to help solve our country's military recruiting crisis, I thought I was the only person concerned.

This really is a nonpartisan grass-roots citizens' initiative to Support Our President by encouraging his strongest supporters [otherwise eligible: age, sexual orientation, health, moral, etc.] to consider serving in our all-volunteer military.

After all, if The President cannot persuade even his strongest supporters that Our Country Needs You [Personally!], then how can he persuade the entire country to continue to support U.S. policy in Iraq and elsewhere? 'Not to mention the Global War on Terror in Afghanistan and Djibouti and, indeed, worldwide.

- Phase 3: Getting Serious

Thanks to you, phase 1 and 2 of Operation Yellow Elephant were resounding successes. The yellow elephant meme is spreading like a Cheeto stain on a sleepless Freeper's briefs. All across the wingershpere, service age chickenhawks are desperately posting denunciations so loaded with unintentional irony, compassionate conservatives will soon be requiring them to pay royalties. Even the chair of the Young Republican National Convention, Nathan Taylor, rose to the bait, spinning OYE as a plot to attack veterans appearing at the convention......
Well, there is no Plan B. But I have one. Comes September, we draft the war hawks and bring our troops home.


"Operation: Yellow Elephant" has been way ahead of you on this, for years:

Oh baby, would I love to send those college republicans.