Draft the war hawks.

Well, people get tired of the old "big government dems" line. Government has grown more under this adminstration, and I believe under Reagan as well. So he is just making that case, and he's right.

As to the thread, you know, I don't even know which thread this is, or which thread I said I would never vote for a R on. I'm never good at keeping track of that. I'm pretty certain I didn't get into an orgasm though!
It isn't the "big government" thing, if it were I couldn't vote for either. The government grows under both of the parties. It is a pragmatic effect.

Neither main party is in perfect alignment with my beliefs. I realise that they are the only real options and third party candidates almost never win. I therefore looked at platform and actions of candidates (believe me I have voted against Rs that are solely religious Rs) and chose the party that more often aligned with my opinion on issues I believe to be important.

Often the alignment is even incidental. It isn't because of the same reason, it is simply because the goal is the same.
There was a huge clapterfest of posts waxing orgasmic of how great a description of why they could never vote R. (Of course I am exaggerating, but it is for literary effect)>

Oh in response to Ornot's great post. Well, I've come close with Ornot's posts, but still, not quite Orgasmic. :)
One more time...


Shall I repeat it so it will stick this time?


I stated that the R Party aligned with me more often than did the Ds and that is why I was a Republican in answer to Darla's remark that, "I don't know why he (speaking of me) is a republican."

Do not put words in my mouth. I attempt never to do that to another, I expect a bit of the same respect from you.

I was answering that one remark, and gave reason why I chose the party I did when I registered and why I often vote for Rs. I was never describing why I "couldn't vote democrat".

And one more time with the "Government solution" thing.


This is the third time I've posted the statements that I capitalized on this post. And I even brought to your attention the fact that border security is one of the powers given to the Federal Government in the Constitution. Yes, I support a government solution to that issue. I expect it.

I was responding to this statement:


I wouldn't be a D because they have a fundamental difference that is very difficult to overcome.

Generically it can be basically expressed this way:

The Democratic Party too often looks to government to solve issues before they search for a different solution. When I see how poorly run government programs can be, I fear such solutions. Too often, instead of seeking a personal responsibility, they are willing to give more to the government to solve...

I simply asked you to demonstrate, in a fundamental way, how it is you percieve the democrats to be a party that too often looks for government solutions.

other than the trivial example of smoking bans, you focused on abortion, guns, and illegal immigration. All of which suggests that you don't neccessarily have a complaint with Democrats relying on "government solutions" -- but rather you prefer the republicans "government solutions".

So, I think we've resolved that your problem isn't that Democrats rely on government solutions. You just prefer the republican government solutions.

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I was responding to this statement:

I simply asked you to demonstrate, in a fundamental way, how it is you percieve the democrats to be a party that too often looks for government solutions.

other than the trivial example of smoking bans, you focused on abortion, guns, and illegal immigration. All of which suggests that you don't neccessarily have a complaint with Democrats relying on "government solutions" -- but rather you prefer the republicans "government solutions".

So, I think we've resolved that your problem isn't that Democrats rely on government solutions. You just prefer the republican government solutions.


I may be wrong speaking for Damo..but I interpreted his comment as being..Just listen to Hillary...the 'Socialist'..could be wrong but what the hey at least I call em' like I see em'...some "Just can't handle the truth'...(stolen from a Tom Cruise movie-for the lib gals)
I may be wrong speaking for Damo..but I interpreted his comment as being..Just listen to Hillary...the 'Socialist'..could be wrong but what the hey at least I call em' like I see em'...some "Just can't handle the truth'...(stolen from a Tom Cruise movie-for the lib gals)

Please don't.

With Damo I can have an intelligent and civil discussion. Each time I read your incoherent nonsense, it feels like it causes my IQ to drop 5 points.
Please don't.

With Damo I can have an intelligent and civil discussion. Each time I read your incoherent nonsense, it feels like it causes my IQ to drop 5 points.

He "writes" (please excuse my use of such a grandiose word to describe what we are seeing), much like alec from the old board. I always found her to be the single most incoherent person I'd ever come across. But...we may have her match here.

Imagine if they had met, and bred! Dear Lord.
I was responding to this statement:

I simply asked you to demonstrate, in a fundamental way, how it is you percieve the democrats to be a party that too often looks for government solutions.

other than the trivial example of smoking bans, you focused on abortion, guns, and illegal immigration. All of which suggests that you don't neccessarily have a complaint with Democrats relying on "government solutions" -- but rather you prefer the republicans "government solutions".

So, I think we've resolved that your problem isn't that Democrats rely on government solutions. You just prefer the republican government solutions.

Now, let's see if I was being honest in my response to you...


I wouldn't be a D because they have a fundamental difference that is very difficult to overcome.

Generically it can be basically expressed this way:

The Democratic Party too often looks to government to solve issues before they search for a different solution. When I see how poorly run government programs can be, I fear such solutions. Too often, instead of seeking a personal responsibility, they are willing to give more to the government to solve...

In that I didn't say I couldn't vote for a D, I said that I couldn't BE a D. This was a loosely structured response to the remark of how somebody didn't know why I was an R.

Notice how I said "generically" and "basic" in that post? Hmmm...

It seems I was precise in my description of my post.

Did you notice what it was in answer to? I was also honest about that.

You are being dishonest about what I said to the point of deliberate disingenuousness.

I then did demonstrate several things on which I was speaking, each were quick and easy responses, basically designed to get the thread back on track. You just automatically assumed I was speaking "big government", when I wasn't, and that I said that I "couldn't vote D". I am pragmatic enough to know that government grows under both parties.

I think Hillarycare was a clear example of looking to the government for a solution to a perceived problem. Instead of "setting the bar" as in your example previous, it relegated to the government much of what should never be relegated to the government. It is a very real example of what I perceive to be a fundamental difference in thought.

I think that your perception of the "government will never ban guns" is good as a pragmatic view, but that your party's restrictions are often a look to the government first response to such things as Virginia Tech. And the position many in your party take is not "they will never be banned". Those positions do not align with my opinion.

And as I stated, it was a very generic description.
He "writes" (please excuse my use of such a grandiose word to describe what we are seeing), much like alec from the old board. I always found her to be the single most incoherent person I'd ever come across. But...we may have her match here.

Imagine if they had met, and bred! Dear Lord.

Oh pardon me Ms.PHD...along with cypo the fraud...like what y'all write is soooo cool...in your dreams!:readit: