Drive Up Theaters

Could they make a comeback?

We use to have several but now those are houses.. But we still have one that never closed & is more popular than ever...

Lots of great memories there........ Back in the day I lived in College town, just off campus in Sacramento.. We were on the list to get the A/C fixed for two years.. It was prob 100 degrees in their in summer so we would buy beer, steal ice from the hotel, buy some very cheap food & go & watch movies for 6 hours until it cooled off..

Only downside was skunks begging for food... We were always cool w/ them as we would toss them a burrito or chicken bone to stay on their good
I remember you want a coke?

Sure, I will have a root beer.

That's great for drive ins or ups opening. My honey and I will get some hugging time.
Oh man back in the day taking a date to a drive in was a big deal. It meant you had a real high chance of getting a little loving. My favorite line back then, and highly effective it was, was to tell her it was ok to remove her panties cause Daddy wouldn’t let her go there with me if he didn’t approve of me.

I can remember a number of times coming back from the drive in and mom would ask “How was the movie?” I’d say “Fine”. She ask what the movie was about? I’d say “I dunno”. “What was the title of the Movie” and I’d say “I forget”. Then she would give me a sour look and compliment me “You’re just like your father!”.
Oh man back in the day taking a date to a drive in was a big deal. It meant you had a real high chance of getting a little loving. My favorite line back then, and highly effective it was, was to tell her it was ok to remove her panties cause Daddy wouldn’t let her go there with me if he didn’t approve of me.

I can remember a number of times coming back from the drive in and mom would ask “How was the movie?” I’d say “Fine”. She ask what the movie was about? I’d say “I dunno”. “What was the title of the Movie” and I’d say “I forget”. Then she would give me a sour look and compliment me “You’re just like your father!”.
I wasn’t allowed to go on a date to the drive in, my dad knew about guys like you. I was allowed to go with my girlfriends, and we met up with the guys. I never did get any action, we just had great fun, lots of smoking of the wacky tobbacky
They could stream the audio to phones or car radios so ya don't have use the speaker and wonder how clean it is.

Yea but all the cars would need WiFi connectivity and the screen would have be digital and considering the size requirements and cost of buying a digital screen and protecting it from the elements. Then if your operational cost is too high than you won’t break even with the house allowance and since you can only show one or two movies then given the 10% of ticket sales (minus the house allowance) that they usually get from the distributor your exposure to risk is much higher.

Back in the day theaters kept a larger percentage of ticket sales which made that business model viable but with the low percentage theaters get these days it’s not viable for first run blockbusters.
Hello Mott,

Yea but all the cars would need WiFi connectivity and the screen would have be digital and considering the size requirements and cost of buying a digital screen and protecting it from the elements. Then if your operational cost is too high than you won’t break even with the house allowance and since you can only show one or two movies then given the 10% of ticket sales (minus the house allowance) that they usually get from the distributor your exposure to risk is much higher.

Back in the day theaters kept a larger percentage of ticket sales which made that business model viable but with the low percentage theaters get these days it’s not viable for first run blockbusters.

I don't see why the screen would have to be digital. Naturally that would be the best case but they could certainly use D2A for the projection.

Since the movie industry is getting pretty much zero right now it would be very wise for them to adjust release costs downward. Something is better than nothing.

Wouldn't matter to me either way. I have not been to a theater in years. Pretty much ever since home big screens became affordable. Much prefer to relax in a comfy chair of my choosing, provide my own healthy snacks at reasonable cost, and love the ability to pause and take a break whenever. When theater prices got to be ridiculous that was when I quit going. I see the same movies just not when they come out. Since I don't watch commercial TV I see no previews either. I always hated the total spoiler previews. I don't want the plot in a nutshell before I see the movie. I'd rather see the whole movie when I see it. And besides most modern movies have little of interest to me. Same old shoot-em-ups / scorned, gotta get revenge immaturity. Gimme a good old comedy, adventure, scifi, nonfiction, romance any day. Lately I watch a lot of U tube.

I also have a great personal collection of DVDs.

I just like to hear that a lot of people liked a movie, and that it is not violent. That's all I want to know. Let me experience it as the art it was intended to be and I will either be entertained by it if it works or I cut it off and move on to something else.
I wasn’t allowed to go on a date to the drive in, my dad knew about guys like you. I was allowed to go with my girlfriends, and we met up with the guys. I never did get any action, we just had great fun, lots of smoking of the wacky tobbacky

The girls I was dating had runaway hormones and their fathers were just great full they were screwing a guy with a future cause they was no way they were going to stop their daughters from screwing! LOL