Drop the D!

I am denying ever making the quote you attributed to me above. If you would like to retract that lie and post what I actually said, you may do so now, along with an apology for lying about what I said. That would be the un-hackish thing to do here, but being you are a hack, I don't expect that from you.

You are a serious piece of work.

You'll get no apology from me, hack, because I'm not lying. You should think before you make stupid posts like you did, which basically advertise the world "Hey everyone! I'm immersed in koolaid!"
You are a serious piece of work.

You'll get no apology from me, hack, because I'm not lying. You should think before you make stupid posts like you did, which basically advertise the world "Hey everyone! I'm immersed in koolaid!"

I saw you say it Dixie.
You are a serious piece of work.

You'll get no apology from me, hack, because I'm not lying. You should think before you make stupid posts like you did, which basically advertise the world "Hey everyone! I'm immersed in koolaid!"

Yes, you are lying. If you're not, you could post a link to the actual quote, but you won't do that because you are lying. I never stated what you claim I said, and it certainly wasn't a direct quote, worthy of quotation marks. But it's okay, don't retract it, let it stand, keep maintaining you haven't lied! It proves what a fucking hypocrite lying hack you are. That's good enough for me!
You asked for it:

I plan to be here daily, bashing and trashing everything the Democrats do, or try to do


I plan to criticize just as much and as loudly as you criticized Bush. Obama will be judged, and held accountable, whether he deserves it or not, because that was the standard you set in how you treated Bush


Like I said, your "quote" was inaccurate and dishonest.

Now where is my apology for your lie?
To clarify... This is what you claim I said:

"I'm going to bash everything this person does, simply because of their party."

Your link does not show that quote ever being made by me. You lied!
I outright lied?

Did you read the statements you made? Are you really parsing that?

Man, you are shameless. Like, devoid of shame. An endless well of entertainment, however...
I outright lied?

Did you read the statements you made? Are you really parsing that?

Man, you are shameless. Like, devoid of shame. An endless well of entertainment, however...

you and I have known Dixie for six or seven years. have you EVER seen him own up to any misstatements? ever?
you and I have known Dixie for six or seven years. have you EVER seen him own up to any misstatements? ever?

No misstatement here, I intentionally challenged Onzie because I knew he was lying, and he proved he was. I did not make the quote he attributed to me. If you guys want to make a national issue out of this, it's fine by me, I've nothing better to do. Onzie lied about what I said, he couldn't find the quote by me, and he then attempted to pass off an "almost" as the real deal, but that wasn't what he quoted me as saying, and I called him on it. No misstatement on my part, it was a misstatement on Onzies part to claim I said something I didn't say. I am still waiting for an apology for the lie.
I outright lied?

Did you read the statements you made? Are you really parsing that?

Man, you are shameless. Like, devoid of shame. An endless well of entertainment, however...

Yes, you outright lied. When you wrap quote marks around something, and claim someone said that, it is supposed to be something they actually said, this is the purpose of the quote marks. There are ways to "paraphrase" what someone says, without the quote marks, and you can even use the quote marks as long as you say you are paraphrasing, and it is a reasonable example of what was actually said. The comment you attributed to me, in quotes, was not what I said, it was your interpretation and embellishment of what you thought I said. Had you presented it as such, I wouldn't have challenged you, but you didn't.

Dixie's trying to hang his argument on the quote marks now.

Dixie, please. He was obviously paraphrasing. And the crux of his argument is absolutely true. You plan to bash Obama whether he walks on water or blows up Alabama. It doesn't matter to you, and that was his point.

Dixie's trying to hang his argument on the quote marks now.

Dixie, please. He was obviously paraphrasing. And the crux of his argument is absolutely true. You plan to bash Obama whether he walks on water or blows up Alabama. It doesn't matter to you, and that was his point.

No, he wasn't "obviously" doing anything except lying about what I said. That was why I challenged it, and had he said he was paraphrasing, I wouldn't have. You are apparently too retarded to go back and read what was posted, so here it is...

We also define it by anyone who says (referring to me) "I'm going to bash everything this person does, simply because of their party."

Now, had I said those words, he would have been accurate to quote me saying those words, but here is what I actually said...

"Obama will be judged, and held accountable, whether he deserves it or not, because that was the standard you set in how you treated Bush."

As anyone with half a brain can see, those statements do not match. If you want to claim it is paraphrased, that is a matter of opinion, I don't even think he accurately paraphrased what I said. But he didn't state he was paraphrasing at all, he used quotation marks, which are used to QUOTE someone's EXACT words, not a paraphrase, not a crux, not a gist of what they said, but the EXACT WORDS! That is what QUOTE marks are used for!

I'm not "hanging my argument" on anything, I have no "argument" just a statement of fact, Onzie lied his ass off and misquoted me, and has yet to apologize for it. You chiming in with your idiotic chortling is not going to change those facts, maineman chiming in to interject his profound wisdom, is not going to change those facts, and Duhla chiming in to make her idiotic comments, is not going to change those facts.
You're basing your accusation of a lie on the fact that he didn't paraphrase perfectly. He used quotes.

His underlying argument, which is obvious to everyone and clearly true (evidenced as well by the fact that you have so far failed to discount it), is that you plan to "berate Obama whether or not he walks on water or blows up Alabama."

OMG. I just lied! I used quotes! "JESUS!" AHH! I did it again!!!!
You're basing your accusation of a lie on the fact that he didn't paraphrase perfectly. He used quotes.

His underlying argument, which is obvious to everyone and clearly true (evidenced as well by the fact that you have so far failed to discount it), is that you plan to "berate Obama whether or not he walks on water or blows up Alabama."

OMG. I just lied! I used quotes! "JESUS!" AHH! I did it again!!!!

It's not an accusation of a lie, it's been proven to be a lie. He didn't paraphrase what I said, he quoted me, and there is a difference. If you are too stupid to understand the difference, I suggest a basic elementary English class at any public secondary school. However, they may have restrictions on admitting retarded people.

If you want to further compound your stupidity by claiming that I am saying the use of quotation means you lie, you are welcome to do that, but I think you've more than proven your stupidity already. I've never said I plan to "berate" Obama for anything, much less, walking on water or blowing up Alabama. I said I would criticize, judge, and hold Obama accountable, and again, there is a difference between this and 'berating', and any elementary English course might be able to teach you the difference, since you are apparently too stupid to know.

I will close by directing you to the Official Dixie-Bashing Thread, so that we can get this thread back on topic, which is the Liberal media bias toward Democrats involved in scandal, vs. Republicans involved in scandal. If you have something tangible to offer on that subject, I will be happy to respond, otherwise, please refer your childish retorts to the appropriate thread.
Not at all. The snippets posted were pulled from within the reports, not the lead-in. It actually proves my point. Go back and re-read what I posted to begin the thread, and perhaps you will fully understand, I never stated that the MSM didn't mention Blago was a Democrat, that is absurd. However, Grind is correct, MSNBC didn't mention it, and neither did CBS on their report during the nightly news.

Oh please Dixie, you're splitting hairs. This belongs in the conspiracy theory sig.