Drs reporting gun owners to Feds?

Fuck you, I could have saved her life but the Socislist NHS banned me from taking her to the USA where she would have been completely healed.

But YOU leftists decided thst it wasn't in the best interests of the child!!

And now you launch into mockery and abuse!'

Mockery? How dare you. You really do have a problem, dont you. So you will remain in my ignore box, where you may shout, scream and blame the world for your troubles.
You are fucking lying again , you lying liberal cunt!!
When did I make such an accusation?
Never !
You lying bag of shit cunt!!
And you knew, each time you hinted at it, it's what you liberals do!!!

Fuck the lot of you and your obamessiah!!

Did you miss your valium dose?
Didnt see the movie!
No fucking interest , criminals walk and re offend, you want me to support that?

The criminal who was released early to kill my Maggie was jailed and released early again and again !!!
Liberal compassion!!
Misdirected!! !!!!!!!!!!

Fucking cunts!!
Worse still you find it funny!!
Cunts, cunts cunts cunts!!!!!!

Who's Maggie?
In all fairness I think the poster 007 should be banned and perhaps even reported. He is clearly demented and quite possibly a danger to himself and others.