Drunk Driving lesson for Paris and other drunks

And how were the state constitutions not compliant with "not" invading a country?
What do you mean? States cannot, of themselves, invade anybody. However the Congress can give the President authority to do so, under the US Constitution, which is not abrogated by a Treaty as the "Law of the Land" thing you keep quoting specifically refers to State Laws and State Constitutions.

The authority of the US to wage war is on the shoulders of the congress, not on the UN.
"Actually he passed. The inspections were working."

BULLSHIT.... Why won't you answer this...

IF the inspections were working.... Why did this take 12 years??????????????

This only shows your desire to avoid the fact that he was not. AGAIN. Just because he acted compliant once our forces were there does not mean a damn thing with respect to the TWELVE years that preceded our troop buildup.
""Protect ourselves"? At most we were protecting Iran. and look how that $hit turned out. We were never in danger. In fact, most hte intel that's surfaced in the last 4 years have showed that the administration new Iraq was never an immediate threat to the US."

blah blah blah... AGAIN... Bush being wrong... does not change the legality of going in.

"Secondly, you can't have your cake and eat it too." On a fundamental level you can't say you're going to use the UNs resolution as a basis for going to war, and then ignore that same organization when they say its wrong. Its either a defunct organization or its not. And more importantly, Saddam was complying and he didn't have an WMD program like dumya implied.""

Again WE DO NOT NEED ANY NEW APPROVAL BY THE UN. and to act as if a few months of "compliance" (that was only given because of our troop buildup) has ANY merrit is naive at best.

That is straight out of the Cheney playbook. It is widely known that Colin Powell disagreed and urged bush to get a UN resolution authorizing him to invade. Bush could not get that.

You believe Cheney's OPINION, because that's what you want to believe. With someone like Colin Powell disagreeing with you and Cheney, thinking this war is not legal, is not exactly a wingnut position.

This only shows your desire to avoid the fact that he was not. AGAIN. Just because he acted compliant once our forces were there does not mean a damn thing with respect to the TWELVE years that preceded our troop buildup.

He didn't have the weapons. He had let the weapons inspectors have full access.

Bush pulled them out.

Bottom line, the war was unnecessary and unnecessary war is by very definition, evil.
"Bottom line, the war was unnecessary and unnecessary war is by very definition, evil."

I do not disagree with the above Darla.... but that does NOT change the legality of the situation. I AGREE that it was wrong to go in the way we did and when we did.
"Actually he passed. The inspections were working."

BULLSHIT.... Why won't you answer this...

IF the inspections were working.... Why did this take 12 years??????????????

They were working that is why bush rushed us into war before his excuse was vaporized by the truth of NO WMD's. Ie his lies exposed.
Darla... as for Colin Powell.. please show me where he said it was illegal. He certainly was pushing to get Bush to get the UN involved regardless of how long it took. But I do not recall him ever saying it was illegal.
Darla... as for Colin Powell.. please show me where he said it was illegal. He certainly was pushing to get Bush to get the UN involved regardless of how long it took. But I do not recall him ever saying it was illegal.

Of course his son had just become head of the FCC....
Darla... as for Colin Powell.. please show me where he said it was illegal. He certainly was pushing to get Bush to get the UN involved regardless of how long it took. But I do not recall him ever saying it was illegal.

Of course he never said it, he's a very good solidier.

But if he felt they needed a new resolution in order to invade, then it follows, that he didn't think they had the authority without it doesn't it?
"They were working that is why bush rushed us into war before his excuse was vaporized by the truth of NO WMD's."

Typicall US... jumped right over it... if they were "working"... then WHY did they not "work" for 12 years??????
"But if he felt they needed a new resolution in order to invade, then it follows, that he didn't think they had the authority without it doesn't it?"

Not necessarily. Powell was intelligent enough to know that was the BETTER option. IMO.... he thought that we had time, especially given what was happening in Afghanistan, to get the UN on board. But again, that does not change the legality. As you said, he kept many of his opinions close to the vest... thus I am just guessing. It could be that he thought it was illegal. I do not know. But I beleive he would have come forward with this opinion if it is what he really thinks. (since he resigned that is)
Of course he never said it, he's a very good solidier.

But if he felt they needed a new resolution in order to invade, then it follows, that he didn't think they had the authority without it doesn't it?
Not necessarily. It means he believed in the Powell Doctrine and international support is vital to the Powell Doctrine.

Point number 8 of the Powell Doctrine is:

8. Do we have genuine broad international support?
Here is the Powell Doctrine:

1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
7. Is the action supported by the American people?
8. Do we have genuine broad international support?
When your drunk and need to get home after a long night of boozing or partying it up, here are a few guides to help you get to your destination.

1. 10 & 2... ALWAYS unless in regard to #2

2. Smoke lots of cigarettes as this helps to get the smell of alcohol from your breath. if you don't smoke or hate smoking, your drunk, youll forget it in the morning, i reccomend newports b/c they are strong and minty. Chewing gum or sucking on a hard candy will also help but should be used in conjuction w/ the cigarettes.

3. Drive teh speed limit. this is how most get caught is that they feel invincible and speed. you don't want to give the cop any reason to pull you over. to appear not suspicious you may drive up to 5 miles over the speed limit. if the speed limit is 65 on the highway, go 70, BUT NOT OVER 70!!!

4. Wear your seatbelt, its important to be safe, even if your drunk driving. and another reason how not to get pulled over

5. Don't use your cell phone, studies show that talking on the phone while driving is equivalent to being drunk, but your already drunk, so don't wanna be double drunk!!

6. If your too drunk to see straight, follow the line to your left and if necessary drive with one eye closed so you don't see double.

follow these rules while drunk and youll never get a dui.

i got a good idea... just dont drive when you get drunk... its not that hard to do
"But if he felt they needed a new resolution in order to invade, then it follows, that he didn't think they had the authority without it doesn't it?"

Not necessarily. Powell was intelligent enough to know that was the BETTER option. IMO.... he thought that we had time, especially given what was happening in Afghanistan, to get the UN on board. But again, that does not change the legality. As you said, he kept many of his opinions close to the vest... thus I am just guessing. It could be that he thought it was illegal. I do not know. But I beleive he would have come forward with this opinion if it is what he really thinks. (since he resigned that is)

I don't believe he would have had at all. And he wasn't the only one who did think it was illegal. I think it was Feith who also said it was. One of the planners of this entire fiasco.

Anyway, Dick Cheney's opinion on whether or not it was illegal, for some reaons holds water with you. That's just laughable man.

That guy is the biggest fattest pos lying scum we've ever had in office.
Here is the Powell Doctrine:

1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
7. Is the action supported by the American people?
8. Do we have genuine broad international support?

How many of these were met? Have you heard Powell squeaking about it? And you won't, because he did what he was told to do, and he defends it, to this day. His reputation is another one that is going to be dogshit in the history books, but that pretty much covers anyone who hung with this crowd.
"Where did it say we could remove the elected ruler of a sovergn nation if he did not live up to the UN mandate ?"

Do you understand the concept of a ceasefire agreement?

The cease fire agreement was between the United Nations and Iraq.

NOT between the United States and Iraq. Remember, Gulf War 1, was a united nations war? Authorized by the security council? The US and other nations were acting on behalf of a UN mandate.

therefore, it's NOT up to the United States to determine if Saddam is complying with a UN ceasefire. And its not up to us to determine how to punish him, if he's not complying. That's up to the security council.