Bullshit, I deal with users every day. They are all in denial of their self induced stupors. I posted it as a specific interest I have. It is real, actual news worthy commentary in light of its legalization.

I make money on it. I have my justifications. I tried to use land as a personal investment (build homes to sell) but had the greeners of the state rewrite laws after I purchased that killed that. Same greeners wanted to legalize pot to scam taxes... So I thought hey, good use of my land. So save your ill informed suppositions about why I posted what I did.

Its real science and real people should know the fucking risks. Nothing more nothing less.

Only an idiot would call a studt that limited real science.
As for other studies; ummm, no there have been no studies of weed for fifty years thanks to ass cancers like you.
You are basing your entire argument on a single study, which itself was EXTREMELY limited in scope.

Just like uClimate Change deniers, you ignore mountains of evidence that doesn't support your position to instead latch onto one of a handful of studies done which you agree with.

One study after another, from the 1930's on has shown there are minimal adverse effects on the lungs and mind, but you stubbornly ignore them because you don't agree with their findings.

Google marijuana and psychosis. There are numerous studies.
Junk science 2 or 3 beer is way worse
The fucking president and the last 3 presidents smoked plenty pot
Bush did a lot of Coke which isn't too bad either.
Run for the hills!
Was that while you were on meth?

tom the sockpuppet was the first character to slanderously report meth use by me. you are the second person to slanderously report meth use by me. I have never claimed to have ever used meth and I order you to cease and desist from this slander.
tom the sockpuppet was the first character to slanderously report meth use by me. you are the second person to slanderously report meth use by me. I have never claimed to have ever used meth and I order you to cease and desist from this slander.

Your a hardcore crusader gomi, your service is needed now