Scut Farkus
Verified User
Cops can pull people over with justifiable cause. That is in any state and does not pertain to roadblocks.
but without cause, they cannot.
Cops can pull people over with justifiable cause. That is in any state and does not pertain to roadblocks.
Read the fucking reference, idiot. I've given it to ou morons multiple times.
1990 SCOTUS. 6-3. Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444 (1990)
without cause, stops are unconstitutional.
I can't fix your stupid, moron. I can only point it out.
but without cause, they cannot.
I thought I said that. thanks for correcting me.
Who said it's OK to drive drunk? I have yet, in all 700+ posts, read where anyone said it's OK to drive drunk...
...and yet you keep saying someone has
Irrelevance fallacy. No one is talking about this (except you). YALIFNAP
well do what you can, gomer.
It's even more clear, by your own words, you're a drunk that believes it's OK to drive drunk. At least be honest. Being a drunk then driving is bad enough. Being a liar about it doesn't work well for you.
Read the fucking reference, idiot. I've given it to ou morons multiple times.
1990 SCOTUS. 6-3. Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz, 496 U.S. 444 (1990)
That's why I hope one hits your family.
I already have. Some stupid, like yours, is unfixable.
So you are one of those selfish assholes that likes to drive drunk.
I already have. Some stupid, like yours, is unfixable.
cfm, the totalitarian right died with the fifties.
I already told you. Several already have. Why do you hate so much?