I was thinking ... 'montgomery'. A real pompous, bloated, self-absorbed Toad.
Something you and I finally agree on. Although I would also put PolitiTalker in that same bucket.
I was thinking ... 'montgomery'. A real pompous, bloated, self-absorbed Toad.
Why, what can be said, there’s no arguing that Trump is a dumbass and I bet there are a lot of people who wish he had never run for office and won. Christmas with the Trumps will be depressing this year.
You need a life.
I actually think it is one of the least controversial threads ever posted on this forum.
Everybody here - and I mean everybody - is fully aware that, by presidential standards, Donald Trump is literally the stupidest, most dim-witted, least informed, and most inarticulate dumb ass that has ever been allowed to occupy the office of the presidency.
And that even includes the posters who metaphorically spend their days on their knees giving Trump's boots a tongue bath - even they know Trump is a moron.
It’s sad, but true, even those in his administration make the claim.
Something you and I finally agree on. Although I would also put PolitiTalker in that same bucket.
I actually think it is one of the least controversial threads ever posted on this forum.
Everybody here - and I mean everybody - is fully aware that, by presidential standards, Donald Trump is literally the stupidest, most dim-witted, least informed, and most inarticulate dumb ass that has ever been allowed to occupy the office of the presidency.
And that even includes the posters who metaphorically spend their days on their knees giving Trump's boots a tongue bath - even they know Trump is a moron.
He would be in the running on this forum. But Katzgar would easily beat him out.
Something you and I finally agree on. Although I would also put PolitiTalker in that same bucket.
You need a life.