Dumbass Danes arm genocidal Jews, arrest Greta Thunberg.


89 degrees? That's a cold wave here! That'd be like nearly a 30 degree drop in temperature...

What flavor of government fears a young girl more than a genocidal regime guilty of murdering 20,000 children since October 2023 ?
So Islam oil for climate change should restart that Catholic Church brokered business contract for not just Jews deaths as WW II Nazi Germany not so master race not so master genocide plan........
Greta??? Another media fabricated halfwit with high self-esteem, embracing racism and genocide for a buck and attention.

How long before she gets a talking head show on CNN or MSNBC?
Hey! Why are you insulting halfwits like that?

She would be a great fit for them. They're the network who fired one of its own founders over sniveling La Raza racists complaints, then had to fire a latino racist they hired months later. Hilarious. They love hiring criminals and dumbasses, since they relate to their audience so well.

I am just trying to help left wing media keep up their great record.