Every trumper is a N4T.
He isn't worthy of licking dogshit off my shoes.
Besides, you do that for yourself anyway.
He isn't worthy of licking dogshit off my shoes.
A) Prove the date that pic was taken
B) Show me where I claimed riots happened in '08 & '12.
You're so fucked up you can't even get your lies straight.
Not the majority in right places. She lost the Electoral college and won LA county.
I hate thugs and terrorists and want them in jail or dead. Not put on a pedestal and lionized like Obama did with them.
Besides, you do that for yourself anyway.
Again, you can't defend that piece of dogshit to save your life. Just give up. He was worthless. Everyone knows that.
when you suck putin ass do your lips get sore?
There were NO riots when O'Bammy won. That's the point. We behave like civilized humans not wild animals.
When Hillary strap on bangs you without lube, does your ass bleed? Did you have to go to the ER the night of Nov. 8 for a blood transfusion?
Again, you can't defend that piece of dogshit to save your life. Just give up. He was worthless. Everyone knows that.
But you fucks hoarded up guns and ammo, then crawled under your rocks like the cowards you are and plotted to overthrow the gub'mint.
Because you lazy fucks don't have the guts to go in the street. You hide like cockroaches in your basements, plotted and scheming.
Yes because dogshit Obama wanted to ban guns. No was in the streets like wild rabid animals, destroying property and attacking cops.
We accepted the will of the people and moved on, like civilized Americans.
As a man, Obama is 1,000[SUP]10[/SUP]x the man that spoiled rotten little orange man-child could ever hope to be.
And never will be.
Lying turd.
Obama was never going to ban guns.
Only stupid goobers believe that shit.
Only because he couldn't get it passed. He tried to ban the number of rounds in clips.
Dogshit was raised by Commies, hence his ideology. How can you support it????
Not the majority in right places. She lost the Electoral college and won LA county.
I hate thugs and terrorists and want them in jail or dead. Not put on a pedestal and lionized like Obama did with them.
While you butthurt snowflakes hoarded up guns and ammo after you lost in '08 and '12. Fucking idiots. lol
And yet:
You lose again.