dump is going to fire Muller!


He won't fire him, his new lackey AG will squeeze Mueller out by not financing his investigation nor proceeding with anything Mueller exposes, when Mueller is forced to end, Trump will shelve anything Mueller produced never to see the light of day

Only problem is the House, they can subpoena Mueller and give him the opportunity to tell them everything he found

dump and the republicans will do what ever they want. Who's going to stop them? They have control of everything and no one is doing anything about it.

No one will go to jail.
"Left wing plot"? And in the same paragraph you claim that "rightys say the dumbest shit over and over".


Nope it goes with your reading comprehension problems. You rightys see left wing plots in your dead soul destroyed imaginations. Like you harping about Hillary who was fucking exonerated by righty investigations, over and over. But a boot licker like you thinks she should be in jail? This is about your obdurate unthinking hate. Catch up hater. Hilary is clean as whistle. Triump is a fucking crook akin to a mafia chief.
eh, no one is going to jail.

Mark this post.

Mark it yourself. The Trumpies will be packing jails worse than Nixon's people did. This is a criminal operation. Mueller figured as he closed in, Daffy would go berserk. So he pushed some of his investigations to other jurisdictions, including states. Trump has no power over state courts and cannot pardon anyone they find guilty. Ask Popadopolous, Cohen, Manfortand others what jail is like, because they went.
Watch......it's why he fired sessions and hired a flunky that thinks the investigation is a "witch hunt".

These racist white men are going to run a muck....smh

and when Nixon got Bork to fire the head of his investigation

Bork fired him

but then appointed a new one

this guy is more of a dirt bag than Bork but I think the American people would scare the hell out of the remaining republican junta if they actually tried to shut down the whole thing

and it may already too late to stop what was currently found
Nope it goes with your reading comprehension problems. You rightys see left wing plots in your dead soul destroyed imaginations. Like you harping about Hillary who was fucking exonerated by righty investigations, over and over. But a boot licker like you thinks she should be in jail? This is about your obdurate unthinking hate. Catch up hater. Hilary is clean as whistle. Triump is a fucking crook akin to a mafia chief.

It would have been far simpler for you to just admit your simple mistake instead of droning on with such gibberish. :rofl2:
Mark it yourself. The Trumpies will be packing jails worse than Nixon's people did. This is a criminal operation. Mueller figured as he closed in, Daffy would go berserk. So he pushed some of his investigations to other jurisdictions, including states. Trump has no power over state courts and cannot pardon anyone they find guilty. Ask Popadopolous, Cohen, Manfortand others what jail is like, because they went.

I hope you're right
and when Nixon got Bork to fire the head of his investigation

Bork fired him

but then appointed a new one

this guy is more of a dirt bag than Bork but I think the American people would scare the hell out of the remaining republican junta if they actually tried to shut down the whole thing

and it may already too late to stop what was currently found

I hope you're right
remember when Obama made sure the Russian information was retained in many offices of the government before he left

Comey made sure many people could help him document what Trump had said to him

Trumpy cant bury this
Nope it goes with your reading comprehension problems. You rightys see left wing plots in your dead soul destroyed imaginations. Like you harping about Hillary who was fucking exonerated by righty investigations, over and over. But a boot licker like you thinks she should be in jail? This is about your obdurate unthinking hate. Catch up hater. Hilary is clean as whistle. Triump is a fucking crook akin to a mafia chief.

many on the right here are merely Russian bot holes

they do provide a nice scaffolding to keep hanging the truth on to educate the REAL posters though
Session's firing was obstruction. appointing a right-wing hatchet man is obstruction. Trump is making it too easy. looks like jail for him.
I can't comprehend how any American could be liberal, unless of course they hate America.

I cannot believe that some Americans vote for the wealthy and corporations to seize all the power. I prefer the power of the people. You vote for those who loot the people. You vote against your own self interests jumping off the cliff like a lemming. I love America. I hate Fascism.