Dystopian literature - My top five picks

See...there y'all go getting depressing again....Maybe I need to write a dystopian book with a bright and shiny ending....would that be an oxymoron?

I do not know if young adult fiction is your cup of tea, but the dystopian "Hunger Games" generally pivots on the notion of moral clarity - and I don't know if one could call them happy endings, but the stories end on a hopeful note for the protagonists.

There is a lot of good, young adult fiction out there - and some of it is pretty bloody good!
I do not know if young adult fiction is your cup of tea, but the dystopian "Hunger Games" generally pivots on the notion of moral clarity - and I don't know if one could call them happy endings, but the stories end on a hopeful note for the protagonists.

There is a lot of good, young adult fiction out there - and some of it is pretty bloody good!

Here’s the truth though. For the vast majority of people the quality of life is better than it has ever been in all of human history. That’s where dystopian novels fall down. However they do serve as excellent warnings of what can happen if you vote Libertarian. ;)
Here’s the truth though. For the vast majority of people the quality of life is better than it has ever been in all of human history. That’s where dystopian novels fall down. However they do serve as excellent warnings of what can happen if you vote Libertarian. ;)

I always assumed a Libertarian world would look something like Mad Max - lots of guns, and nearly non-existent government.

My vote for the most preposterous dystopian fiction ever is the Left Behind series.
That's the one where Jews, Muslims, atheists, Hindus, and everyone else is considered unworthy and left to fend for themselves in a dystopian end times hellscape.
I always assumed a Libertarian world would look something like Mad Max - lots of guns, and nearly non-existent government.

My vote for the most preposterous dystopian fiction ever is the Left Behind series.
That's the one where Jews, Muslims, atheists, Hindus, and everyone else is considered unworthy and left to fend for themselves in a dystopian end times hellscape.

Yeah I’m familiar with Lahaye’s novels. Seriously bad writing but white Evangelicals eat that shit up. Even the Evangelical Christians of color are openly treated as servile class. Naked unapologetic bigotry at its finest.