E. Coli Fears Prompt Recall of Lettuce

How do you think they found this one so quickly? The evidence suggests they have done just that.
I suspect they found this one as an offshoot to the 3 weeks or so of looking for the source of the bad spinich. Otherwise this one probably possibly would have been another spinach thing.
Right, for a time they'll be testing far more often in the infected areas, those companies who are not careful will be careful or lose...

Everything appears to be working as it should IMO.
How do you think they found this one so quickly? The evidence suggests they have done just that.

REally? I heard on the News last night that the Company ITSELF found the contamination and recalled it? hmmmm....maybe I heard wrong?
Right, for a time they'll be testing far more often in the infected areas, those companies who are not careful will be careful or lose...

Everything appears to be working as it should IMO.

You said it right Damo, for a time, and then it will happen again.
continual govt enforced inspections is the most sure way to ensure that we have a safe food supply. business run systems will cycle from safe following a problem back to unsafe later to save costs.
REally? I heard on the News last night that the Company ITSELF found the contamination and recalled it? hmmmm....maybe I heard wrong?

You heard right Care. But would they even have been checking if not for the spinach market going bust because of not checking ?
And none of this even touches on imported veggies. Which congress suspended the origion of country labeling rules ?
You said it right Damo, for a time, and then it will happen again.
continual govt enforced inspections is the most sure way to ensure that we have a safe food supply. business run systems will cycle from safe following a problem back to unsafe later to save costs.
There always are inspections. However they simply cannot inspect every shipment all the time. It would be impossible. This too is getting repetitive. The rules were in place, they didn't follow them. Those who were not will be caught and punished as the FDA has permission to do...

Everything is working exactly as you are saying it should.
Then why did it take weeks to isolate the source of the E-Coli contamination?
Systematic search. They began without even knowing which distributing companies were at fault. They centralize on the spinach as the cause (remember most of those people wouldn't have any idea which food infected them either they have to eliminate many different foods that they all ate) then they must find the distrubuter, then the farms supplying them.

Once they know the area they can focus on it as a problem hub until people are correctly following the procedures set by law to protect you. Creating new ones only makes more cost, it doesn't make you safer. Many more years will pass once all this has taken its course before we ever have another such scare.
Many more years will pass once all this has taken its course before we ever have another such scare.

Naah, I think it will become more common as more imported food is on our shelves and as our water supplies become more polluted. Oh I forget the republicans do so support the clean water act ;)
No, they support realistic clean water acts. This is retarded. Republicans don't want the supply to be polluted.
they do if it costs too much :)
Not true. This starts to become pointless. When it would double the cost to get it 1% more clean? No thanks. It isn't worth "every cost" any more than it makes anything worth it "if it would save just one life!"
You heard right Care. But would they even have been checking if not for the spinach market going bust because of not checking ?

True, but there would also be NO REASON to check it if they were using chlorinated water in the first place, right?
When the cost outweighs the benefit, (that 1% wasn't going to make the difference), it becomes ridiculous to pretend that it would just because Rs weigh that benefit.
One point here, the growth rate of crops is noticebaly slower when using chlorinated water...
It's after harvest that they are supposed to spray the crops with chlorinated water. At least from what I understand it is.

I honestly think they did it to save a dime and will end up losing it all because of it. They deserve more.