Early questions.....

I don't want to talk about it because its 2014.....some of the candidates may die of old age before 2016....

So you wont say who you like for fear they might die? Come on, as the field stands today, who would be your choice for the Republican nomination and why?
Conservatives don't know who they are going to vote for because Sheldon Adelson hasn't picked the GOP contender yet. As soon as he makes up his mind wing nuts will have their candidate.

GOP candidates kiss up to billionaire Sheldon Adelson

Who wants to marry a billionaire?
John Kasich does. So do Scott Walker, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.
When Sheldon Adelson, the world’s eighth-richest person, according to Forbes, let it be known that he was looking for a Republican candidate to back in the 2016 presidential race, these four men rushed to Las Vegas over the weekend to see if they could arrange a quickie marriage in Sin City between their political ambitions and Adelson’s $39.9 billion fortune.

The Shame of American Politics: GOP Presidential Hopefuls Trek to Las Vegas for Adelson Blessing

Adelson has a right to vote and advocate for his candidates. But the idea that he and his like should choose the next president is too awful to contemplate. One person, one vote isn’t one person, $100 million worth of votes. That isn’t democracy…


Don't worry wing nuts, you'll have a candidate and loads of chinese casino money to back him up.

Rather ironic comment wouldn't you say when the Democratic Party had already coronated Hillary as the candidate? And you say you are a progressive but are happy to vote for Hillary who you say is a moderate and aren't even willing to fight for a progressive candidate.
actually, they said she was a lock in 2006 as well......my guess is, she'll be shifted aside for something golden.....like the first woman candidate who's clean, well dressed, articulate......

They're going to look for a woman who is 1/2 Hispanic, 1/2 Asian, 1/2 Black, 1/2 Native American, and 1/2 White; but she is also unmarried, raising 2 children, has had at least one abortion, and also a bi-sexual.
what part of don't bother me until 2016 do you not understand......

That part that knows you have some ego standing in your way of discussing politics on a political discussion board. You want to wait until someone moves ahead of the pack so you can understand the Conservative stance before you share an opinion.
Quite a stupid contention.....Adelson's got about as much influence about who I or any one else votes for, as you do....
Personally, I'd vote for desh before I'd vote for Hillary....Sen. Gillibrand from NY is a person of interest for D's.....

Curz, Coburn, and even Michele Bachmann are people to consider for the R's.....

I think 'name recognition' will be the determining factor on both sides.... people are just too ignorant to choose the best....

D's definitely have the edge,....they are just too good at character assassination and personal attacks, plus a compliant media, for the R's.....

Adelson has everything to do with who you vote for. When Adelson decides who will give him the best return on his money then you'll have your candidate. And I bet you jump on the bandwagon.
That part that knows you have some ego standing in your way of discussing politics on a political discussion board. You want to wait until someone moves ahead of the pack so you can understand the Conservative stance before you share an opinion.

having to listen to presidential politics from the spring of 2015 until the fall of 2016 is bad enough.....what fool wants to start a year earlier?......
Adelson has everything to do with who you vote for. When Adelson decides who will give him the best return on his money then you'll have your candidate. And I bet you jump on the bandwagon.

Money is obviously a huge factor, but not the only one. HIllary has it for the Democrats, and lets wait and see who gets it for the Republicans. This new S. Ct ruling will also change things a bit, because it will allow a single person to have more influence than he used to have.
Why bother to vote at all for any of the bastards?

The Duopoly D’s & R’s operate rigged elections.

They together control the number of signatures it takes to achieve ballot access in every State and they’ve made those numbers third party killers. It uses up the vast majority of independents and third party financial resources and campaign time just to get ballot access, so no others really need apply.

The Duopoly R’s & D’s and their soul mates own and operate the Major Media in the country thus they own and operate the National Debate. Watch the news and you’d think there was nobody else in the country aside from Democrats & Republicans. They require at least 10% of the votes according to the polls they have influence over before anybody besides a Democrat or Republican can join in the national televised debate. Why don’t they allow anybody that makes ballot access in enough states to actually possibly win the electoral vote in the nation into the televised debates? Don’t hold your breath for that anytime soon! The Libertarians and Greens often meet that requirement after spending all of their campaign money on ballot access. The Duopoly ain’t about to give them free campaigning face time in the national debate.

Look at your ballot. The D’s & R’s get top billing on every ballot. There’s NO alphabetical listing of candidate’s names on the ballot. What the fuck, that might be something like fairness, huh? I’ve even seen ballots where the D’s & R’s names are twice the size of any other candidate on the ballot.

Oh yeah! Don’t forget that Wall Street, every lobbyist and every special interest collective knows that every election is rigged in favor of the Duopoly, so guess where the vast, vast majority of campaign donations are headed. They sure as hell ain’t headed for the Libertarians, Greens or Independents, or any other party, huh?

Voters are simply suckers! They’re owned and operated by the Duopoly. So who should give a flying fuck if Hillary runs or who the “R” side of the Duopoly coin runs against her? Whoever gets elected always does the same shit anyhow and that’s mostly shitting on our Constitution, our only written guarantee of liberty.

“Don’t vote it just encourages the bastards!” (P. J. O’Rourke)

Once again the partisans ignore the truth and are at a total loss for words when confronted by it.
But the truth shall set them free, are they all really that stupid?

LOL, yes, how else could 1% of the population convince 50% to vote against their own best interests year after year, decade after decade? This is my take; the average person is average. 1/2 of them are even dumber.
But the truth shall set them free, are they all really that stupid?

LOL, yes, how else could 1% of the population convince 50% to vote against their own best interests year after year, decade after decade? This is my take; the average person is average. 1/2 of them are even dumber.

^ Two idiots having a stupid convention. Neither of whom are on the same page but think they are.


Yeah, because you are known for your brilliant statements, lol.

Yeah, statements like I believe in limited Government built into our Constitution; abolishing the current abomination called the tax code; term limits for Congress; and; elimination of all subsidies.

Really dumb things compared to the grade school prattle that constantly erupts from your keyboard.