Echo chambers !

desh I have already told you twice already. You said you made some absurd prediction, go to the thread where you made your absurd predictions and tell me if you have found anything from me.
this is why you have messed woth your name so much huh?

your embrassed of what you backed in the past.
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I copied and pasted his new name and got this
desh, the biggest breakthrough you will have on this site, is that while you view yourself as this truth warrior with tons of facts and a capable smart poster, everyone else views you entirely the opposite. I can't repeat this enough, you are just a JPP mental patient. I have had private conversations with people (so I am not just saying this on here) where I theorized you are in a hospital ward and you get computer time, or that you are being looked after by a caring family and you get allotted x amount of computer time a day. You have zero sentience.

You probably think I am saying these things to be mean, but I am not. I just need you to know the truth (because you love it so much): nobody respects you, nobody takes you seriously. you are a joke. You have always been a joke, you'll continue to be a joke.

this post is very close to the shit you used to say to me back in the day grind.

Its one of the reasons I left this site for years.

there I was telling you people what happened or was about to happen and giving you my proof of why I thought it did or would happen,.

You would just fucking tell me I was crazy and no one liked me.

then when I proved to be correct you would just tell me shit like this again.


you fucks would NOT EVEN ADMITT that I have been proven correct.

I though for sure I was just talking to people who were so fucking insane they couldn't be human.

So I went to bigger and better sites to talk.

guess the fuck what?

all you cons are insane and refuse cold hard facts when they are smeared all over your faces.

You don't do facts

you don't act like decent humans.

your fucking idiiots that think this is some fucking game and the only thing that matters is your idiot team.

your a child man Grind and you will live your entire life a child man.

"I talked to everyone in secret and they all think your a poopy pants"

I wish you could see just how pathetic you are.

your going to be very very lonely all your life.

blame your self
Really ? Selecting banning at the thread level ? Sheesh....

You haven't been here long enough. Trust me. Eventually you will deal with enough of Desh's crapflooding nonsense that you will be left no choice. The irony is that thread banning was instituted at the behest of the left wingers. Now they are the biggest complainers of its use. They are a silly lot.

I have very specific reasons for each that I thread ban. The majority of them are trolls. Some I just think are pricks

Evince - troll, crap flooding
Big Money - troll
ZappasGuitar - whiny bitch who claims to be offended by my posts so I don't want to tempt him
THreedee - prick
Socrtease - liberal prick
Poet - queer
Howey - queer
maineman - stalker, psycho
Darla - the dreaded C word
Dantes - the dreaded C word
yeah they just hate it because I tell them things like

there is cold hard court documented proof that the republican party has to cheat in elections to win.

that their historically failed economic ideas will sink the economy and have already done so twice in one lifetime.

they have to find a way to hide from those facts
yeah they just hate it because I tell them things like

there is cold hard court documented proof that the republican party has to cheat in elections to win.

that their historically failed economic ideas will sink the economy and have already done so twice in one lifetime.

they have to find a way to hide from those facts

You lie. There is not proof. Key word is could. As in Desh "could" make sense if she wasn't such a dumb fuck
yeah they just hate it because I tell them things like

there is cold hard court documented proof that the republican party has to cheat in elections to win.

that their historically failed economic ideas will sink the economy and have already done so twice in one lifetime.

they have to find a way to hide from those facts

We are still waiting for examples of the these historically failed ideas. So far all you have given is one bill signed by a Democratic President.