The economy is growing at three percent.
So to teabagging NRA nuts that's zero!
Must be a three percent deduction for black presidents.
The economy is growing at three percent.
So to teabagging NRA nuts that's zero!
Must be a three percent deduction for black presidents.
I want taxes low. I want to repeal 16th Amendment
I want to end all welfare
I want to cut all spending unless it is duly authorized by the Constitution
I want to end the EPA
I believe the 2nd Amendment is perfect
No disaster aid
No election reform
Ready to compromise?
we hold two thirds of the government.
your team should sacrafice at least 2/3rd of your platform
Now get all together and tell us what 2/3rds of your platform you are willing to compromise
Tell us Desh... what is the 'right' doing to 'distroy' growth???
they are against change......
Tell us Desh... what is the 'right' doing to 'distroy' growth???
how much does threatening the country over the debt ceiling do for the economy?
how about trying to force austerity in the middle of a deep recession?
How about lying your asses off non stop about the duly elected president of this country to undermine the people confidence in our leadership?
How about holding up every nominee of Obamas that you can?
how about voting against your won damned bills when Obama tries to agree wth you?
things could be alot worse and our debt would shrink MORE if we got the economy steaming along.
why is the right trying EVERYTHING they can think of to distroy any growth?
Bullshit 3 percent GDP, all while you ass clowns do all you can to lower it!
Super tool tell us you didn't say the economy would tank under Obama!Pure nonsense toppy, tell us, what year did we last have GDP growth over 3%?
Super tool tell us you didn't say the economy would tank under Obama!Pure nonsense toppy, tell us, what year did we last have GDP growth over 3%?
Super tool tell us you didn't say the economy would tank under Obama!
Do I need to search how bad you said it would be?
Above you called 3 percent anemic growth!
Funny as that is near the long run growth rate.