APP - Economists want to stop teachers' degree bonuses

Look, if you want to recruit and retain top notch professional people into education and you can do so by providing tuition reimbursement and a bonus for pursuing/obtaining a graduate degree, then that's money well spent. I know my company does it to recruit and retain top quality talent. Why is it an issue when we provide the same means for professional advancement for educators that are commonly provided in the market place for other professionals?

Because it's not working.
I mean lets ask a common sense question. Which is better for a school. To have teachers with more graduate degrees or less?

Hard evidence says it has no effect one way or the other. Who is the one being irrational here? Where's your evidence? Your just getting really emotional and throwing out arguments from ignorance. Reality is not limited to your imagination or constrained by your ignorance; because you refuse to understand how rewarding someone for having a masters degree doesn't improve the performance of schools does not mean that it is not so.
Beginning wages for teachers is low, true. However, the unions have negotiated so that later compensation is quite generous, especially in retirement. Had you been teaching from college then got your master's degree you would have had compensation to match how much people make in the "real world" which would actually grow and over time, as you neared retirement your compensation would actually be still larger than that.

It is largely a myth that teachers are under compensated, it simply takes a bit of patience...

Now, if they got rid of those increases due to such things there may be a difference for some period.

are you for or against teacher unions
are you for or against teacher unions
Almost totally against as a basis of forming policies to educate our children. The focus of a teacher's union is in favor of teachers, not the students. This gave rise to such things as unfireable (yeah, I know, not a real word) teachers damaging the futures of our children.

Now, they can have their unions and that is fine, but I am entirely against basing any bonus based on anything determined by those unions. We need to focus on the future of our children and maintain objectivity, we cannot allow the teachers' unions to continue to set policy, we've seen it fail for too long and it borders on insanity to continue in that direction.

We need to always remember the fact that their unions are not there to help our children get a better education.
Hey I respect lawn mower repairmen just like I respect hookers but I don't want one hired to teach sex ed nor do I really care about their opinion on education policy.

Dude I mean talking about lame. You're just a right wing nut who hasn't a clue. Well let me be clear. I wish every school teacher in the nation had at least a masters degree and if giving them a bonus and a raise in pay will incentivize them to earn a masters degree then in the long run that's money well spent!
Left wing Bullshit as usual....
You get paid for the job you do and not for the education you've acquired or for that matter, the time you've been on that job.....
If you have a Phd. and accept a job collecting garbage, you get paid for collecting garbage, period...
A used car salesman with a masters degree just ain't gonna demand a bigger paycheck than the one with GED....
for example, its ridiculous to pay a first grade teacher with a masters, $70,000 a year when a someone with a lesser education can do the same job for $30,000 ....

It reminds me of the insanity of letting our legislatures (our employees) set their own wages, vote themselves perks like taxpayer funded cars, gasoline, auto insurance, housing cost reimbursements, extravagant travel, out of sight pensions, healthcare, etc....the list is friggin' endless....all because of liberal pinheads that think the money tree just blooms 24 hrs. a day endlessly.......
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Left wing Bullshit as usual....
You get paid for the job you do and not for the education you've acquired or for that matter, the time you've been on that job.....
If you have a Phd. and accept a job collecting garbage, you get paid for collecting garbage, period...
A used car salesman with a masters degree just ain't gonna demand a bigger paycheck than the one with GED....
for example, its ridiculous to pay a first grade teacher with a masters, $70,000 a year when a someone with a lesser education can do the same job for $30,000 ....

It reminds me of the insanity of letting our legislatures (our employees) set their own wages, vote themselves perks like taxpayer funded cars, gasoline, auto insurance, housing cost reimbursements, extravagant travel, out of sight pensions, healthcare, etc....the list is friggin' endless....all because of liberal pinheads that think the money tree just blooms 24 hrs. a day endlessly.......
Oh, I guess I must be making up all those help wanted ads that state salary depends on experience or education!

I would rather have a teacher with a master in child development teach my child then one who only has a bachelors degree, but that is just me!

I wonder why our local school district demands teachers continue their education if a lesser education will do, according to you?
Oh, I guess I must be making up all those help wanted ads that state salary depends on experience or education!

I would rather have a teacher with a master in child development teach my child then one who only has a bachelors degree, but that is just me!

I wonder why our local school district demands teachers continue their education if a lesser education will do, according to you?
I would also rather have a doctor tend to me than a resident! I am just funny that way!
Oh, I guess I must be making up all those help wanted ads that state salary depends on experience or education!

I would rather have a teacher with a master in child development teach my child then one who only has a bachelors degree, but that is just me!

I wonder why our local school district demands teachers continue their education if a lesser education will do, according to you?

I would also rather have a doctor tend to me than a resident! I am just funny that way!
And therein lies the mentality that is the problem, the liberal mentality absent any freakin' common sense at all....

There is nothing wrong with having a teacher with a masters in child development on staff, but you don't need 2 or 3 or 4 of them .....
There is no difference with the inoculation given by a nurse or even a medical asst. than the one given by a doctor/specialist with 50 years experience....
You don't need a plumber to replace the flapper in your toilet and you don't need a landscape designer to mow your lawn....
Use at least a tenth of the fuckin' common sense god gave you....or ask any child for help.
I would also rather have a doctor tend to me than a resident! I am just funny that way!

an intern is a doctor as is a resident and an attending (at hospitals)

what do you call someone who graduates at the bottom of their class in med school - doctor
The problem here is that liberals buy into labels.

Even when they are shown that there are no results from paying teachers more they cling to their bias.

They probabaly think Starbucks makes the best coffee in the world and it's woth $5 a cup
The problem here is that liberals buy into labels.

Even when they are shown that there are no results from paying teachers more they cling to their bias.

They probabaly think Starbucks makes the best coffee in the world and it's woth $5 a cup

the article refers to a master in education, not other master's degrees like math, chemistry, physics, sociology, etc.
The problem here is that liberals buy into labels.

Even when they are shown that there are no results from paying teachers more they cling to their bias.

They probabaly think Starbucks makes the best coffee in the world and it's woth $5 a cup

It's not just libs. CEOs run corporations into the ground, get bailed out and still get their bonus. What do you have to say about that?