Educating African-American Children.

some blacks , a small percentage can read and in fact do well. But as i wrote re;columbus , where are the blacks that can compare with michaelangelo, davinci , edison, ford, columbus, cortez, bell, marconi and so on. No self respecting racial minority in the world, would allow the barbarism that exists in ALL the inner city hell holes of this country to continue ,for well over a hundred years. As they exist here.

we're dealing with primitive savages!
some blacks , a small percentage can read and in fact do well. But as i wrote re;columbus , where are the blacks that can compare with michaelangelo, davinci , edison, ford, columbus, cortez, bell, marconi and so on. No self respecting racial minority in the world, would allow the barbarism that exists in ALL the inner city hell holes of this country to continue ,for well over a hundred years. As they exist here.

we're dealing with primitive savages!

So no other race has allowed barbarism and rampant criminal behavior? I know it happens in Russia, Germany, India, and China. That is two white groups included.

No, we are not dealing with primitive savages.
The black race , living in the midst of the most advanced nation and also one willing to spend billions to improve conditions for them ;and have yet been able to eliminate the depravity and barbarism in the inner city hell holes ;which are a laughing stock in the eyes of china ,russia, germany and so on. Should make even a blind man understand the truth!
The black race , living in the midst of the most advanced nation and also one willing to spend billions to improve conditions for them ;and have yet been able to eliminate the depravity and barbarism in the inner city hell holes ;which are a laughing stock in the eyes of china ,russia, germany and so on. Should make even a blind man understand the truth!

That same race, in my lifetime, was segregated into inferior schools, not allowed to eat at certain lunch counters, would not be hired simply because of the color of their skin, were not allowed to attend the best universities, and were murdered with impunity by whites. They were murdered for looking at white women. They were refused the opportunity to buy houses in the better neighborhoods (despite having more money than many whites who lived there), and had police dogs sent after them and fire hoses turned on them for marching in protest to violations of their rights.

They were treated as second class citizens for hundreds of years. Abused in horrible ways for hundreds of years. And (if) it stopped 40 or 50 years ago and you demand that they forgive, forget, and act like white people in one generation.

Plus, being the free nation that we are (unlike Russia and China), our criminals (white and black alike) are allowed to get away with more. And unless you can show a crime free race (certainly not whites) you have no case at all.
The black race , living in the midst of the most advanced nation and also one willing to spend billions to improve conditions for them ;and have yet been able to eliminate the depravity and barbarism in the inner city hell holes ;which are a laughing stock in the eyes of china ,russia, germany and so on. Should make even a blind man understand the truth!

Do you ever consider that there are probably black guys posting on this forum who daily wipe the floor with the likes of you.
Well, I guess the Mafia, the Russian mob, the well documented cast system in England that's been documented in literature regarding the "criminal" element, the Nazis, etc., etc. just don't rate in Wolfy's world as criminals or barbarians. I mean, what does Wolfy think all those 1940's movies about the Dead End kids, or that starred Bogart, Cagney, or Robinson as crooks were depicting....Lithuania?

Of course, Wolfy can't explain all the black cops, doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientist, military personnel, artists, musicians, etc., etc. that have made serious contributions to the America we know today...and I guess President Obama and guys like Colin Powell are just a concept Wolfy's fragile mind can't handle.

Wolfy is one pathetic David Duke wanna be.
Well, I guess the Mafia, the Russian mob, the well documented cast system in England that's been documented in literature regarding the "criminal" element, the Nazis, etc., etc. just don't rate in Wolfy's world as criminals or barbarians. I mean, what does Wolfy think all those 1940's movies about the Dead End kids, or that starred Bogart, Cagney, or Robinson as crooks were depicting....Lithuania?

Of course, Wolfy can't explain all the black cops, doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientist, military personnel, artists, musicians, etc., etc. that have made serious contributions to the America we know today...and I guess President Obama and guys like Colin Powell are just a concept Wolfy's fragile mind can't handle.

Wolfy is one pathetic David Duke wanna be.

I'm pretty sure wolfspinne is just some kid trolling.
EDUCATING AFRICAN-AMERICAN children will not change anything.
When educators speak of improving the educational opportunities for Black kids ,they mean teaching the basic fundamentals of learning ;dealing with speech ,basic English, reading skills and basic math skills . To the end that this will enable them to obtain employment and eschew the criminal lifestyle they would otherwise be prone in adopting.

Whereas this may seem good ,the truth is that society has radically changed and in any event would realistically preclude Blacks from the job market ,other than in unskilled jobs that would not require any academic skills or learning.


I'm pretty sure wolfspinne is just some kid trolling.

I suspect as much, Damo, given his irrational responses....but over the years and several different discussion boards has shown me ADULTS who carry on the very same attitudes and mindset. Also, anyone who thinks posting this kind of dreck as a form of self entertainment is pretty pathetic and/or messed up in the head, IMHO. Best to nip it in the bud.
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