Education Department Plans to Fire Up to Half Its Staff

Retired teacher...thirty years... I taught special education.So I have a great deal of experience with the federal government as a matter of fact... One of the reasons I am so very excited about these changes...
You sound like a dope. Always.
You're entitled to your opinio...but I am a retired teacher.... And these changes that they're making are great... Take a look at the average Salaries of the people letting go... And
what they're doing...
Doing more good for the nation than you ever have.
I can see a minimum number of people needed to write grants... I don't see the need for anybody to track student achievement.... The Feds care entirely too much about paperwork and data and not enough about the actual schools and teachers and students ... Something that is best. Something that is best taking care Of locally anyway... If you're in Washington DC you don't know.
Anything about my students in Ohio... That was always very clear...
Trump administration officials are planning to fire nearly half of the staff at the Education Department, according to two people familiar with the decision. The move could come as soon as Tuesday and would gut the agency that manages federal loans for college, tracks student achievement and enforces civil rights laws in schools.

Irony is that few of the Red Hat Club have any idea what the Dept of Education actually does, nor why it would be missed.

As we all know, Trump loves the uneducated, and it appears he is doing his best to insure their number increases
Retired teacher...thirty years... I taught special education.So I have a great deal of experience with the federal government as a matter of fact... One of the reasons I am so very excited about these changes...
Yeah, quit helping the kids with special needs. They are not worth spending money on. Trump does not care about those who need help.
A blanket firing of half the people in education. by a woman who was helping organize WWF fights is a joke. She is unqualified by every measure except she is rich. The educators, like any other employee, deserve a fair and open analysis of their jobs. Blanket firing is wrong and guaranteed to be riddled with bad mistakes.
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