Edwards Makes A Killing Talking About Poverty

This month, Mr. Edwards revealed that he had holdings worth more than $11 million in Fortress Investment Group, a $30 billion hedge-fund operator that paid Mr. Edwards $479,000 as a part-time consultant from October 2005 through December 2006. Fortress incorporated its hedge funds in the Cayman Islands as offshore tax havens, a policy that Mr. Edwards has condemned for years. Fortress has also invested billions and billions of dollars purchasing subprime mortgage portfolios, subprime mortgage lenders and subprime mortgage-servicing firms.
Meanwhile, in a story titled "John Edwards' Convenient Nonprofit," Business Week reports that Mr. Edwards conveniently hired staffers who previously worked as his political operatives and would return to his current presidential campaign in that capacity. As Mr. Edwards was raking in nearly half a million dollars as a consultant for the offshore hedge funds deeply invested in subprime mortgages, his anti-poverty center was also doling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to consultants. In 2005 alone, the center spent $259,000 on consultants whom Mr. Edwards now refuses to name. Hypocrisy knows no boundaries.

so? are you saying that it's a bad thing to be a millionaire?
What oil holdings do they have? How does it compare to Al Gore?

Isn't this the same argument that both sides have used repeatedly? "My side" is accused of something so let me show you where "your side" is accused of something?

How about we compare them to Mitt Romney?

Do you believe, as rsr obviously does, that it is bad to be rich? why?
So Bush/Cheney invest in oil companies - so what

Alot of Dems took Aramboff money

Edwards is a poverty pimp - and he is making millions doing it

so what? you complain about Edwards being rich but don't care about bush and cheney being rich... that's a tad hypocritical.

Which dems... got a link?

so what? are you jealous of his millions? sure sounds like it... if you went to school and got an education instead of banging away on your keyboard all day every day, maybe you too could be rich...
not here... perhaps in it's own thread... as rsr would have us believe that all GOPers are just regular joes and joans...

they're not... as bush said, his base is the have mores...
Right... And Gore is going to keep Medicaire in a walk-in closet... :rolleyes:

Seriously, you take a place where they were literally making jokes about themselves, including Gore keeping lettuce in the crisper along with his walk-in closet allusion, and take it all seriously.

You're going to fit right in here with the "pretend it's all literal" crowd.

So Bush/Cheney invest in oil companies - so what

Alot of Dems took Aramboff money

Edwards is a poverty pimp - and he is making millions doing it

Custers reborne 7th Cav to the rescue...albeit we can agree to disagree on some other topics...I agree with you on this one...:clink:

so what? you complain about Edwards being rich but don't care about bush and cheney being rich... that's a tad hypocritical.

Which dems... got a link?

so what? are you jealous of his millions? sure sounds like it... if you went to school and got an education instead of banging away on your keyboard all day every day, maybe you too could be rich...

And here we have 'strippie' banging away at the key boards...are ya making lotsa money in here...millions eh'....give it a rest hypo...I could spend way more time in here as I am retired...but alas sometimes I go out and have real fun..I never had the desire to make millions...I am a happy camper with what I have...you on the other hand just have fun calling people names who disagree with your BS...How very sad!