Edwards nails it: Tax Fairness

"200K per person or household?"

The problem with assigning an arbitrary income like this is that it does not factor for cost of living. $200k in NYC is not the same as $200k in Toad Suck, Arkansas. (yes, they actually have a town called Toad Suck)

Edwards plan sucks... which should not be a shock to anyone who understands the slick little trial lawyer is simply pandering to constituents (yes, just like they all do). No way half his crap ever comes close to getting passed.
Is it as amazingly awesome as Red Bud, IL?
I definitely don't think its rich. Especially if you are trying to buy a home in these parts for the first time. If you purchased a house 10 years ago when the market was down considerably, then yes, you are living pretty well. But if you're a first time homebuyer, with kids, a car note, mortgage, and other bills, I think it presumptious to think that an additional $1000 or whatever the amount he wants to raise it is marginal. That's significant. Now you could argue that those individuals could take it out of a vacation fund or do with out a particular luxury or have it creep into their savings but why the hell should they? Congress needs to stop spending like drunken sailors.
the burden shouldn't be on us.........no....you know what it is on us. We need to start electing people that know how to balance a budget and pinch a few penny's.

I don't think there's any possible way to balance the budget, without a combination of spending restraint, plus going back to the tax rates of the clinton years (on rich people).

Wow, New Jersey must be out of hand ;)

I could easily live in a nice house here, or a gross income of $20,800 a month.
If the sentiment of the rich towards the regular folk wasn't what it is, as evidenced by their willingess to ship american jobs overseas and import cheaper labor in violation of immigration law, we might care about the unfairnesses and travesties bestowed upon the rich. Welcome to society. It is not your right to bifurcate the family of man, based on your own greed. Free trade is NOT politicians defying the will of the people to enact corporopositive feudalism.

And what the he** are you talking about?
I don't think there's any possible way to balance the budget, without a combination of spending restraint, plus going back to the tax rates of the clinton years (on rich people).

Wow, New Jersey must be out of hand ;)

I could easily live in a nice house here, or a gross income of $20,800 a month.

I think people better wake up to something.

Bush has fucked this entire country, and who did people think were going to pay for this goddamned war? Who? That is what I'd like to know.
I don't think there's any possible way to balance the budget, without a combination of spending restraint, plus going back to the tax rates of the clinton years (on rich people).

Wow, New Jersey must be out of hand ;)

I could easily live in a nice house here, or a gross income of $20,800 a month.

yeah. it is. property taxes are unreal. I'm surprised we're not rioting in the streets.
I think people better wake up to something.

Bush has fucked this entire country, and who did people think were going to pay for this goddamned war? Who? That is what I'd like to know.

Well, I'd be in favor of raising taxes on red states-only, to pay for their war on Iraq, if it was politically possible. I just don't think it is. ;)
I think people better wake up to something.

Bush has fucked this entire country, and who did people think were going to pay for this goddamned war? Who? That is what I'd like to know.

They figure it will be the same people that will pay for all the rest of our insane over-spending....

our decendants.
"Among the proposals, Edwards would make long-term savings easier for low-income families with "Get Ahead Accounts" that would match savings up to $500 per year."

Match savings? With the money they take from other families? Sorry cypress, I hate this plan.

Edwards is off my list.
Why don't we do what the Japanese do? Offer tax exempt savings accounts. The Japanese use the post office system as the service vehicle, and the rate offered was like 1-2%. Acct value was limited to $2000(?).

I despise the income redistribution idea.
I think people better wake up to something.

Bush has fucked this entire country, and who did people think were going to pay for this goddamned war? Who? That is what I'd like to know.

Which makes liberals doubly screwed. We didn't want it and we still have to pay for it. I think the war should be billed to republicans only or anyone that voted for Bush. If you only voted for him once then you should only have to pay half as much as the imbiciles (sp?) that voted for him twice.
Why don't we do what the Japanese do? Offer tax exempt savings accounts. The Japanese use the post office system as the service vehicle, and the rate offered was like 1-2%. Acct value was limited to $2000(?).

I despise the income redistribution idea.

like 401ks only you don't get taxed at all when you take it out for retirement?
You all want a simple tax code...

Keep the same tax brackets as we have now. Eliminate ALL deductions and loopholes other than a standard deduction to protect the lower income families. All income treated the same... regardless of the source.

No corporate subsidies, no tax shelters, eliminate the bulk of fraud, eliminate the bulk of the IRS
You all want a simple tax code...

Keep the same tax brackets as we have now. Eliminate ALL deductions and loopholes other than a standard deduction to protect the lower income families. All income treated the same... regardless of the source.

No corporate subsidies, no tax shelters, eliminate the bulk of fraud, eliminate the bulk of the IRS

I don't like that either. What about mortgage interest deductions?

If you're going to have a flat tax I'd suggest reducing the rate then flattening it.
like 401ks only you don't get taxed at all when you take it out for retirement?
In effect, yes, and it opens an avenue for the 'little guy' to participate, above beyond and in addition to IRAs/401/403/457.