Edwards Plans Memorial Day Protest

red states rule

New member
This Memorial Day as the nation honors our military and thanks them for their sacrifice, Pretty Boy Edwards wants to score some political points

Things are not going well for his campaign and the Democrat party these days - so is this way to gain more public support?

Or is this the way the left wants to honor the US Military - by pushing for surrender to the terrorists?

John Edwards Ripped for Memorial Day War Protest Plan

John Edwards hasn't won over any friends at the American Legion for his plan to protest the war on Memorial Day. Paul Morin, national commander of the American Legion, posted an open letter of the group’s website blasting Edwards for what Morin says is an inappropriate political calculation that "blatantly violated the sanctity of this most special day," the Hill reports.

Edwards wants people to protest the war at Memorial Day Parades and gatherings, take photos and then he will place those photos on his website. “Buy a bunch of poster-board and markers,” the website says. “At a picnic or with family and friends, make signs that say ‘SUPPORT THE TROOPS - END THE WAR.’ Bring them to your local Memorial Day parade. Then take a digital photo of yourself and your family or friends holding up the poster and tell us about it. We’ll include it in a ‘Democracy Photo Album’ on our site.”

Weekends are relatively slow here. You'll get your answers on Tuesday most likely.

It is nice to see some action on the board on a weekend though.
Weekends are relatively slow here. You'll get your answers on Tuesday most likely.

It is nice to see some action on the board on a weekend though.

I think it is sick the left has to use Memorial day to try and score cheap poltiical points

Or could it be the libs on this board are out at Pretty Boy's protests?
are all the libs on this board at anti war rallies?

Not a single lib has jumped in to defend the Pretty Boy!!!!!!!!!!

I was at a Memorial Day action yesterday morning, at Jones Beach. Thousands of families brought their kids to watch the military's air show. Oh, and they had to walk by the huge recruitment tents set up first.

Once past that, they were treated to the new generation of bombers, coming one by one, from over the horizon. One of them was actually called "The Bone". How cleverly subtle. I mean, I doubt anyone under the age of 12 picked up on the implication.

And as the last one roared over head, the military announcer told everyone how many missiles it could pack, and then, how many nukes it could pack,and then how many nukes and missiles it could pack, in a "mixed load". He then said, that's the sound of freedom, about the sonic boom.

And so the families applauded, as they taught their children to applaud something that will be the last sound a lot of other children ever hear. If the sound of death is now the sound of freedom, it is no wonder that so many in the world hate us.

But I was there. And I wasn't hiding. I ran into a lot of fat Republicans who really shouldn't be wearing bathing suits, who had a lot to say.

I'm not afraid of those guys, why on earth would I be afraid of a keyboard warrior?

Get a grip. Some people have been busy this weekend. Some of us have even gone to barbeques. There's a whole world outside of the bush world in your living room, you know.
and some libs are in a real foul mood over their party surrendering to Pres Bush and watching the approval numbers of the Dem Congress go down faster then a Bill Clinton intern
BTW Darla, speaking of fat

Have you seen Al Bore lately?

Not only does his home consume 20 times then the average home - it looks like AL consumes 20 times the food of the average American

and Hillary - hell the TV cameras are starting to use wide angle lenses when they "cover" her on the campaign trail
and some libs are in a real foul mood over their party surrendering to Pres Bush and watching the approval numbers of the Dem Congress go down faster then a Bill Clinton intern

Those are the people responsible for the Congressional poll numbers diving, dumbass.

We're the ones who disaprove.
The people who are responsible are San Fran Nan and White Flag Harry

The base of the left are the ones who disapporve

So, by your reasoning, since Congress has only a 28% approval rating (or whatever the exact number is, calm yourself Superfreak), then over 70% of America constitutes "the base of the left"?

Huh. Well, that is good news!

Or, on the little planet we like to call "Planet Reality" maybe most Americans are now against this war?
So, by your reasoning, since Congress has only a 28% approval rating (or whatever the exact number is, calm yourself Superfreak), then over 70% of America constitutes "the base of the left"?

Huh. Well, that is good news!

Or, on the little planet we like to call "Planet Reality" maybe most Americans are now against this war?

The numbers for the Dems have been going down for months

The Dems only voted to increase taxes, voted for surrender, changed the rules of the House to limit debate, increased pork spening, and now many Dems have ethics problems

To loyal Dems, they wonder why these actions would cause the approval numbers to go down
The numbers for the Dems have been going down for months

The Dems only voted to increase taxes, voted for surrender, changed the rules of the House to limit debate, increased pork spening, and now many Dems have ethics problems

To loyal Dems, they wonder why these actions would cause the approval numbers to go down

When a person can't keep their story straight for two posts, that is an excellent indication of their political affiliation.

"The base of the left are the ones who disapporve"

"To loyal Dems, they wonder why these actions would cause the approval numbers to go down"

So which is it? The base doesn't approve, or the base is wondering why anyone wouldn't approve? Try and pick one story and stick with it. It will make you appear slightly less intellectually incoherent.
When a person can't keep their story straight for two posts, that is an excellent indication of their political affiliation.

"The base of the left are the ones who disapporve"

"To loyal Dems, they wonder why these actions would cause the approval numbers to go down"

So which is it? The base doesn't approve, or the base is wondering why anyone wouldn't approve? Try and pick one story and stick with it. It will make you appear slightly less intellectually incoherent.

Darla, it is called SARCASM

Perhaps the polls show the voters did not vote for liberalism to take over, but they wanted better results then the Republicans produced

Why are the Dems numbers tanking - another right wing conspiracy?
Darla, it is called SARCASM

Perhaps the polls show the voters did not vote for liberalism to take over, but they wanted better results then the Republicans produced

Why are the Dems numbers tanking - another right wing conspiracy?

You made two conflicting statements; which one was the sarcastic one?

They're tanking because Americans want out of this war, and there is a super-majority who want no part of any escalation, or in repuke speak "surge". And the dems haven't stopped it. So they have lost the support of the Americans who sent them there, to stop it. This does not mean that Republicans have picked up support.

It means that Americans are finished with this war. And the one who comes along and convinces them that he or she is finished with it too, will be our next President.

Try reading.
So you do not think the Dems breaking all their promisies have anything to do with their falling numbers?

Dems step in it everytime they are in power
redstate... thanks for linking me back to the same site I posted. Who cares if Bush's average is 0.2% higher than Congress? It is such an insignificant difference it doesn't matter who sucks more than the other... the point is they all suck.