

I'm going to be very upset if this turns out the be true. Without Edwards in the race, and unless Gore enters, I cannot even vote in the primaries.

I think he's a hell of a guy for it, I mean, if he's going to quit the race to be with his wife, rather than you know, serving her with divorce papers like some "family values" types I could mention.

But this is just terrible all around.

Democratic hopeful reportedly to suspend campaign due to wife’s illness
NBC, MSNBC and news services
Updated: 12:01 p.m. ET March 22, 2007
WASHINGTON - Democrat John Edwards is suspending his campaign for the presidency due and may drop out completely because his wife has suffered a recurrence of cancer, sources said Thursday.

A prominent Iowa Democrat told Norah O’Donnell of NBC News that Edwards’ campaign has begun calling supporters in Iowa and telling them that he will suspend his presidential bid and started cancelling upcoming events in Iowa.

“At a minimum he’s going to suspend” the campaign, a friend of Edwards told The Politico. “Nobody knows precisely how serious her recurrence is. It’ll be another couple of days before there’s complete clarity.”

“For him right now he has one priority which is her health and the security of the two young children,” the friend said.

Good for Edwards, That he is more concerned for his wife than politics.
Possibly bad for the demoncrats, but is is early. But what they hay, at this time any demoncrat is better than a Rebutliken.
Good for Edwards, That he is more concerned for his wife than politics.
Possibly bad for the demoncrats, but is is early. But what they hay, at this time any demoncrat is better than a Rebutliken.

No he's going to stay in, I'm watching it on MSNBC streaming video right now. They are such a sweet couple.

She says she expects to be fine. They really seem like they're in love. It's nice.
If my wife had cancer I certainly wouldn't be running for President.

I hope she is well, and that this is something other than that. I feel for the guy if it is so. I couldn't imagine...
I think he's a hell of a guy for it, I mean, if he's going to quit the race to be with his wife, rather than you know, serving her with divorce papers like some "family values" types I could mention.

LOL. That was a very assholish thing for Newt to do.
Seriously, this is a bummer. Both for his wife, and also for the fact that I was seriously considering him my top tier choice in the primary.

But, family comes first.
If my wife had cancer I certainly wouldn't be running for President.

I hope she is well, and that this is something other than that. I feel for the guy if it is so. I couldn't imagine...

Yeah, the Politico was reporting that "a close friend of the Edwards" told them that he was dropping out. It really makes you question these guys. The Politico is a very inside-the beltway site, and are supposed to have great sources. Looks to me that this "close friend" couldl have been from the Hillary campaign. Looks like a set-up to me.

I don't know Damo...I've always really liked Elizabeth Edwards. And she really loves him. I don't doubt that she wouldn't even consider that he do anything but continue. I kind of suspect I would feel the same way. Unless, I were actually dying. But, she's not, and she doesn't appear to expect to.

They come across to me as sincerely in love, and sincerely always there for each other. I think it's what they both want. But...if she should take a turn for the worse, I don't know. It's a touchy situation.
Yeah, the Politico was reporting that "a close friend of the Edwards" told them that he was dropping out. It really makes you question these guys. The Politico is a very inside-the beltway site, and are supposed to have great sources. Looks to me that this "close friend" couldl have been from the Hillary campaign. Looks like a set-up to me.

I don't know Damo...I've always really liked Elizabeth Edwards. And she really loves him. I don't doubt that she wouldn't even consider that he do anything but continue. I kind of suspect I would feel the same way. Unless, I were actually dying. But, she's not, and she doesn't appear to expect to.

They come across to me as sincerely in love, and sincerely always there for each other. I think it's what they both want. But...if she should take a turn for the worse, I don't know. It's a touchy situation.
Seriously, I doubt my wife could convince me to continue. I don't think "less" of him or anything for doing whatever he thinks is good.

It may be an entirely curable form of cancer with no issues that the stress of a campaign might enhance. I wasn't there in the doctor's office, I really can't judge. I just know how I would react, not others.
Seriously, I doubt my wife could convince me to continue. I don't think "less" of him or anything for doing whatever he thinks is good.

It may be an entirely curable form of cancer with no issues that the stress of a campaign might enhance. I wasn't there in the doctor's office, I really can't judge. I just know how I would react, not others.

No, I believe stress kills, and I know it always inflames any condition that you have.

I don't know what I would do if I was her. But I do believe it's her wish. It is for certain that I would be very upset if my husband did not at least offer, sincerely and right up front, to drop out. I don't know if he did or not.
Seriously, this is a bummer. Both for his wife, and also for the fact that I was seriously considering him my top tier choice in the primary.

But, family comes first.

I know, I really don't have anybody else to go to right now. Hillary is out for me, and Obama...he's just been too much like Hillary for me lately.
Darla you don't like Obama or Kuccinich?

I see qualities in Obama that seem to me to be the same ole same ole. Sticking his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing, very very cautious.

Kuccinich is unelectable. I voted for him the last primary because Kerry had already sewn it up, and I like Kuccinich and I thought he brought a lot of important issues up in the debates. But he's unelectable IHG.
if you don't mind my input, I'll tell you why I won't support kucinich.

The dude is very passionate, and he's correct on about 90% of the issues.

But, he's a bit quirky, and he has a couple kooky ideas, that make me think he just doesn't have the gravitas to be president.

That whole "Department of Peace" thing? What's that about? I'm a believer in the judiciuos and prudent use of the taxpayer's money, and for the life of me, I can't imagine what good creating a whole new cabinet level bureacracy named "Dept. of Peace" would do.

Yeah, its a great name. But, I'm not fooled by names. I wasn't fooled by "Dept of Homeland Security" - I knew that was a gimmick. I need more than great sounding names. I need some sort of credible evidence, and empirical justification that we need another huge bureacracy.

As for Obama, I haven't decided what I think of him yet. He looks to have potential. I'm on the fence.
if you don't mind my input, I'll tell you why I won't support kucinich.

The dude is very passionate, and he's correct on about 90% of the issues.

But, he's a bit quirky, and he has a couple kooky ideas, that make me think he just doesn't have the gravitas to be president.

That whole "Department of Peace" thing? What's that about? I'm a believer in the judiciuos and prudent use of the taxpayer's money, and for the life of me, I can't imagine what good creating a whole new cabinet level bureacracy named "Dept. of Peace" would do.

Yeah, its a great name. But, I'm not fooled by names. I wasn't fooled by "Dept of Homeland Security" - I knew that was a gimmick. I need more than great sounding names. I need some sort of credible evidence, and empirical justification that we need another huge bureacracy.

As for Obama, I haven't decided what I think of him yet. He looks to have potential. I'm on the fence.

Yeah, and also, cancelling all trade agreements as soon as he takes office? No way.
Yeah, and also, cancelling all trade agreements as soon as he takes office? No way.

I didn't know that. That's pretty kooky.

I'm all for restructing these lame ass corporate-written deals, like NAFTA, to reflect a more equitable reciprocal bilateral free trade.

But, to just cancel the existing treaties? Nah. This country needs a statesman. Not a provacateur.
I didn't know that. That's pretty kooky.

I'm all for restructing these lame ass corporate-written deals, like NAFTA, to reflect a more equitable reciprocal bilateral free trade.

But, to just cancel the existing treaties? Nah. This country needs a statesman. Not a provacateur.

Right, I agree with you, restrictions yes, but not what he wants to do.
I guess you won't be voting for Ms. Clinton then :)

I thought you said though that you wouldn't even vote if Edwards isn't there. If you've got nobody else might as well vote for Kucinnich then no?

I agree with cypress though that he is a bit quirky. I felt the same way about Badnarik some of his ideas were silly. Nevertheless if I didn't live in a swing state he would have gotten my vote. Sometimes I gotta just cast a vote as nothing more than a fuck you to the man gesture.
Yeah, and also, cancelling all trade agreements as soon as he takes office? No way.

Hmmm I kind of like that. Don't know if that legal though. Anyway I wouldn't do it right away but I'd begin working on it. NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT go bye-bye. They're unconstitutional anyway.
I guess you won't be voting for Ms. Clinton then :)

I thought you said though that you wouldn't even vote if Edwards isn't there. If you've got nobody else might as well vote for Kucinnich then no?

I agree with cypress though that he is a bit quirky. I felt the same way about Badnarik some of his ideas were silly. Nevertheless if I didn't live in a swing state he would have gotten my vote. Sometimes I gotta just cast a vote as nothing more than a fuck you to the man gesture.

No, sadly I won't be able to vote for the first woman to become President, if indeed she should. Not in the primaries anyway. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do if she gets the nomination. Well, probably vote for her. Who am I going to vote for, Rudy? Might as well as be real.