El Paso on high alert as dangerous Venezuelan gang described as 'MS-13 on steroids' surges into US

And the breathless, drama queen, fainting from the vapors, exaggerated Fake Fox News story was just more of the usual right-wing hype, kicked into overdrive because of a Presidential election just 8 or 9 weeks away.
This from a nitwit that thinks trespassing is an "insurrection"
Said the idiot who tries to pass an insurrection off as trespassing.
It was nothing more dimwit. You "people" claim it was an insurrection, you claim it was incited by trump, claim to have evidence of it yet trump walks free. The VAST MAJORITY of the charges on j6 were basically trespassing. The rest were trumped up charges. Stfu
It was nothing more dimwit. You "people" claim it was an insurrection, you claim it was incited by trump, claim to have evidence of it yet trump walks free. The VAST MAJORITY of the charges on j6 were basically trespassing. The rest were trumped up charges. Stfu
Like every other Trumper, you lie like the piece of shit in the grass that you are.

And everybody, including you, knows it.

You're not only a lying POS, but you're OK with it.

You're actually proud of it.
Like every other Trumper, you lie like the piece of shit in the grass that you are.

And everybody, including you, knows it.

You're not only a lying POS, but you're OK with it.

You're actually proud of it.
Was anyone charged with insurrection?
Like every other Trumper, you lie like the piece of shit in the grass that you are.

And everybody, including you, knows it.

You're not only a lying POS, but you're OK with it.

You're actually proud of it.
So why is trump walking free? You don't know the VAST MAJORITY of the charges were trespassing? You're ignorance isn't my lie.
Was anyone charged with insurrection?

So why is trump walking free? You don't know the VAST MAJORITY of the charges were trespassing? You're ignorance isn't my lie.
Because of the difficulty involved in proving what was in someone's mind aka intent at the time the crime occurred.

Basically they "got away with it" because like all criminals, when they know they've got the govt over a barrel because of the high standards it holds itself to, they're happy to skate away with a lesser charge or no charge at all.

But we in the court of public opinion are not bound by the strict rules of proof that the government is.

We know a pile of turds when we smell one, and the J6ers along with their leader who we all watched and heard whip that crowd of right-wing idiots into a violent frenzy, are the biggest pile of turds this country has ever witnessed.

Sadly, turds like you two are also able to exploit in any discussion, the difficulty the govt faced in proving the J6ers' intent, even though we all know exactly what that intent was... the violent overturning of a fair, legal and legitimate election outcome.

So congratulations.

Chalk up another little "victory" for your lack of morality, honesty and decency.

For your lack of manhood.

And your lack of a spine.

You can lie and deny it until the day you drop dead, but everyone will always know what took place on that day.

Because of the difficulty involved in proving what was in someone's mind aka intent at the time the crime occurred.

Basically they "got away with it" because like all criminals, when they know they've got the govt over a barrel because of the high standards it holds itself to, they're happy to skate away with a lesser charge or no charge at all.

But we in the court of public opinion are not bound by the strict rules of proof that the government is.

We know a pile of turds when we smell one, and the J6ers along with their leader who we all watched and heard whip that crowd of right-wing idiots into a violent frenzy, are the biggest pile of turds this country has ever witnessed.

Sadly, turds like you two are also able to exploit in any discussion, the difficulty the govt faced in proving the J6ers' intent, even though we all know exactly what that intent was... the violent overturning of a fair, legal and legitimate election outcome.

So congratulations.

Chalk up another little "victory" for your lack of morality, honesty and decency.

For your lack of manhood.

And your lack of a spine.

You can lie and deny it until the day you drop dead, but everyone will always know what took place on that day.

So it's "difficult" to prove "...someone's mind aka intent at the time the crime occurred." but you cockroaches KNOW it was insurrection. I would tell you to shut up but you're not stupid to heed the advice.
Because of the difficulty involved in proving what was in someone's mind aka intent at the time the crime occurred.

Basically they "got away with it" because like all criminals, when they know they've got the govt over a barrel because of the high standards it holds itself to, they're happy to skate away with a lesser charge or no charge at all.

But we in the court of public opinion are not bound by the strict rules of proof that the government is.

We know a pile of turds when we smell one, and the J6ers along with their leader who we all watched and heard whip that crowd of right-wing idiots into a violent frenzy, are the biggest pile of turds this country has ever witnessed.

Sadly, turds like you two are also able to exploit in any discussion, the difficulty the govt faced in proving the J6ers' intent, even though we all know exactly what that intent was... the violent overturning of a fair, legal and legitimate election outcome.

So congratulations.

Chalk up another little "victory" for your lack of morality, honesty and decency.

For your lack of manhood.

And your lack of a spine.

You can lie and deny it until the day you drop dead, but everyone will always know what took place on that day.

So, no one was charged with insurrection.

You could have just said so.

Now, take a hike, pendejo.
So, no one was charged with insurrection.

You could have just said so.

Now, take a hike, pendejo.
Yes Merle, we all understand how the details of reality are too confusing for idiots like you who see everything in terms of black or white and yes or no.

People with more going on upstairs understand that the world doesn't work that way.

But honestly, you know exactly what I was referring to.

You're just such sleazy, dishonest scum who licks Trump's little pea-sized balls, you cannot admit what we all know is true.

Just stick your face back in Trump's ass and let the adults discuss the issues.