Elderly Americans Beware


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Older unvaccinated adults are more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19

COVID-19 Risks and Vaccine Information for Older Adults


Elderly Americans are surely at risk —— but not from COVID-19.

More deaths from drowning in the desert than from COVID.


Lets look at the big push for vaccinating the elderly:

1. Elderly Americans are the most expendable guinea pigs. (Most especially elderly black Americans)

2. Elderly Americans are a drain on Medicare and Social Security.

3. Reroute Medicare/Medicaid tax dollars toward illegal aliens who get free medical upon arrival.

4. Open the borders for illegal aliens who can work at least 30 or so years before they become expendable. (That includes the U.N.’s LEGAL economic refugees.)

5. Elderly Americans are the most vulnerable to diseases illegal aliens bring into the country.


Importing diseases is Nutso’s claim to fame; . . .

So called legal immigrants are just as dangerous:

This is right out of Diarrhea Mouth’s play book:

CDC: Afghans Arriving in U.S. Infected with Measles, Malaria, Tuberculosis
by John Binder
20 Sep 2021






will do whatever it takes to keep Beijing happy. In short: Nothing makes Chinese Communists happier than seeing Americans dying from long-standing diseases.
Miranda Divine hangs

out to dry:

President Biden has gotten away his entire career with bending the truth and taking people for fools. Now the habit has infected his entire administration.

So many lies are pumped out these days that it is impossible to keep up.

They aren’t just the silly, self-aggrandizing exaggerations that used to send the Trump-hating media into paroxysms of outrage during the last administration.

They often are matters of life and death that have a profound impact on the future of this country.

Lie 1: The southern border is closed.

No, it’s wide open, by design, and yet Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Vice President Kamala Harris keep telling us “The border is closed.”

We can see with our own eyes, mainly thanks to Fox News, that illegal immigrants from all over the world are flooding in from Mexico, under the watchful gaze of Border Patrol agents who have been ordered to stand down.

“The borders are not open,” Mayorkas said last week. “If you come to the United States illegally, you will be returned. Your journey will not succeed.”

Oh yeah, Pinocchio?

After a week of stonewalling by DHS and the White House press office, Mayorkas admitted to Fox News on Sunday that most of the 17,400 illegal immigrants who were cleared out from under the Del Rio bridge in Texas will stay in America.

He said 10,000 to 12,000 already have been released into the US to melt into the shadows, and another 5,000 are currently being processed by DHS, some of whom also will be released.

So that is an 80 percent to 97 percent success rate for the first 12,400 — good odds for the golden ticket of living in America.

Mayorkas is facilitating what can only be seen as a deliberate invasion. His job is to expedite the secret movement of migrants out of sight and out of mind.

In Orwellian fashion, he covers up this defiance of the law by changing the language: “We don’t use the term illegal immigrants,” he told CNN on Sunday. “I actually issued a policy .?.?. we use the term noncitizen.”

Lie 2: Border Patrol agents on horseback “whipped” Haitian migrants.

After trying to stop Fox News’ drone from filming the makeshift refugee camp under the Del Rio bridge, the Biden administration realized it had an optics problem. So Border Patrol was given permission to stop the flood of migrants who were crossing the Rio Grande.

They used horses as crowd control on the rocky riverbank. If they had not done so it is unlikely Mayorkas would have been able to clear the migrant camp by Friday, as Biden had instructed.

Twitter activists seized on an image of the operation to falsely accuse the agents of strapping the migrants with horse whips. What they said were whips were reins.

The administration’s rush to judgment was shameful. The agents were taken off active duty pending an investigation and horse patrols were suspended, thus removing one of the last remaining tools to secure the border.

The VP likened the agents’ actions to “the worst moments of our history .?.?. during times of slavery.” Mayorkas implied they were racist.

The president piled on, using all the authority of his office to threaten the agents with dire consequences for merely doing their jobs.

“It was horrible to see what you saw, to see people treated like they did,” Biden said. “Horses running them over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.”

Mayorkas denied that the president’s false and inflammatory claim that migrants were “strapped” would influence the investigation of the horseback agents.

But when he was asked at Friday’s White House press briefing about the use of “horse whips,” he called it “horrifying” and did not even attempt to correct the reporter’s erroneous description of reins.

Lie 3: We will not leave Afghanistan until every American is evacuated.

So said Joe Biden 13 days before his self-imposed deadline of Aug.?31.

“If there’s American citizens left, we’re gonna stay to get them all out,” he told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.

At least 100 Americans were abandoned, along with many more Afghan allies, and now the FBI is reportedly paying visits to the homes of veterans who are trying to keep the president’s word for him.

Lie 4: The drone attack on Aug.?29 in Kabul was a “righteous strike” on ISIS-K terrorists.

Wrong. Ten innocent civilians, including seven children, were killed.

The Pentagon lied and obfuscated for two weeks and only came clean after The New York Times published incontrovertible video footage and eyewitness reporting of the tragic reality.
The scene of the drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan that mistakingly killed ten innocent people including seven children.

We still haven’t been told the identities of the victims of an earlier drone strike on Aug. 27. We are supposed to accept the word of the Pentagon that bad guys were killed, just as we are supposed to believe Biden when he tells us the bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan was an “extraordinary success.”

Lie 5: Hunter Biden’s laptop is “Russian disinformation.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was at it again on Friday with this cock and bull story.

Asked by Fox News’ Peter Doocy if the White House still stood by its claim that incriminating material on the president’s son’s abandoned laptop was planted by the Russians, Psaki maintained the fiction.

“I think it’s broadly known .?.?. that there was a broad range of Russian disinformation back in 2020.”

Accurate stories of Biden family wrongdoing based on files from the laptop — which The Post has been publishing consistently since October — never had anything to do with Russians. That was just the Biden campaign’s way of discrediting them, with the help of former CIA head John Brennan and 50 other shameful former intelligence operatives whose false claims of a Russian plot served as a fig leaf to censor and traduce The Post reporting.

Lie 6: The cost of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion social welfare bill is “zero” dollars.

Biden said this on Friday, when talking about slaying imaginary “trillionaires” with a mystery-box bill no one has a clue about. “It is a zero price tag on the debt .?.?. It’s going to be zero, zero,” he said.

The math doesn’t need elaborating. $3.5 trillion is not zero

With so many lies, is it any wonder that Biden’s approval level has plummeted from 61 percent in January to 37 percent in September, among independent voters, according to a Gallup poll.

Gaslighting only goes so far. This is a lesson many a politician has learned the hard way. Underestimate the intelligence of the electorate at your peril.

Biden White House’s lies a matter of life and death: Devine
By Miranda Devine
September 26, 2021 10:23pm


China Joe told lie after lie about every law and every policy in his long public life confident he would get away with lying knowing that TELEVISION AND THE COURTS told the same lies. They even rewarded Biden with the presidency.

I will not spend a lot time tarring Congress and federal bureaucrats with the same brush because everyone with a lick of commonsense knows there are thousands of government liars waiting in the wings:

Members of Congress and bureaucrats telling lies long after China Joe is planted is the only truth in politics.

It would be wonderful if Dr. Death is charged with murder, found guilty, and sentenced to life in prison. As far as I understand it a fine can be included in the sentence. So it would be poetic justice if Fauci is fined for every dollar he got for his crimes.

Dr Judy Mikovits joins Mike Adams and she’s dismayed, that despite all of her best efforts to warn people for the past year and the best efforts of people like Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sherri Tenpenny and many others who predicted this mass murder, and yet it happened, anyway.

“100 million Americans have been injected with a synthetic virus with…the most dangerous spike protein, consisting of HIV, XMRV and SARS.”


She reminds us that the lab origins of the current pandemic are hardly novel; that every “pandemic” has had lab origins since 1984, when Anthony Fauci started working at the NIAID, starting with AIDS.

“HIV/AIDS; you’ll remember the story of how we were lied to by Tony Fauci, Bob Gallo, the people at the top of NIH, CDC, FDA, even then. So the scenario, the game plan is exactly the same…

“We knew the spike protein, alone, the envelope protein, alone is the disease, so they can all backtrack, because they just injected everyone in the world with a synthetic deadly virus. They injected the poison. The word ‘virus’ means ‘poison’ and they injected it into everybody in the world, so they can back off now, because they’ve accomplished their end game. You will have customers for life and you will succeed at mass-murder.

“You’re going to kill everyone with HIV, you’re going to kill the 6% of America that had XMRV, when we were supposedly debunked. Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus is the mouse’s syncytin gene. So we knew the mouse virus was in everybody from the vaccines. We knew the flu vaccine put people at risk of dying of COVID…what I think what everybody has to wake up to is NEVER, EVER, EVER get another shot and we will never, ever, ever see another pandemic.

2. Elderly Americans are a drain on Medicare and Social Security.


“We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career. This was my job.” She says their motivation is “To kill people and cover up these crimes. Remember, they’re cremating people, so you can’t realize it was the vaccine strain, so you can’t realize that we were right in 2011, in 1984…

“When our paper, that was ultimately published in Science, in October of 2009…and the entire upper echelons of the government realized that these things were coming out of our laboratories and they re-wrote history then. They called it…an ‘unintended spread of a Biosafety Level 2 contaminant.’

“It’s not ‘Biosafety Level 2’, when it’s contagious cancer, contagious prostate cancer, contagious ovarian cancer, lung cancer! And who are the people now, who they’re inoculating? We never inoculated an AIDS patient! They have an acquired immune dysfunction or deficiency! They can’t make an appropriate antibody or immune response of any kind, that’s why they’re sick. So why, now would you inject them, if the intention is now to kill them and call it ‘COVID’ – it’s not COVID! You created the cancer. You created the disease and now you’re murdering the victims to cover up your crimes…

“We’ve been lied to for 40 years…[HIV] was spread by a Hepatitis vaccination program with a contaminated vaccine. Who dies in the first wave of HIV? All the people that had HIV and XMRV; mouse viruses from a contaminated blood supply. This is what our book showed…

You can’t mix animal tissue, aborted fetal tissue; that you’re actually injecting into the most vulnerable people another animal’s virome..And other viruses..

Full interview below

Dr. Judy Mikovits – Fauci is behind every pandemic since 1984
September 28, 2021

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Fear is the greatest motivator and the puppet masters got that act down in spades.

To Life is Golden: Frighten the parents first.

The rest is easy:

If there’s one thing we worry about as parents, it’s that our kids are not sufficiently scared of COVID-19. If our children don’t spend every waking hour fearful that they’ll get killed by a virus, they might accidentally let their masks slip down from their noses for a few seconds. And then we’re all dead.

So here are some tips to make sure your kids are sufficiently scared of COVID.

1) Buy a loud alarm and do COVID drills: “We saw someone on the street without a mask! Everyone hide under your beds!”

2) Tell them the COVID monster is hiding in their closet waiting to eat them up if they take off their mask: If there's one thing kids are terrified of, it's monsters. This is because they are dumb. Use that dumbness to your advantage and manipulate their trust and fear to slow the spread!

3) Constantly talk about "long COVID": If your child ever encounters another child who has recovered from COVID, that might convince them not to be scared. So tell them all those people now have "long COVID" and are secretly disfigured and maimed for life.

4) Tell them Elmo died from COVID: Kids love Elmo. And he’d still be around if everyone had gotten the vaccine and worn their masks properly.

5) Get them a pretend vaccine card: They can practice showing it to everyone before interacting with people to know how important that is. But make sure they know they’re still a deadly danger to everyone around them since they’re not really vaccinated.

6) Tell them they’re not going back to school because all their teachers and classmates died from COVID: It’s only a white lie. They’re most likely never going to see a regular classroom again anyway.

7) In addition to wearing a mask outside, also have your kids wear blindfolds: Tell them it’s to protect them from seeing all the horrors of the COVID-ravaged land.

8) Hire a psychopath to dismember one of your pets and tell them COVID did that: It will be a striking reminder about the dangers of COVID. Plus, local psychopaths are always looking for work.

9) Tell them Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is hiding in their closet: All that man wants to do is kill people with COVID!

10) Cut all power and water to your house and claim society has completely collapsed from nearly everyone dying of COVID: You’re just preparing them for next year.

Follow these tips, and your kids should spend most of their days curled up in a ball and shaking in fear of the virus coming to get them — and scientists say being curled up on the floor really reduces the chance of spread. Now that’s some good parenting!

10 Tips For Making Sure Your Kids Are Terrified Of COVID
September 27th, 2021

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Yeah but I fought for this country.

100,000 people vote. 70,000 vote for this fella.
30,000 vote for that gal. The fella with the 70,000
votes obviously wins. Now there’s 30,000 people
that are upset. 30,000 people is a lot of people.
Congratulations you won!

In truth, an accurate nationwide audit would lower COVID-19 deaths to less than 10:



Coronavirus has been a pack of lies from day one.

"If you die 'with it' but not 'because of it,' they’re still counting it as a COVID-19 death," he said. "If you die due to COVID-19, it's a COVID-19 death. If you have it but die from something else, they're still chalking it up as a COVID-19 death, and she admitted that."

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott Jensen, a Minnesota physician and state senator, said in an interview with KXJB-TV in Fargo, North Dakota, that he received a seven-page document from the Minnesota Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of COVID-19, even if the person didn't die of the disease.

Is asshole contagious? Carlos Garcia closed his article with this:

There are nearly 900,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S., with more than 50,000 deaths.


Megyn Kelly has been lying to us long enough:

Megyn Kelly on Biden Administration: ‘These F*ckers Have Lied to Us for Long Enough’ on COVID Origin

[WARNING: Adult Language]


Wednesday on SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show,” host Megyn Kelly said that the Biden Administration’s scientists have lied long enough on the when and how the COVID pandemic started.

Kelly’s criticisms centered on EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, a zoologist who worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and reportedly used U.S. government grants for gain-of-function research.

Kelly said, “Why wouldn’t the board investigate him? I mean, the obvious answer is because they were in on that because they knew, because they can’t fire Peter Daszak because they’ll go down with him. So who’s going to investigate the board? I don’t think they will get rid of him, right? If their hands are dirty, they’re not going to get rid of him. So what are our options? Because this guy clearly should not be staying in his post.”

Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin said, “Right. Again we can’t have the scientists policing the scientists. It doesn’t work. That’s what we should have learned from this pandemic. We can’t have Anthony Fauci overseeing Anthony Fauci. We can’t have Francis Collins overseeing Francis Collins. We can’t have the EcoHealth Alliance overseeing Peter Daszak because it doesn’t work. None of these organizations are self-correcting. The fact that it’s U.S. taxpayer money means that we actually do have an out here. Which is to get Congress and the administration involved because that’s your taxpayer money, my taxpayer money. And there’s no accountability. There’s no transparency, even in the biggest crisis in the world. The thing I was going to add to your list is that he actually coordinated the effort to call the lab leak theory a conspiracy theory as we know now by coordinating all those letters from the scientists — and put a chilling effect on the scientific community that is only thawing now, two years later. That is really what is going on. That is why the lab leak theory is so explosive, not because it implicates China, because it implicates us because we funded that research. It implicates our labs and our scientists and our heroes of the pandemic, including Fauci, who I’m sure was trying to prevent pandemics

Fauci never tried to prevent a pandemic fraud in his life because the money is in scare tactics.

but is now helping to obscure the investigation into how we got into this pandemic.”

Referencing the COVID death of her son’s music teacher and her former Fox News colleague Janice Dean losing her in-laws, Kelly said, “Kids have died. Forgive me, but these f*ckers have lied to us for long enough, and we need to know the truth!

If truth be told nobody died FROM the coronavirus. That is why Kelly and her kind are focusing “. . . on COVID Origin.”

We need to know … millions of people are dead, and Peter Daszak is allowed to get away with his lies. The Biden administration looks the other way. The information’s there if only we will push for it and demand it. And we have no assurances this won’t happen again. It’s infuriating to me. Infuriating. There’s just nothing we can do. And I don’t even know if we get another president in there, Josh, whether he or she would handle it differently because China’s got us so by the ‘you know what.'”

Kelly will do, and say anything, that reinstates her membership in the Liars Club on big time government television.
Lets look at the big push for vaccinating the elderly:

Vaccinating the elderly has been so successful that the death rate for over 65's is back to normal, pre-pandemic levels, while the death rate for under 65's is still 8% higher.

Vaccination seems to be very tied to not just politics, but whether they have a doctor. Even alt righters over 65 usually have a doctor, because of Medicare. This means there is a trusted medical advisor advising them to vaccinate. It is really making a difference.