The Republicans who did not vote for my guy Mitt Romney will come out and vote in 2014, to ensure that there will be no Immigration Bill passed. For the Mexican Aliens who all illegally voted Democrat in the past, why should we reward them. I am all for issuing them work permits as long as they tow the line, then pass a National Law that makes it a felony to hire anyone without a legal Federal work permit. If a Mexican is ever caught using a counterfeit work permit, they would be fingerprinted, iris scanned, picture taken and shipped back to Mexico, losing any possibility of ever getting in line for obtaining a US Citizenship. Now, that is genuine Immigration reform that will make US stronger along with lowering the crime rate. The truth is that the Blacks and the Mexicans commit an overwhelming number of crimes, based on their percentage of the US population and that is a fact jack, not a racist statement. Some of the best people I know are Black and Hispanic and they do not like the high crime rate either. Start researching the web, look at the 10 most wanted in every major city and you will see what I see, quit sugar coating the crime facts based on ethnicity with your Lib "you are a racist"...defense, it is what it is...yes that is the norm in elections.
the internets make the right wing lies way easier to track and uncover.
If your party thought they could win elections with votes they would not need to cheat huh
I don't read klan, I groan itI was worried about you Dudette, butt now I see signs of human intelligence oozing out of you with this post. You are calling it like it is, so following me around, reading my stuff, has re-trained you....nice. Now, we have to figure out how to cover up your pin head.....LOL...maybe a Santa hat because a yamaka will not work on you.
I don't read klan, I groan it
You need a brainYou really need a bath.
You need a brain
I did not figure in all votes of the folowing; the winos, illegal Alien voters, convicted felons, people voting more than once, etc, etc. Of course you would know since you and Dudette follow my every post, I know that you saved them, so go ahead and post them. Ask Zappy, he has my posts from the old Board, and everyone knows it.SJ... what was your 2012 presidential election prediction?
I did not figure in all votes of the folowing; the winos, illegal Alien voters, convicted felons, people voting more than once, etc, etc. Of course you would know since you and Dudette follow my every post, I know that you saved them, so go ahead and post them. Ask Zappy, he has my posts from the old Board, and everyone knows it.
The Republicans who did not vote for my guy Mitt Romney will come out and vote in 2014, to ensure that there will be no Immigration Bill passed. For the Mexican Aliens who all illegally voted Democrat in the past, why should we reward them. I am all for issuing them work permits as long as they tow the line, then pass a National Law that makes it a felony to hire anyone without a legal Federal work permit. If a Mexican is ever caught using a counterfeit work permit, they would be fingerprinted, iris scanned, picture taken and shipped back to Mexico, losing any possibility of ever getting in line for obtaining a US Citizenship. Now, that is genuine Immigration reform that will make US stronger along with lowering the crime rate. The truth is that the Blacks and the Mexicans commit an overwhelming number of crimes, based on their percentage of the US population and that is a fact jack, not a racist statement. Some of the best people I know are Black and Hispanic and they do not like the high crime rate either. Start researching the web, look at the 10 most wanted in every major city and you will see what I see, quit sugar coating the crime facts based on ethnicity with your Lib "you are a racist"...defense, it is what it is...
Fear mongering. All this talk about Marx and Engels is just a way to frighten Americans old enough to remember duck and cover drills. Anyone with any real substantive understanding of Marx's theoretical pathway to communism knows that today's democratic party has zero designs on such a process or such an outcome.
but, if fear mongering is your most effective marketing tool, why leave it in the belt, eh?
Midterm elections are for losers.
Presidents party always losses midterms
They are crumbs for losers.
Was there a giant klan recruiting drive for the repubs that I missed.
Losers have hope
That's cute
I know the majority of mid terms go to the opposition.
And have linked it.
Go find it newb
Presidents party always losses midterms