Duh. Bush bad. Yes, I agreed. Bush bad. I agreed Bush Bad in my first post and other following posts.
However, agreeing to this I also have to understand that it was Clinton's before, and Bush's before him. Wow, now we are getting somewhere. If you can comprehend that "Bush bad." was agreed to long ago. I am almost positive you can do it! Come on, AHZ!
Now, as for the executive being the "sole reponsibility for enforcement". True, and he actually asked for more laws that made it even worse. However, in order to have the laws to selectively enforce who created them? In other words, where did this begin? Could we have foreseen it before it got to this point, and if so how?
If we ignore all previous contributors to the problem we will repeat them. I wish people like you recognized that so we can continue a real conversation rather than more "Bush bad, me smart!"
These are the heavier questions that we have been speaking of in this thread. You will again repeat "Bush Bad!" But again, please catch up to where we are. We've already passed this corner. "Warning" us about the upcoming curve that we already passed isn't helping or contributing to the conversation.