Elon Musk: It is difficult to give money away effectively if you care about outcome..

In this case an assault on religious people.

What assault on religious people?

If anything, my giving strategy tends to be more religious. I am not religious myself, but I have a very convincing relative who is a rabbi, who used to be able to get me to volunteer a lot of time, and still can get me to volunteer money. I tend to see it as a waste of time to delve deeply into where the charity is going, if you trust who is making those decisions.

But I certainly can understand Musk's point of view that he has had success in managing the entrepreneurial sector, so maybe it would be a good idea to manage his charitable giving. I am not Musk, so if you hate this position, bring it up with Musk.

I have become used to this hatred from the alt right. I laid out the two reasonable positions, but they need someone to hate. To them, the world is not perfect, because the "others" are pure evil.
Pretty much everybody expects the charity to take care of the details, that is the purpose of charities.

I really think you have missed the point of what Musk is saying, and what many in Musk's generation of charitable billions are doing. They are very metrics/results driven. You say you want to build schools for children, they want to know how many children in how many classrooms in which regions. They want to be able to say 22% more third graders in such and such region are in school because of a $50 million contribution. They want the details.

You are really laying the Bull Shit on thick this morning.

I am not Musk. I am not Zuckerberg. I am not Bill Gates. If you do not like how they contribute... I was about to say bring it up with them, but do you really have the right to say how they give to charity?
Elon Musk says it's 'very hard to give away money effectively' if you care more about the outcomes than the optics of philanthropy

Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, but he says it's still hard to give away money to do good.

"When it comes to donations, I'd say it is very difficult to give away money effectively," Musk said in a recent conversation with Mathias Döpfner, the CEO of Insider's parent company, Axel Springer.

When asked about the goals of his foundation, Musk said he cares more about the outcomes, not optics, of philanthropy. This, he says, makes it harder for him to give away money "effectively."

"If you care about the reality of doing good and not the perception of doing good, then it is very hard to give away money effectively," he said. "I care about reality. Perception be damned."

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Thanks for letting us know that. It is why some on the left believe it is why we need a public sector, full employment of resources. We could have solved simple poverty, Yesterday, but for seeming, right-wing hate on the Poor (and less fortunate). What could go Wrong with equal protection of our own laws?