Elon Musk says he'll reveal 'what really happened' with Twitter suppression of Hunter

And that guy, Hawkeye, was the same shithead on DP, another political discussion platform. He was banned right before I was. His problem is - that site is moderated, so his shit didn't work over there.

He considers himself some kind of "prophet". I admit, I let him get to me once in a while.

I know Hawkeye from DP. He was the same obnoxious crack addict there that he is here. He's a self-confessed drug addict who speaks in mindless nothingness.
you thought it made a difference a couple of years ago.....but, I agree with you......impeachment is meaningless now......we'll just toss three on Joe to mess with the statistics.....

Well, you won't do a motherfucking thing except perch your fat ass in that chair and mumble more bullshit into the internet. I do, however, hope that the RepubliKKKans impeach Joe Biden three times.
From your posts in this thread. You are being disingenuous. It sure looks you are resistant to an investigation. If you really mean that you are not, it would appear that you have nothing left to say.

You're a fucking idiot. We are not afraid of anything. Please investigate the Biden family from now until the 2024 election.
Have you learned nothing? The southern Dems moved to the Repub party
There was no Big Switch.
when LBJ passed the Civil Rights Acts.
He didn't. Republicans in Congress did. No Democrate voted for it.
They are now and have been for your whole life a large part of the Repub party.
Democrats are not Republicans.
The KKK is part of the repub constituency.
The KKK was created by the Democrat party and they still fund and support it.
You are the most dishonest poster here.
Inversion fallacy.
You have been informed many times and parrot the same old songs.
Chanting won't help you.
You are on a roll today!!!


Commies Pounce!!!!
Have you learned nothing? The southern Dems moved to the Repub party when LBJ passed the Civil Rights Acts. They are now and have been for your whole life a large part of the Repub party. The KKK is part of the repub constituency. You are the most dishonest poster here. You have been informed many times and parrot the same old songs.

Have you learned nothing? The southern Dems moved to the Repub party when LBJ passed the Civil Rights Acts. They are now and have been for your whole life a large part of the Repub party. The KKK is part of the repub constituency. You are the most dishonest poster here. You have been informed many times and parrot the same old songs.

Are you fucking retarded? Stop being retarded.
Called it. Let's all watch Into the Night spin himself into a dizzy mess of brain dead confusion and then pass out in his oatmeal again. Autistic fucking moron.