Email From Bill Richardson

Adam Weinberg

Goldwater Republican
As some of you know, I am an equal opportunity mailing-lister.

Here's a piece from Bill Richardson:

Bill Richardson Emailed Adam and said:

Some say that all of the Democratic Presidential candidates have basically the same position on Iraq. I disagree.

I'd pull all of our troops out in 6-8 months. The other major candidates would leave some troops behind indefinitely.

That's a major difference -- any way you look at it.

On Sunday, at the ABC debate in Iowa, I asked the other candidates point blank: how many troops would you leave behind? 25,000? 50,000? 75,000? For how long?

I didn't get an answer.

The big campaigns, with their huge media budgets, think they can drown out our differences and control the conversation on Iraq.

My campaign depends on the grassroots support -- people like you -- to help us carry the truth of our message across the country.

Make a contribution -- just $20 is enough to make a difference -- and I'll invite you to join other supporters on Thursday, August 30th for a conference call on which I will present my plan for how we can end the war quickly and get all of our troops out.

No dodging the tough questions -- I want to tell you directly why I believe anything less than a plan that pulls out all the troops as quickly as possible isn't a plan to end the war at all.

The Iraqis must rebuild their own country, and they won't make the tough political compromises until they know we're serious about turning the country over to them. It is becoming increasingly clear you can't end the war AND leave troops behind. Pulling our troops out won't cause a civil war; our troops are targets in a civil war right now. We must redeploy them out of Iraq and then secure the region.

The Bush Administration has been using half-measures since this war started, and now we have to make a decision -- it is either in or out; now or after more people die. You can't have it both ways.

Saying that all Democrats have the same position because "any" Democrat would end the war eventually is a cop out. Saying there is no military solution in Iraq and then advocating leaving US troops behind to find the military solution you just said doesn't exist is nuts.

I am the only candidate committed to changing the conventional wisdom on Iraq. I am the only candidate with the diplomatic experience to get all our troops out and bring the Iraqi factions together. Join me on August 30th and I'll tell you how.

We'll have much to discuss on this conference call. I'll explain the plan, take your questions and we'll strategize on how to get my message out to more Americans.

There are options. There are solutions. We don't have to choose between change and experience. We don't have to leave troops behind.

Can anybody loan the man $20 and be the board's representative on this conference call?
Most of the Dems are just plain wussy on the war. And I am sure it is lining their campaign coffers as well.
As some of you know, I am an equal opportunity mailing-lister.

Here's a piece from Bill Richardson:

Can anybody loan the man $20 and be the board's representative on this conference call?

1. Loan "WHAT" man $20?

2. Why?? if you are talking about a donation. Call it that

3. He is the only on presently on the Demo side that I would vote for.
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1. Loan "WHAT" man $20?

2. Why?? if you are talking about a donation. Call it that

3. He is the only on presently on the Demo side that I would vote for.

Okay. I was speaking casually, but...

Would you like, sir, to donate Bill Richardson Twenty United States Dollars by which to participate in this conference telephone call and be the representative of this website in order to report on the events and inquire as to our curiosities in our stead?
Umm It is not about labels except I have seen what having too many of some labels have done to my country.. I will not buy that brand for some time.

When was the last time you voted for a Republican in a national election (Congress or President)?
Umm It is not about labels except I have seen what having too many of some labels have done to my country.. I will not buy that brand for some time.
Like I said earlier, this is the one area upon which we seem to disagree. (and there is really no difference between the parties-- just the names. now conservatives -vs- liberals, -------!
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When was the last time you voted for a Republican in a national election (Congress or President)?

Nixon ? I learned my lesson well :)

Lets see wage and price freeze on workers while congress got a raise. Thankfully I have forgotten most of the rest of it.
Nixon ? I learned my lesson well :)

Lets see wage and price freeze on workers while congress got a raise. Thankfully I have forgotten most of the rest of it.
I never had to learn a lesson from nixon, I recognized him for what he was befor he ever ran for governor. in fact, I didn't vote in Eisenhowers second term election, because I didn't think he could make it thru a second term, and I didn't know which would be worse. Nixon part of the term, or Stevenson for the full term
The thing is, we're not serious about turning the country over to them, this is the noahide empire of the new millenium, and everyone knows it. Praise YHWH.
The thing is, we're not serious about turning the country over to them, this is the noahide empire of the new millenium, and everyone knows it. Praise YHWH.
I have no odea who the "Them" is to whom you refer. And tho there is a jewish element, I would hardly call it Noahide.
I looked un Noahides and they cliam to be descended form Noah or somesuch. Of course if you are a Christian you are supposed to believe that all present humans are descended from Noah.
I looked un Noahides and they cliam to be descended form Noah or somesuch. Of course if you are a Christian you are supposed to believe that all present humans are descended from Noah.

Of course people with brains know that unless Noah was African, only mythology descended from him.
Of course people with brains know that unless Noah was African, only mythology descended from him.
Of three sons, one is reported to be of african descent. It is one of the verses that the old slave-traders used to use to support a 'biblical' morality toward their disgusting action. Shem walked in on Noah in his shame drunk and naked and was relegated, and all his descendants, to be servants.