Email From Bill Richardson

I looked un Noahides and they cliam to be descended form Noah or somesuch. Of course if you are a Christian you are supposed to believe that all present humans are descended from Noah.

But the concept of the the theocratic jew led noahide global empire is strictly from the talmud, the jewish book of hate.
Well to be more specific Adam, is there a web location to send said funds. I'll gladly give Mr. Richardson some money, I did the same thing for Ron Paul.
Republicans Don't win. Democrats Lose.

You want the repubs to win again then Don ?

2000 Gore
2004 Kerry

The RP is in meltdown. The only way for Democrats to lose is to run another kook. Americans want a change of direction. All of the exit polls in 2006 clearly show this. The war is near the bottom of the list in spite of what the media and aristocracy tells us. People care about cost of living increases and LIBERTY. If you want to win, run a candidate who promotes liberty instead of one who promotes more government intrusion into our lives.

Is Bill Richardson that man?

2000 Gore
2004 Kerry

The RP is in meltdown. The only way for Democrats to lose is to run another kook. Americans want a change of direction. All of the exit polls in 2006 clearly show this. The war is near the bottom of the list in spite of what the media and aristocracy tells us. People care about cost of living increases and LIBERTY. If you want to win, run a candidate who promotes liberty instead of one who promotes more government intrusion into our lives.

Is Bill Richardson that man?

I want Tom Tancredo...he wants to close the kinda guy!:)
2000 Gore
2004 Kerry

The RP is in meltdown. The only way for Democrats to lose is to run another kook. Americans want a change of direction. All of the exit polls in 2006 clearly show this. The war is near the bottom of the list in spite of what the media and aristocracy tells us. People care about cost of living increases and LIBERTY. If you want to win, run a candidate who promotes liberty instead of one who promotes more government intrusion into our lives.

Is Bill Richardson that man?

He's also poised to sign a bill to legalize medical marijuana in New Mexico, despite the federal override. Would he advocate changing this law at the federal level? How much support could he realistically hope for or would the Rs still have enough credibility to demonize this?
Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment

He's also poised to sign a bill to legalize medical marijuana in New Mexico, despite the federal override. Would he advocate changing this law at the federal level? How much support could he realistically hope for or would the Rs still have enough credibility to demonize this?

Medical marijuana and internet poker have killed the RP. There are, or were, more
libertarians in the Republican Party than in the Libertarian Party. The Republican defeat of the Hinchey-Rohrabacher Amendment and the Republican passing of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act have sent libertarians out the door in even larger numbers than when Nixon imposed wage and price controls. Will Richardson take advantage of this? I doubt it.

It appears that Democrats dislike Richardson the same as Republicans dislike Paul. Both are good men but don't stand much of a chance at winning the primary.
Tom needs a good PR man!

I want Tom Tancredo...he wants to close the kinda guy!:)

That's what could make him a winner. The border issue isn't partisan. Americans from both parties are angry over illegal immigration.
Tom Tancredo is right up there with Ron Paul. They're both good men and would do a great job but the RP is so dead set on self destruction that the party will more than likely go with Rudy or Mitt...and if the Dems can't beat Rudy or Mitt they should just fold their tent!

That's what could make him a winner. The border issue isn't partisan. Americans from both parties are angry over illegal immigration.
Tom Tancredo is right up there with Ron Paul. They're both good men and would do a great job but the RP is so dead set on self destruction that the party will more than likely go with Rudy or Mitt...and if the Dems can't beat Rudy or Mitt they should just fold their tent!

a sad way to go...even the libs on this board attack Ron...when he supports alot of their wishes...they are really confused people!
a sad way to go...even the libs on this board attack Ron...when he supports alot of their wishes...they are really confused people!

Some of his ideas don't support out wishes and those are the ones we attack.

Also, as far as track records go, conservatives vote against themselves and what they wish than do liberals.

Some of his ideas don't support out wishes and those are the ones we attack.

Also, as far as track records go, conservatives vote against themselves and what they wish than do liberals.

Please bring me up to speed...and I have not found one politician that can please everyone everytime...and this also applies to every person alive today as well as dead and buried....this mystical person does not exist!
Some of his ideas don't support out wishes and those are the ones we attack.

Also, as far as track records go, conservatives vote against themselves and what they wish than do liberals.
So far. Who can honestly say that Bush is a Conservative? Other than on one issue, I can't even think of a way that he is conservative.

He isn't constitutionally conservative. He isn't fiscally conservative. He isn't conservative on foreign relations.
So far. Who can honestly say that Bush is a Conservative? Other than on one issue, I can't even think of a way that he is conservative.

He isn't constitutionally conservative. He isn't fiscally conservative. He isn't conservative on foreign relations.
He is already president, so he doesn't have to be true to a particular party, or establishment.
This system is fucked. Politicians have absolutely no accountability to do what they say they're going to do.

"But they will be voted out if they veer too much"

BFD. One term is long enough to do considerable damage.