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Before you rightwingers go to blowing one another this case Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff, authored by Sandra Day O'Connor and supported UNANIMOUSLY is the beginning of this nonsense. The United States Supreme Court held that a state could use the eminent domain process to take land overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of private landowners, and redistribute it to the wider population of residents.
This was the Burger Court and Rehnquist White and Burger also agreed with the case. In this case liberals thought it was a great decision because all those evil rich families in Hawaii owned almost Half of ALL land in Hawaii and 72% of Oahu was owned by just 22 people. The court had no problem with this land redistibution. Eminent domain has been mangled to the point it looks nothing like what it was meant to be.
This was the Burger Court and Rehnquist White and Burger also agreed with the case. In this case liberals thought it was a great decision because all those evil rich families in Hawaii owned almost Half of ALL land in Hawaii and 72% of Oahu was owned by just 22 people. The court had no problem with this land redistibution. Eminent domain has been mangled to the point it looks nothing like what it was meant to be.