07-15-2013, 03:06 AM
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midcan5 midcan5 is offline
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Philly, PA
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Your teenage son or daughter is walking home in the rain, it is growing dark, she is on the phone with a friend and eating the candy she just bought from a nearby convenience store. The hood is up on her jacket when a man starts following her in his car. She mentions this to a friend on the phone. Your son keeps walking. Soon your daughter walks behind a building, and the man in the car gets out and follows her. Your son does not know what motivates the follower. Soon they are so close, fear of each other causes a scuffle. Your daughter does not realize the man is armed with a gun. She fights the man to the ground and in the melee he is injured. He pulls a gun and kills your daughter. How do you feel? What gave him the right to follow and pursue your son or daughter. What motivated him to follow.
I thought the piece below spot on.
"What the verdict says, to the astonishment of tens of millions of us, is that you can go looking for trouble in Florida, with a gun and a great deal of racial bias, and you can find that trouble, and you can act upon that trouble in a way that leaves a young man dead, and none of it guarantees that you will be convicted of a crime." link below
"Of course the deadly meeting last year between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman had at its core a racial element. Of course its tragic result reminds us that the nation, in ways too many of our leaders refuse to acknowledge, is still riven by race. The story of Martin and Zimmerman is the story of crime and punishment in America, and of racial disparities in capital sentencing, and in marijuana prosecutions, and in countless other things. But it wasn't Judge Debra Nelson's job to conduct a seminar on race relations in 2013. It wasn't her job to help America bridge its racial divide. It was her job to give Zimmerman a fair trial. And she did.
So the murder trial of George Zimmerman did not allow jurors to deliberate over the fairness of Florida's outlandishly broad self-defense laws. It did not allow them debate the virtues of the state's liberal gun laws or its evident tolerance for vigilantes (which we now politely call "neighborhood watch"). It did not permit them to delve into the racial profiling that Zimmerman may have engaged in or into the misconduct and mischief that Martin may have engaged in long before he took that fatal trip to the store for candy. These factors, these elements, part of the more complete picture of this tragedy, were off-limits to the ultimate decision-makers." Andrew Cohen