He's overpaid as it is. It's total rubbish.

Tell me about it! And the other thing is, he prances in and out of here acting almost as if he doesn’t have to answer to us? I mean where else can you get paid, and good money! to come and go as you please as if your whereabouts were of no concern to the people paying you? I mean, other then in Congress, where?
Yes that’s who I had in mind! Or threedee. I consider you sort of in that group, but like the leader, so kind of outside and above it. In other words; I think you’ve had sex.

LOL My favorite post ever! :clink:

But I'm not much of a techie. I really just know the bare minimum to get by on computers. Basically, if I hadn't been a 90's kid, I would be screwed...
Ok guys, you need to learn what an emo is. I am not an emo. First, lets go over a rough sketch of what an emo looks like (ignore the stupid acronyms):


*Not created by me.

Here are some real life examples, courtesy of google:

Guy Emo:


Girl Emo:


Emo Couple:


As you see, there is not much difference between the genders of the emo class.

The Rationality of an Emo

Emo's like to pretend that they are deep. They can be very pretentious. They'll usually scorn all of the normal people that don't wear eyeliner or boxy glasses. Everyone else is sheep, emos are unique. They are in a perpetual state of self denial. Society has rejected them but they like to pretend that they are the cool ones and it's the rest of society that has a problem.

Hobbies of Emos:

Emos like sitting in corners of room by themselves. HOWEVER they still like going places because they have to show everyone how much they ENJOY sitting by themselves. You'll often seem them drawing or writing gloomy poetry, or sighing over how much life sucks in suburbia and how no one understands them. They also play guitar and like to show off how they know 3 chords. They once again think that makes them deep but in actuality, they suck at playing and writing music. That's why all emo bands suck.

Comparing and Contrasing Grind and Emos:

  • Emos like to go to coffee shops and openly show off their lacking creative Talents. Grind has no talent.

  • Emos feel as though they are on the bottom of society's totem pole. Grind feels as though he is on the top of society's totem pole.

  • Emos are usually poor or like to look poor. Grind would never aspire to be of the lower class.
I hope this has cleared up some misunderstanding. I know you old folks have trouble keeping up on the latest buzzwords.

Until next time, EXCELSIOR!

- Grind
Emos don't even know what a chord is. They play a note with the note a fifth interval above it. They play these two notes for three minutes, never changing rhythyms at all, and call it a "song". In this way, they are as stupid and unlistenable as heavy metal people, just more selfish and without any possibility of a sense of humor.
Ok guys, you need to learn what an emo is. I am not an emo. First, lets go over a rough sketch of what an emo looks like (ignore the stupid acronyms):


*Not created by me.

Here are some real life examples, courtesy of google:

Guy Emo:


Girl Emo:


Emo Couple:


As you see, there is not much difference between the genders of the emo class.

The Rationality of an Emo

Emo's like to pretend that they are deep. They can be very pretentious. They'll usually scorn all of the normal people that don't wear eyeliner or boxy glasses. Everyone else is sheep, emos are unique. They are in a perpetual state of self denial. Society has rejected them but they like to pretend that they are the cool ones and it's the rest of society that has a problem.

Hobbies of Emos:

Emos like sitting in corners of room by themselves. HOWEVER they still like going places because they have to show everyone how much they ENJOY sitting by themselves. You'll often seem them drawing or writing gloomy poetry, or sighing over how much life sucks in suburbia and how no one understands them. They also play guitar and like to show off how they know 3 chords. They once again think that makes them deep but in actuality, they suck at playing and writing music. That's why all emo bands suck.

Comparing and Contrasing Grind and Emos:

  • Emos like to go to coffee shops and openly show off their lacking creative Talents. Grind has no talent.

  • Emos feel as though they are on the bottom of society's totem pole. Grind feels as though he is on the top of society's totem pole.

  • Emos are usually poor or like to look poor. Grind would never aspire to be of the lower class.
I hope this has cleared up some misunderstanding. I know you old folks have trouble keeping up on the latest buzzwords.

Until next time, EXCELSIOR!

- Grind

Should I be worried that I have box framed glasses?
Should I be worried that I have box framed glasses?

No. You could have the sexy librarian thing going on. As long as you keep your hair a normal color and you don't slit your wrists to get people to notice you, you'll be fine.
The emo culture is derived from goth cultural but abandons the pseudo-machoism. Instead of talking about killing people, they compare their teen love lives to various forms of violence. For instance, one song I knew of like 4 years ago was "Cute without the E". You see, they have it really bad. Worse than starving Africans or the working mothers who don't understand how an upper-middle class teenagers life can be so fraught with discord. Few people understand.

They also suck at poetry.

They get patronized a lot. I'm not even certain if anyone really calls themselves emo anymore even if they are because the word is only used in a negative context nowadays.