End of the year investment.


Well-known member
Ill be making my annual deposit into my IRA..


I have no faith in American markets, any ideas?
It's a fund that follows the value of gold. As is GLD. Either will do the same thing for you.

This way you can get gold in your Roth IRA without all the hassle and the value of the dollar invested will be reserved. These are funds that I recommend when the FED lowers rates regardless of inflation.
Mine production is going down as the value goes up. Which of course increases the value of the product of the mine, but not enough to make up for the loss in amount of production. I'd stay away from the holes and only buy the product at this time.

Of course, disclaimers abound...
Depends, this stock has been VERY good to me.

Disclaimer: Do not try this at home, your results may vary.

True, it does depend on the individual mining company and where their mines are located. However, miners are still more risky than buying bullion.

Side note to your disclaimer.... no one can try it period as you did not tell anyone WHICH miner you are referring to. :cool:
Yep a bit more risky, but was a bargain about 1 year ago. Might sell soon though, I figure it has about done all it will do.
Cypress will give you a recommend as soon as he pulls his finger out the poodle's ass.

Buy the american market S&P 500. if your asking your not into it enough to know for yourself. If someone gives you a stock you won't know when to sell. The fear mongerers will try to scare you away from the US. We just had a subpar year in the market and stocks are cheaper than last year.