Epic Fail: Obama's "EOs" on gun control

I am calling for uniform gun laws. The only way to accomplish that is federal legislation. I am not calling for any law where there are no guns available to the public. But you NEED that to be my argument to make your phony argument Dixie Lou.

No, I am going by the logic you stated in your own words. Gun control laws don't do any good on the city level because they don't apply outside the city... why is that a problem in the city? Well, it's because there are still guns outside the city! So your solution can only be effective if we ban all guns, inside the city and outside the city as well. I'm arguing it still won't work, unless you can ban guns around the globe and ensure criminals have no source to acquire them at all.

Law abiding citizens will still be able to buy weapons legally, just as they always have, so there is no prohibition.

Yes, you are trying to prohibit high-capacity clips and certain types of guns, and that is a prohibition. Criminals will still be able to obtain these, so you haven't stopped anything other than law-abiding citizens from having what the criminals will have.

But criminals will not be able to buy weapons under the security and legitimacy of a gun show.

Doesn't matter, they don't buy them that way now! It's like trying to stop bank robbers by declaring a ban on withdrawal transactions!

They will be forced to buy a weapon from another criminal.

This is how most criminals currently buy their weapons, and actually prefer buying them, because they are criminals.

And take all the inherent risks involved in dealing with another criminal. A criminal that might take his money and run, a criminal that might take his money and turn the weapon on the buyer. And I demand that criminals pay black market prices, not discounted prices at a gun show.

Criminals are criminals, they don't mind taking risks or dealing with other criminals illegally. Most criminals would find it less risky to buy a weapon from another criminal out of their trunk, than to go to a gun show where they would be required by law to undergo a background check. Price does not matter to a criminal.

I have clearly shown you that background checks are NOT required for ALL firearm sales in America. You are either willfully ignorant or willfully dishonest.

No, you've not shown me that background checks aren't required, or aren't the law of the land in every state. You posted a bunch of hyped up and trumped up bullshit that was made to appear as if this is the case. At the very BEST, you've shown that some people might try to violate the law and do what they aren't supposed to do, but passing new laws isn't going to change people who are committed to violating the current laws. Criminals don't obey the law.
No one is calling for a ban on all guns. The President's proposal is reasonable and sensible gun legislation. Even the majority of NRA members support universal background checks.
it's never reasonable to infringe on the rights of people that have committed no crime and fuck the NRA. they don't speak for me.

And yes, there is a gun show loophole
wrong. it can't be a loophole when the law was specifically written to exempt private sales from background checks.