Epicurus has graduated college with Honors and a 4.0 semester

Thanks to everyone but Watermark. And Watermark, stfu. My university is way way harder than yours and you apparently couldn't even manage honors there. I wouldn't normally insult someone's school, but since you insulted my major I don't have a problem with it.
Thanks to everyone but Watermark. And Watermark, stfu. My university is way way harder than yours and you apparently couldn't even manage honors there. I wouldn't normally insult someone's school, but since you insulted my major I don't have a problem with it.

You'll do fine. Just don't get blind with the ambition thing. Success is yours.
Which law school? What do you want to do with a law degree when you are out? It is a great profession. If you want to do criminal law, then go somewhere you won't need private loans. If your plan is to go on to the corporate law then anywhere is good and loans shouldn't matter so long as you get a good job that requires you to work 80 to 90 hours per week, bill 2100 hours per year and have no life for the first 5 years. Did I mention that had I known more about film school I might have done that?

By the by, I am still in San Antonio, we have had a great time so far and she still doesn't want to divorce me! Just thought I would check in and see what was up
Hey Damo, can you get Lil Wayne to perform a celebritory concert in Epi's honor and write it off as a JPP expense?
Ah jeez, another heartless soul, I'm trying to figure out the field you should enter. Is there a field in which they rob from the poor and give to the rich, ah, yes, most corporate law. And lawyers and other sane folk, please don't get riled up, as I know a few good lawyers and even rarer a few who are honest, but that is true I guess for all men.
Ah jeez, another heartless soul, I'm trying to figure out the field you should enter. Is there a field in which they rob from the poor and give to the rich, ah, yes, most corporate law. And lawyers and other sane folk, please don't get riled up, as I know a few good lawyers and even rarer a few who are honest, but that is true I guess for all men.

If you are going to post something completely useless and stupid like this, can you at least TRY to be funny?
Thanks to everyone but Watermark. And Watermark, stfu. My university is way way harder than yours and you apparently couldn't even manage honors there. I wouldn't normally insult someone's school, but since you insulted my major I don't have a problem with it.

If I were majoring in political science.... lol....

I don't even have to complete that sentence. It doesn't even matter what university you're graduating at, there's no way to make that a decent degree.
LOL - I have a hard time being funny to the likes of epi given his comment to me and others. I have this bad trait....

I would imagine you would have a hard time being funny to the likes of anyone.

And what comments have I made about you? Called you an idiot? I'm absolutely certain that was not your first encounter with that particular insult, given your political leanings.
Which law school? What do you want to do with a law degree when you are out? It is a great profession. If you want to do criminal law, then go somewhere you won't need private loans. If your plan is to go on to the corporate law then anywhere is good and loans shouldn't matter so long as you get a good job that requires you to work 80 to 90 hours per week, bill 2100 hours per year and have no life for the first 5 years. Did I mention that had I known more about film school I might have done that?

By the by, I am still in San Antonio, we have had a great time so far and she still doesn't want to divorce me! Just thought I would check in and see what was up

Hah so far so good with the whole marriage thing then?

I'm not sure where I'm going. I applied to four law schools, but I did it at the absolute last minute which was rather stupid on my part. At worst, I will wait a year and reapply earlier next time around.

I'm not really sure what kind of law I would like to do. My mom does corporate law and that seems pretty profitable. I would really like to do criminal law as a defense attorney, but I don't know if I could make enough early on doing that.
Hah so far so good with the whole marriage thing then?

I'm not sure where I'm going. I applied to four law schools, but I did it at the absolute last minute which was rather stupid on my part. At worst, I will wait a year and reapply earlier next time around.

I'm not really sure what kind of law I would like to do. My mom does corporate law and that seems pretty profitable. I would really like to do criminal law as a defense attorney, but I don't know if I could make enough early on doing that.

Epi, if you're not really sure about criminal law, you'd be wise not to commit to it yet -- of course, you'll have time during your studies to find what really interests you. I was lucky in this respect.

In order to keep body and soul together during school I worked for four years at a special facility in the prison system, with about 40% psychiatric patients. The work was split probably about evenly between counselling and custodial responsibilities. I learned a lot and still feel that it was one of the best things I've ever done for myself personally(strict corporate background before that; what a shock!). I also learned that I did not want to deal with this day by day for the rest of my life, not in any capacity. I got tired of hearing the same old stories and excuses, and ultimately, seeing too many of the same people going back through the system for the same crap. We did make a difference for some, and perhaps even for a few others down the road. But I didn't want to do that, even at a more professional level, for the rest of my life. I really was more interested in what was going on biologically, physiologically, and neurochemically between those ears than anything else, and my next direction during my education took me there.

If there's any way for you to gain some exposure to the system, I urge you to try that before you make a decision. I've seen some volunteers become pretty disillusioned. It's just that criminal justice is so much more personal than most other fields in law, and it has the potential to really wear you down. I don't know if at some point it becomes close to impossible, realistically, to change directions after you've done that for a while.
Hah so far so good with the whole marriage thing then?

I'm not sure where I'm going. I applied to four law schools, but I did it at the absolute last minute which was rather stupid on my part. At worst, I will wait a year and reapply earlier next time around.

I'm not really sure what kind of law I would like to do. My mom does corporate law and that seems pretty profitable. I would really like to do criminal law as a defense attorney, but I don't know if I could make enough early on doing that.

I wanted to be a prosecutor for no other reason than to be ironic, but if I keep having near-all-b semesters that's not going to happen. Calculus is a real man's class.

Maybe you could go down the same path, however. Just do everything in your life to be ironic, and then at the end of it you can right a memoir, and people can be like, "Shit, what a dumbass".
Watermark, quit being a whinny little bitch. I would have to say that you are both overcoming your shared handicap and performing quite well in your academic studies. I have a lot of respect for engineering students, because it is pretty much the hardest thing to do (and time-consuming) and especially to graduate with honors, but that doesn't take away from Epic's pwnage of his undergrad studies.

Epic, if you feel the need to ditch the East coast colleges for Law School, might I reccommend Stanford (the West's proud elite school)? I had a super hot history professor shortly out of Berekely that decided to enroll there, and will be in her third year next year...